The journal “Ovidius University Annals. Economic Sciences Series” is indexed in the following international databases:
EBSCO host | since 2012 |
Cabell’s Directories | since 2012 |
RePEc | since 2010 |
DOAJ | since 2009 |
ULRICHS WEB | since 2010 |
J- GATE | since April, 2014 |
ERIH PLUS | 2015-2022 |
INDEX COPERNICUS | ICV 2014 = 57,34; ICV 2015 = 80,19 (of max. 100) |
Scientific Indexing Services | since March, 2016 |
INFOBASE INDEX | IBI Factor 2019 = 3 (of max. 5) |
ResearchBib | since February, 2016 |
Directory Research Journals Indexing | since September, 2018 |