All articles submitted for publication in the “Ovidius University Annals. Economic Sciences Series” are assigned and received in electronic form on the Internet contact address of the journal ovidius.economicannals@gmail.com.

In the first phase, the Editorial Board examine how are respected the instructions for authors, and in case of their inobservance, the item is returned to the authors to remedy the founded deficiencies.

In the second phase, the articles that have received the confirmation of acceptance by the Editorial Board are submitted to the attention of the members from the Review Commission that don’t know then authors’ names, as they don’t know the ones of the census takers (“double-blind review system”).

Taking census methods of the articles is based on certain strict assessment criteria, as follows:

  • brevity and informal character of the title;
  • scientific background and the relevance of the communicated information through the respective article
  • article’s structure (abstract, key words, introduction, content, conclusions);
  • clarity, brevity and accuracy of article’s text;
  • accessibility and understanding of the statements;
  • relevance and utility of the research;
  • emphasis on results, interpretations and conclusions (creativity level).

On this basis assessment, the members of the Review Commission fill in for every article a review in which, briefly, mentions and argues the fulfillment degree of each criteria from the previously mentioned, under which is decided weather or not it will be published in the journal.

In the third phase, articles that have received a favourable opinion from the Review Commission will be published in the running number of the journal, while the suggestions of the reviewers for the articles that don’t meet the scientific requirements are transmitted to the authors in order to remedy the recorded aspects. If these authors adequately restore the submitted articles for publication, these are reintroduced in the evaluation process described above.

Submission charges for publication in “Ovidius University Annals. Economic Sciences Series” are 75 euro.


Please follow exactly the instructions for authors available here when you submit your article for publication in our journal. We recommend that you edit your article directly in the provided template.

In “Ovidius University Annals. Economic Sciences Series” articles are published with a maximum number of 3 authors for which it is mandatory to provide the following information on the first page of the article: author’s name and surname, institutional affiliation and mailing address, each of them having the quality of corresponding author.


“Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series” is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible measures against any publication malpractices. Authors, reviewers and journal editors have a responsibility to meet these standards.

Each author whose article has been accepted for publication in the journal must fill in a statement  on its original content. The statement is available here.

Publication ethics and malpractice statement of the “Ovidius University Annals. Economic Sciences Series ” is available here.


All articles submitted to “Ovidius University Annals. Economic Sciences Series”  will be screened for plagiarism using „Plagiarism Detector” – a Microsoft Windows desktop application whose main task is the automated detection of digital plagiarism (that is unauthorized copy-paste of textual material) permite detectarea automată a plagiatului digital (adică preluarea neautorizată cu funcţia “copy-paste” a unui text), using internet search engines Google and Yahoo.


The “Ovidius University Annals. Economic Sciences Series” is committed to real and immediate open access for academic work. All of theOvidius University Annals. Economic Sciences Series’ articles are free to access immediately from the date of their on-line publication. There is no charge for any reader to download articles for their own scholarly use. The “Ovidius University Annals. Economic Sciences Series” is, therefore, free to all at any time and in perpetuity.

The content of the “Ovidius University Annals. Economic Sciences Series” is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, so the reproduction of its articles is allowed free of charge, for non-commercial use only and with the appropriate citation information. All authors publishing with the “Ovidius University Annals. Economic Sciences Series” accept these as the terms of publication.

Creative Commons License

Please note that copyright of the content of all articles remains with the designated author of the article. Instead, copyright of the layout and design of “Ovidius University Annals. Economic Sciences Series” articles remains with the journal and cannot be used in other publications.