Section I: International Affairs Section II: Regional Development, Integration and Globalization

The Impact of Digitalisation on the Efficiency of European Funds Utilisation in Local Public Administration
Alexandru Dorian BERES -pg. 2

Public-Private Partnerships and European Fund Utilisation: Opportunities and Challenges for Local Community Development
Alexandru Dorian BERES -pg. 9

Redefining Economic Diplomacy: The Growing Role of Non-State Actors in a Changing World

Damage, Loss, and Risk Modelling in Flood Events: A Case Study of the Dâmbu River, Romania
Maria Ilinca CHEVEREȘAN, Mihai Valentin STANCU -pg. 24

Challenges Facing the Wood Trade in Europe
Ioana Claudia DOBRE -pg. 29

Global Trends and Economic Implications of Quantum Communication Technology
Cristina DRAGOMIR, Simona UTUREANU -pg. 36

Approaching the Concept of E-Government in the Romanian Public Sector in Terms of the Degree of Digitization
Adriana Ioana FILIP (CROITORU), Alina PUȚAN -pg. 42

The Aspects of the Strategy for the Development of Public Oganisations
Dragoș GRUIA, Dorinela NANCU -pg. 50

Exploring the Determinants of Operational Performance in the Water Supply Sector: A PCA Analysis of Networks, Meters, Raw Water and Operating Costs
Octavia MOISE,George BANGHIORE, Mari-Isabella STAN -pg. 55

The Crisis of Leadership in the Context of Globalization
Cristian MOSNIANU -pg. 65

Assessing the EU Energy (in)Dependency on Conventional Resources in Times of War
Andrei-Teofil POSTOLACHI, Stefan-Catalin TOPLICEANU -pg. 69

The Cosmetic Industry in Romania: Analysis of Economic Performance and Trends
Carmen Cristina RUNCEANU-ALBU -pg. 76

EU-US Transatlantic Partnership in the Context of Global Competition
Cristian-Romeo SPĂTARU, Cristian Constantin POPESCU -pg. 83

The Global Trade-Sustainability Nexus: The Evolution of Sustainable Trade Index in the Period 2022-2024
Sorin-George TOMA -pg. 92

Digital Remedy: A Prophylaxis for Business Failure in Emerging Markets
Dikeledi Jacobeth WARLIMONT, Ifeanyichukwu Ojeka UKONU -pg. 99

Geomorphic Tactile Display Technology into Smart Devices: An Economic Perspective
Tyron Tegwen WARLIMONT, Pius-Shaun WARLIMONT -pg. 110

Section III: Economic and Social Studies

An Analysis of the Web Visibility of Non-tertiary Educational Institution in Romania
Tudorel ANDREI, Andreea MIRICA, Irina-Elena STOICA -pg. 118

Navigating ChatGPT for Business English Writing: Benefits, Limitations, and Challenges for Students
Eleonora BÂCĂ -pg. 125

Optimizing Energy Storage Systems. A Dynamic Framework for Capacity Allocation and Profit Maximization in Electricity Markets
Adela BÂRA, Simona-Vasilica OPREA -pg. 130

Analysis of the Labor Market in the Current Socio-Economic Context of Romania
Marius – Dan BENTA, Claudiu – Liviu MANEA, Costin – Daniel AVRAM -pg. 140

Performance Management in Social Services: Practices and Challenges
Cezar BRAICU, Cătălina Loredana ROGOZEANU (DRĂGHIA) -pg. 148

Data Management Competencies – A Need for Digital Age
Mihaela CAZACU, Emilia ȚIȚAN, Mihaela MIHAI -pg. 155

The Economic Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging
Florin CONDREA -pg. 164

Artificial Intelligence and Organizational Stress: Bibliometric Analysis
Mircea Constantin DUICĂ, Georgiana – Tatiana BONDAC -pg. 169

The Influence of the Shadow Economy and Corruption on Public Debt in European Union Countries pre and post Covid-19
Asmaa EL-NASER -pg. 175

Disrupted Families and Dislocated Fatherhood: Economic Challenges Driving Father Absence in South Africa
Fazel Ebrihiam FREEKS -pg. 186

Hidroelectrica: A Case Study in Public Sector Governance During Crisis
Ana-Maria-Lorena IORGULESCU, Alexandru AVRAM -pg. 194

Bridging the Gender Gap: Exploring the Challenges that Women Face in Entrepreneurship
Komalpreet KAUR, Vanina Adoriana TRIFAN -pg. 203

Applicability of IT Systems in Business in the Context of the Digitalization of Economic Processes
Ioana LĂZĂRESCU, Gabriela GHEORGHE, Alexandrina BRÎNZĂ -pg. 214

The Role of Education and Training in Preparing Sustainable Business Models for Small and Medium Enterprises: Current Experiences and Empirical Research.
Aliona LÎSÎI, Anna VOLOSIUC -pg. 224

Assessing Romania’s Ranking in the Digital Quality of Life Index (DQL) 2023
Claudiu-Liviu MANEA, Marius Dan BENTA, Costin Daniel AVRAM -pg. 230

The Academic Environment’s Contribution to the Digital Transition – a Comparative Study of Romania and Eastern Europe
Marinela – Daniela MANEA, Mariana ZAMFIR, Ileana-Iulia ISTUDOR -pg. 238

Shadow Economy and Bibliometric Analysis: What is the Trend in Current Times?
Lavinia MASTAC, Diane Paula Corina VANCEA -pg. 247

An Overview of Wages in European Union
Camelia MIHAI, Norina POPOVICI -pg. 256

The Institutionalization of Ethics and the Role of Human Resources in Ethical Behavior in the Public Sector
Adela-Maria MILITARU (POPA), Ramona-Cristina GHIȚĂ, Iuliana PANĂ -pg. 262

Factor Analysis of the Distribution of Religious Denominations in Romania: Considerations for Business Administration
Iustin-Cornel PETRE -pg. 268

Childbirth, Marital Status and Religion: A Comparative Urban-Rural Perspective
Iustin-Cornel PETRE -pg. 278

Can the Fragility of States Influence the Relationship Between Economic and Human Development?
Adela SOCOL, Dorina Elena VIRDEA -pg. 286

Artificial Intelligence between Benefits and Speculative Challenges
Marieta STANCIU, Dragoș STUPARU -pg. 296

Analysis of Gender Differences in Participation in Continuing Vocational Training: An Organizational Perspective.
Iulia-Oana ȘTEFĂNESCU, Kamer-Ainur AIVAZ -pg. 303

The Role of .ro Domains in Strengthening Digital Identity and Local Branding in Romania: Insights from Registrants Perceptions
Ionuț TĂNASE, Lucia Nicoleta BARBU, Georgiana RUSU -pg. 312

A Bibliometric Analysis of the Role of Financial Education as a Challenge in Sustainable Business Development
Nicoleta Claudia VIZIREANU (PURICE) -pg. 317

The Impact of Digitalization and Digital Transformation on the Tourism Industry: A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends and Directions
Roxana-Marcela ZAHARIA, Cristina Elena GEORGESCU -pg. 324

Analysis of the Main Components in the Evaluation of Tourism Performance in Romania (2014-2022): Essential Dimensions and Strategic Directions for Sustainable Development
Roxana-Marcela ZAHARIA, Cristina Elena GEORGESCU -pg. 332

The Role of Organizational Culture in Innovative Activities
Nana ZAZADZE, Mamuka TORIA -pg. 341

Section IV: Marketing – Management

The Influence of Social Support on Employees’ Well-being
Andreea Teodora AL-FLOAREI, Simona DUMITRIU, Daniela Victoria POPESCU -pg. 349

The Mobile Revolution: Understanding the Impact of Mobile Apps on Consumer Behavior
Ionela-Lidia BELDEAN -pg. 355

Organizational Change Management. The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Change Efficiency
Marius BOITA, Gheorghe PRIBEANU, Ionela Mihaela MILUTIN -pg. 359

Performance Management and Organizational Culture: Mutual Influences in Service-Providing Organizations
Cezar BRAICU -pg. 366

Business Perspectives on Quantum Communication – A Survey-Based Study
Cristina DRAGOMIR, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 372

Cognitive Systems in Branding: Linking Neuromarketing, Emotions, and Subliminal Persuasion to Customer Choices through the IMPACT Method
Denisa Adriana DRĂGOI -pg. 378

The Impact of Physical Risks and Physical Activity Requirements on Employees’ Health, Well-being, and Satisfaction
Simona DUMITRIU, Andreea Teodora AL-FLOAREI, Mihai-Alexandru ȘTEFĂNESCU-DRAGOTĂ -pg. 387

Understanding Leadership Challenges in Rural Healthcare: A Bibliometric Approach
Ștefan-Daniel FLOREA, Norina POPOVICI -pg. 394

Prevalence of Burnout in the Healthcare System and the Role of Work Management in Prevention
Iuliu HAȚIEGANU, Ioana GORGAN -pg. 400

Implementing and Institutionalizing Organizational Change: Key Steps in Change Management—An Empirical Study in a Multinational IT&C Company
Maria METZ, Alexandra GONTEAN -pg. 410

Sustainability as a Determinant Factor in the Purchasing Decision
Alexandra POPA, Corina-Aurora BARBU, Alina-Elena IONASCU -pg. 416

Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Companies’ Marketing Strategies
Alexandra POPA, Corina-Aurora BARBU, Adrian ȘERBAN-COMĂNESCU -pg. 425

Key Factors in Talent Retention: An Integrated Approach Based on Bibliometric Analysis
Ana-Maria SĂCUIU, Angela-Eliza MICU -pg. 434

Smart Packaging Main Trends
Anca Cristina STANCIU -pg. 443

Online Reviews in Romania: Motivations, Perceptions, and the Impact of the J-Shaped Distribution on Consumer Behavior
Ionuț TĂNASE, Lucia Nicoleta BARBU, Elena Florentina GREJDAN -pg. 450

Strategies for Enhancing Agroecosystem Resilience by Implementing a Quality Management System
Andreea-Raluca TOMA (MOISE), Elena CONDREA, Stelian TOMA -pg. 455

Defining and Characterizing Women Entrepreneurship
Sorin-George TOMA -pg. 463

Section V: Finance and Accounting

Can Rent-Seeking Behavior and Corruption Impact the Economic Wealth of European Union Member States?
Mihaela BĂRBUȚĂ (MATEI) -pg. 470

Considerations Related to the Application of Deep Learning and Neural Networks in Finance and Banking. A Bibliometric Approach
Daniela Iulia Maria CĂRBUNE -pg. 480

Interdependencies between Exchange Rate Volatility and Stock Market Sectors: A Case Study of Poland
Viorica CHIRILĂ, Ciprian CHIRILĂ -pg. 489

Analysis of the Evolution of Romanian MTPL Insurance Market under New Regulations
Adina Elena DĂNULEȚIU, Dan Constantin DĂNULEȚIU -pg. 499

Bibliometric Analysis and Scientific Mapping of Bancasurance Literature
Adina Elena DĂNULEȚIU, Dan Constantin DĂNULEȚIU -pg. 509

The Evolution of Real Convergence within European Union: Progress, Disparities and Development Perspective
Marius DRĂGĂNESCU, Florin-Cornel POPOVICI, Alexandru AVRAM -pg. 519

Value Added Tax in European Union
Adriana Ioana FILIP (CROITORU), Alina PUȚAN -pg. 529

The Role of Financial Management in Optimizing the Economic Performance of Companies: Challenges and Perspectives
Roxana ISPAS -pg. 536

Pricing Policy as a Strategic Tool in the Context of Global Competition
Roxana ISPAS -pg. 543

An Overview over Value Added Tax Gap in the European Union
Ileana Iulia ISTUDOR, Florina MOCANU, Larisa Elena PREDA -pg. 549

Analyzing the Social Protection and Assistance Expenditure in the Welfare State in Romania
Mariana-Luminița LINȚĂ(COMAN) -pg. 559

Creative Accounting in Financial Reporting
Lăcrămioara MANSOUR, Elena Cerasela SPĂTARIU -pg. 567

Sustainability Accounting Standards in Europe – A Systematic Literature Review
Lăcrămioara MANSOUR, Elena Cerasela SPĂTARIU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 575

The Impact of Sports Event Outcomes on Stock Market Returns: An Event Analysis
Marius Cristian MILOȘ -pg. 585

Considerations Regarding the Expansion of the Dimensions of Accounting Information Systems Recording Tools
Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 591

Reflections on the Perspectives of Accounting Information Processing Paradigms in Digitalized Systems
Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 598

Assessment of the Impact of ESG Standards and Regulations on the Audit Process
Larisa Andreea OLTEANU (BURCĂ), Alina Elena IONAŞCU, Bianca Paula CIUMACENCU -pg. 605

A Multi-agent System Based on LLM for Trading Financial Assets
Simona-Vasilica OPREA, Adela BÂRA -pg. 613

ESG Disclosure: Evidence from Romanian Banking Sector
Luciana Simona PASCU (MIHĂILĂ) -pg. 624

The Relationship between Non-Financial Reporting Parameters and Financial Performance, a Literature Review
Bianca Ioana PATRINJAN, Aurel Constantin LUPU, Oana Raluca IVAN -pg. 631

Optimizing Cash Flow
Mircea Iosif RUS -pg. 635

Impact of Turnover on Cash Flow
Mircea Iosif RUS -pg. 641

Mapping the Financial Performance of the Pharmaceutical Businesses in Romania
Alexandra Maria SPÂNU -pg. 647

Business Innovation for Circular Economy
Alexandra Maria SPÂNU, Ionela MUNTEANU -pg. 656

Cross-Mapping Interactions Between Corruption, Accounting and Audit: A Bibliometric Analysis
Dorina Elena VIRDEA, Adela SOCOL -pg. 664


Section I: International Affairs

Section II: Regional Development, Integration and Globalization

Progressive Taxation in Romania – An Analysis by Scenarios

Alina Georgeta AILINCA -pg. 2

E-Commerce Overview in the European Union

Dalina-Maria ANDREI -pg. 12

The Recoil of Globalization and the Rising Aspects of Slowbalization, De-Globalization and Re-Globalization for Business and Companies

Anis BENABED -pg. 22

Business Internationalization through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for a Business Leadership Position: The Case of Multinational Companies (MNCs) in Globalization

Anis BENABED -pg. 31

Connecting Romania with The European Market Through Courier Services

Loredana Simona CARP -pg. 40

Environmental Economics in Flood Mitigation for River Basins and Cities

Maria CHEVERESAN, Cristian Stefan DUMITRIU, Maria STOICA -pg. 50

Navigating Risks: Exploring the Perception of Risk Awareness on Strategic and Operational Procurement – A Descriptive Approach

Eleonora DIJMARESCU -pg. 58

Challenges in the Critical Commodities Market

Ioana Claudia DOBRE -pg. 65

The Issue of Father Absence and the Socio-Economic Challenges for Family Well-being in the South African Landscape

Fazel Ebrihiam FREEKS -pg. 73

Fostering Financial Inclusion: A Case Study of the Central Bank of Nigeria’s Strategic Initiatives

Gideon Simon GHAJIGA, Dikeledi Jacobeth WARLIMONT, Tyron Tegwen WARLIMONT -pg. 80

Towards Sustainable Futures: An Analysis of Green Entrepreneurship Environmental, Social, And Economic Contributions

Gideon Simon GHAJIGA, Dikeledi Jacobeth WARLIMONT -pg. 90

Analysis of the Institutionalization Level of Ethics within the Central Public Administration in Romania

Adela-Maria MILITARU (POPA), Ramona-Cristina GHITA, Daniela CORNOIU -pg. 98

Analysis of the Energy System Market of the Republic of Moldova in the Context of Global Energy Crises

Cristian MOSNIANU -pg. 106

The Perception of Tourism Entrepreneurs in Bukovina Region on Green Economy and Sustainability

Maria ORHEAN VRANCEANU, Carmen Eugenia NASTASE, Ancuta LUCACI -pg. 112

The Impact of Policies and Measures on Climate Changes at Global and National Level

Marieta STANCIU, Andreea Adriana SIMION -pg. 121

The Transposition of the OECD-Proposed Tax Reform at the European Union Level

Laurențiu-Mihai TANASE, Norina POPOVICI -pg. 128

The Impact of Tax Avoidance in Romania: Corporate Profit Shifting to Tax Havens

Laurențiu-Mihai TANASE, Norina POPOVICI -pg. 134

Entrepreneurship Education and Graduate Employment in Nasarawa State

Danjuma Nungala USMAN, Pius-Shaun WARLIMONT, Tyron Tegwen WARLIMONT -pg. 140

Section III: Economic and Social Studies

Being at the Forefront of Change – On the Necessity of Integrating AI Tools in Business English Courses

Eleonora BACA -pg. 149

Intercultural Communication Activities and Techniques in Business English Teaching


Bibliometric Analysis on the Environmental Ethics Performanc. Future Trends

Sorinel CAPUSNEANU, Bogdan Ionuț-Nicolae STOLOJESCU, Ileana-Sorina RAKOS -pg. 164

European Perspectives on Datafication

Mihai CIOBOTEA, Marian STAN -pg. 175

Economics and Politics in Mihai Eminescu’s Works

Sorinel COSMA, Marian Andrei BURCEA -pg. 184

Petre Țutea’s Economic Philosophy

Sorinel COSMA -pg. 189

Research Ethics and Artificial Intelligence: Exploring Opportunities and Challenges in Higher Education Institutions

Răzvan-Ionuț DRUGĂ -pg. 194

Controversies and Misunderstandings in the Issue of Assuming Responsibility for Changing Educational Organizations

Ramona-Cristina GHITA, Florin-Aurelian BIRCHI, Adela-Maria MILITARU (POPA) -pg. 201

Sustainable Tourism and the Forms it Generates on the Tourism Market

Marian IONEL -pg. 29

Tourism and its Impact on the Economy

Marian IONEL -pg. 215

The Implications of Unforeseen Circumstances and Crises on Tourism Destinations

Elena Manuela ISTOC, Mihaela Adina MATEESCU, Daniela Nicoleta BALEANU -pg. 220

Cohesion Policy and Social Aspects in the Non-reimbursable Allocation for Low-carbon Economy

Diana JOITA, Doru-Claudiu DAMEAN, Carmen-Elena DOBROTA -pg. 230

Navigating the Double-Edged Sword of ChatGPT: Enhanced Learning vs. Ethical Issues

Kaur KOMALPREET, Vanina Adoriana TRIFAN -pg. 237

Types of Teaching Materials for ESP in the Economic Environment

Carmen-Liliana MARUNTELU -pg. 246

The Double Way between Financial Indicators and Innovation Investment Behavior for the Romanian Agri-Business Actors: Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Dumitru-Florin MOISE -pg. 253

The Impact of the Financial Profile on the Resilience Capacity of the Agri-Business Companies in Romania

Dumitru-Florin MOISE -pg. 261

Intercultural Communication in Business English. Issues and Solutions

Lavinia NADRAG -pg. 269

Economic and Financial Performance of the Company Alphabet Inc. (Google) – Company with a Global Footprint in the Development of the Knowledge-Based Economy

Dorinela NANCU, Ana-Maria BARZECU -pg. 275

The Impact of Alphabet Inc.’S (Google) Services on the Advancement of Knowledge, Innovation and the Harnessing of Intellectual Capital in the Knowledge-Based Economy

Dorinela NANCU, Ana-Maria BARZECU -pg. 281

Modelling the Education Supply Chain with Network DEA Model: The Case of the European Union

Anna Maria PASZTORI -pg. 290

Work & Life Balance in the Post-Pandemic Period in Romania

Cristina Rebeca PINTEA, Florin Lucian ISAC -pg. 298

Enhancing Language Learning: Designing Tests for Business English Students

Alina POPESCU -pg. 306

Aspects of Bounded Rationality in Resource Use

Marius Mihai RUSU -pg. 314

An Ethical Problem in the Current Global Economy: Gender Pay Gap

Maria SINACI -pg. 318

Understanding Citizens’ Attitudes Towards Energy and Climate Issues. A Comprehensive Survey Analysis

Marina Virginia STEFAN, Simona Vasilica OPREA, Adela BARA -pg. 328

Directions for Increasing the Effectiveness of Social Assistance Policies in Conditions of Maintaining the Budget Deficit


Integrating Circular Economy in National Policy: Assessing the Impacts of Romania’s Revised 2023 Action Plan

Andreea A. WEISNER, Cristina Mihaela NAGY -pg. 349

Analysis of the School Abandonment Rate Among Secondary Education Pupils in Romania

Roxana-Marcela ZAHARIA, Alexandra POPA, Corina Aurora BARBU -pg. 357

The Influence of the Social Perspective on the Performance of Employees

Claudia-Marinela ZATREANU -pg. 364

Section IV: Marketing – Management

Sustainability in Business Models: The Case of MUD Jeans

Gabriela Nicoleta ANDRISAN, Andra MODREANU -pg. 370

Advantages of Industry 4.0: Case of Pashion Footwear

Gabriela Nicoleta ANDRISAN, Andra MODREANU -pg. 378

Modelling the Economic Determinants of Unemployment Using the Multiple Linear Regression: A Case Study of Romania

Tiberiu Cristian AVRAMESCU -pg. 384

Knowledge Administration within Modern Business Structures

Anca Mădălina BOGDAN, Adrian BOGDAN, Ionut RIZA -pg. 392

Organizational Culture and Company Performance

Loredana Simona CARP -pg. 401

Characteristics of Entrepreneurial Businesses

Claudia Ramona CIOCNITU (STOICONI) -pg. 408

Health Tourism Industry: Segmentation, Differentiation and Communication


The Implications of Marketing Strategies in Promoting Sustainability in the Beauty Industry

Nicoleta CRISTACHE, Oana PRICOPOAIA, Sabin MURARIU -pg. 426

Evaluating the Direct Influences Exerted by Strategic Practices in Human Resource Management on the Quality of Public Service Delivery

Iulian GEORGESCU, Simona DUMITRIU -pg. 434

Assessing the Direct Influences Exerted by Organizational Culture and Government Policies on Strategic Human Resource Practices

Iulian GEORGESCU, Silviu-Mihai NITU-GRANZULEA -pg. 442

The Sustainable Value Creation Diamond: The Resource-Based Theory Approach

Paul Stefan MARKOVITS -pg. 452

Quality Strategies and Sustainability Measures in Romanian Spa Tourism

Nicoleta Andreea NEACSU -pg. 460

Exploring Sustainable Growth via Socio-Economic Perspectives

Ionela Liliana NICOLAE STEFAN, Daniela Corina ROTESCU (PUIU), Cristinel Sorin SPINU -pg. 467

Mapping the Evolution of Book Influencers: A Bibliometric Journey

Iuliana OBREJA, Adriana MANOLICA -pg. 476

QR Code Menus: Exploring the Role of QR Codes in Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Customer Engagement in Restaurants and Cafes

Anca POPESCU, Nicoleta Andreea NEACSU -pg. 483

Erasmus+ Program Impact on Higher Education Change Management

Cristina Teodora ROMAN, Cristina Ionela BULAT -pg. 491

Qualitative Analysis of Change Management Models

Cristina Teodora ROMAN, Adriana MANOLICA, Cristina Ionela BULAT -pg. 502

Practices of Strategic Management for Romania’s Small and Medium Enterprises in the Digital Age

Sofia Mihaela ROMANESCU, Carmen Maria MIHALCEA, Denisa Mihaela SULĂ -pg. 509

Complexities of I.T. Project Management

Valeri Viorel SITNIKOV -pg. 517

The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Trade Activities

Anca Cristina STANCIU, Elena CONDREA, Valentina Irena TUDORAN (NICULITA) -pg. 525

Prioritizing Research in University Strategies: Dilemmas and Perspectives

Cristian Marius TOMA, Irina Teodora MANOLESCU, Vasilica TOMA -pg. 532

The Largest Global Retailers in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period 2020-2021

Sorin-George TOMA -pg. 542

America’s Most Innovative Corporations in the Period 2022-2023

Sorin-George TOMA -pg. 549

An Empirical Study of the Effect of Leadership Exclusion on Employee Initiative Behavior

Tan XIAO, Paula Alexandra ROIBU -pg. 555

The Interconnection Between Team Role Dynamics and the Trajectory of Financial Performance: An Integrated Analysis in the Context of the Belbin Model

Roxana-Marcela ZAHARIA, Corina Aurora BARBU, Alexandra POPA -pg. 566

Section V: Finance and Accounting

The Impact of Foreign Direct Investments and the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Economic Growth in Central and Eastern European Countries

Silvia Alina ARSA -pg. 575

Analysis of Non-Bank Loans in the Context of the Romanian Economy: Risks and Implications

Alexandrina BRINZĂ, Ioana LAZARESCU, Doina IACOB -pg. 581

The Romanian Insurance Market Under the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Silviu-Valentin CARSTINA, Mirela SICHIGEA, Daniel CIRCIUMARU -pg. 589

Decisive Factors in the Evolution of the Insurance Market in Romania

Silviu-Valentin CARSTINA, Radu BUZIERNESCU, Stelian SELISTEANU -pg. 597

Accounting for Cryptocurrencies

Camil-Ciprian CIRNU -pg. 604

Italian Direct Investments in Romania: A Growing Economic Partnership

Andreea-Roxana CROCNAN -pg. 609

The Challenges of Banking in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Alexandra DANILA, Irena MUNTEANU, Marian Adrian BURCEA -pg. 616

Navigating Financial Turmoil: Strategies for Defense Spending by NATO Alliance States in the 21st Century

Adrian IURA -pg. 622

The Economic Impact of Non-Banking Financial Institutions and Risk Management in Romania

Ioana LAZARESCU, Andreea Claudia DABIJA, Alexandrina BRINZĂ -pg. 629

The Changing Face of the Economics Profession – Do Digital Technologies Have the Capacity to Eliminate or to Support It?

Lăcrămioara MANSOUR, Elena Cerasela SPATARIU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 640

Digital Information – Innovative Technologies Generate a New Paradigm

Lăcrămioara MANSOUR, Elena Cerasela SPATARIU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 650

The Impact of Financial and Performance Indicators on Labor Productivity in Construction and Engineering Companies Listed on the BVB

Elian-Gabriel MILITARU -pg. 658

Credit Ratings and ESG Ratings in the European Union

Ana Maria NECULA (MARASESCU) -pg. 664

Reflections on the Modification of the Paradigms of Processing the Accounting Information in an Interactive System

Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 671

Considerations Regarding Recordkeeping Tools in Accounting Information Systems

Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 679

Incorporating Sustainability into Indirect Procurement: The Audit Approach

Andreea Larisa OLTEANU (BURCA), Alina Elena IONASCU, Daniel LIPARA -pg. 687

Corporate Governance and ESG in Romania, Concept Awareness

Andreea Larisa OLTEANU (BURCA), Elena Claudia BADEA FLOREA, Alina Elena IONASCU -pg. 694

The Role of Data Visualization in the Finance – The Case of Publicly Listed EdTech Companies

Marian STAN, Mihai CIOBOTEA -pg. 702

Internal Managerial Control and Internal Audit in Crisis Management: Lessons from the Pandemic

Lucia-Maria UDRESCU -pg. 709



Section I: International Affairs

Section II: Regional Development, Integration and Globalization

Oil and Gas Production, Exports and Imports as Critical Business Internationalization Operations for Companies in Globalization: An Analytical Approach
Anis BENABED -pg. 2

Multinational Companies as a Business Internationalization Driving Strategy: Implications for Competitive Advantages and Business Values
Anis BENABED -pg. 12

Advancing Sustainable Development: The Role of European Environmental Law in Regional Integration and Globalization
Florica BRAȘOVEANU -pg. 20

Transparency and Public Participation in EU Environmental Decision-making: Strengthening Global Governance and Regional Cooperation
Florica BRAȘOVEANU -pg. 28

Methods of Measuring and Analyzing Inflation and its Effect on Economic Growth
Irina-Ștefana CIBOTARIU -pg. 36

Internal Control Tools to Strengthen the Fight Against Fraud in the European Union
Irina-Ștefana CIBOTARIU -pg. 46

Strategies for Implementing Sustainability in Entrepreneurial Businesses
Claudia Ramona CIOCNITU (STOICONI) -pg. 53

Local Development through Collaborative Action: A Study on the Central Dobrogea Local Action Group (GAL-DC) and its Project-Based Associative Framework
Elena CONDREA, Ștefania-Rodica HUBEL (ANGHEL), Mari-Isabella STAN -pg. 61

The Hidden Mechanisms and Impact of International Economic Criminality: A Bibliometric Perspective
Iulia Oana FLOREA, Kamer-Ainur AIVAZ, Diane Paula VANCEA -pg. 72

Economic Challenges on Motherhood and Womanhood and the Issue of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the South African Society
Fazel Ebrihiam FREEKS, Dikeledi Jacobeth WARLIMONT, Pius-Shaun WARLIMONT -pg. 80

Enhancing Governance and Public Administration Reform in BRICS Countries: Challenges and Opportunities
Gideon Simon GHAJIGA, Dikeledi Jacobeth WARLIMONT, Lavinia Eugenia NADRAG -pg. 90

Innovation at the Global Level: An analysis of the Global Innovation Index in the Period 2021-2023
Cătălin GRĂDINARU, Sorin-George TOMA, Andra MODREANU -pg. 97

Inflation Dynamics in Post-Independence Rwanda
Deogratius KIMOLO, Nicholaus ODHIAMBO, Sheilla NYASHA -pg. 105

Integrating Ecotourism into Regional Development: A Study on Natura 2000 Sites in the North-East Region of Romania
Irina Teodora MANOLESCU, Mihai TALMACIU, Mioara MIHĂILĂ -pg. 117

Immediate Geopolitical and Economic Considerations on the Israel-Hamas Conflict in the First Two Weeks since 7 October 2023
Bogdan MUNTEANU -pg. 128

Eco-Innovation -Pioneer of the Green Economy in the Development of the Entrepreneurial Environment. Study Case: Eco-Innovation Performance across Post-Socialist Countries in Europe
Maria ORHEAN-VRÂNCEANU, Ancuța LUCACI, Carmen Eugenia NĂSTASE -pg. 136

Enhancing International Public-Private Partnerships by Entering New Markets like Asia and Africa
Cristina – Iuliana PETROVAN (MARANDA) -pg. 145

A Demographic Exploration of Associative Entities in the Local Action Group
Anca Cristina STANCIU, Ștefania-Rodica HUBEL (ANGHEL), Mari-Isabella STAN -pg. 154

ISO 37001- A Global Anti Bribery Standard
Anca-Cristina STANCIU, Valentina Irena TUDORAN (NICULIȚĂ) -pg. 164

The Impact of Tax Avoidance in the European Union
Laurențiu-Mihai TĂNASE, Maxim CETULEAN, Norina POPOVICI -pg. 170

The Evolution of the World Motor Vehicle Production in the Period 2018-2022
Sorin-George TOMA -pg. 175

Section III: Economic and Social Studies

Action Nominalizations in Business English: A Corpus Study
Camelia BEJAN -pg. 181

Developing Speaking Skills through Debates. Case Study Proposal in Business English

The Social Impact of Digital Transformation at the European Level
Maxim CETULEAN, Laurențiu-Mihai TĂNASE , Norina POPOVICI -pg. 198

Landmarks in A. C. Cuza Economic Thinking
Sorinel COSMA -pg. 203

Ion Ionescu de la Brad’s Economic and Social Thinking
Sorinel COSMA -pg. 209

Energy Efficiency Financing, an Opportunity to Reduce Energy Poverty in the South-East Region of Romania
Doru Claudiu DAMEAN, Diana JOIȚA -pg. 214

The Use of EI (Emotional Intelligence) in Crisis Management: The Relevance of Keynes’s Thinking for the Post-Capitalist Society
Mihaiela Eugenia DAVID -pg. 223

The Impact of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict on Romania’s Economy
Ioana Raluca DIACONU, Bogdan Andrei TILIUȚĂ -pg. 232

Analysis of the Employed Population Evolution and of the Gross Domestic Product in Services, in the Western Region of Romania
Liliana GHERGHINA -pg. 237

Reaching Destinations Through Virtual Tourism– The Case of Romania
Ioana GUTU, Romeo ASIMINEI -pg. 247

The Connection between Business Ethics and the Organizational Culture
Florina LEȚA (MIHAI) -pg. 258

Uncovering the Attractiveness of the Romanian Market: A Data-Driven Approach
Daniel LIPARĂ, Marian IONEL -pg. 267

New Challenges of Financial Communication in the Context of Sustainability Standards
Georgiana Maria LUNGU, Costin Daniel AVRAM, Luminița POPESCU -pg. 277

Digital Transformation of Agriculture in Romania: A Change Management Perspective
Paul Stefan MARKOVITS -pg. 282

The World Electricity Production and the Current Global Energy Crisis in Brief
Daniela-Melania MIHAI, Smaranda-Nicoleta-Cristina TOMA -pg. 292

Pupils Left Behind? An Analysis on the Data from National Evaluation Exams in Romania 2023
Andreea MIRICA, Adina NEAMTU, Irina-Elena STOICA -pg. 300

Civil Service Reform – Expectations Related to the Implementation of The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)
Alunica MORARIU -pg. 307

Phasing of the Contest for the Occupation of Public Office, a Solution to Increasing Competition and Transparency in the Process of Recruiting Candidates
Alunica MORARIU -pg. 316

The Dark Side of Digitalization: Wealthier but Unhappier
Aurora MURGEA -pg. 326

Digitalisation and Happiness in the European Union
Aurora MURGEA -pg. 335

The Potential of Introducing Heat Pumps (HP) and Thermal Energy Storage for the Crucea Commune, Constanta, Romania Systems in order to Enable the Decarbonization in Romania
Stere STAMULE, Marian OANCEA, Nicolae VRANA -pg. 343

The Potential of Introducing Heat Pumps (HP) and Thermal Energy Storage for the Tulcea Municipality, Romania Systems in order to Enable the Decarbonization in Romania
Stere STAMULE, Marian OANCEA -pg. 354

Effective Promotion and Communication in modern Censuses: A study about 2021 Romania’s Census
Irina-Elena STOICA -pg. 364

Web Scraping and Review Analytics. Extracting Insights from Commercial Data
Andreea-Maria TANASĂ, Simona-Vasilica OPREA, Adela BÂRA -pg. 370

Social Protection Expenditure – Comparisons and Discussions for the EU Countries
Adina ȚIȚEI -pg. 380

Section IV: Marketing – Management

Analysis of Management Challenges and Strategies in Human Resources at the Level of a Company with a Tradition in Resita
Solomia ANDREȘ -pg. 385

The Use of Digital Technologies in Tourism Management
Corina-Aurora BARBU, Alexandra POPA, Roxana-Marcela ZAHARIA -pg. 394

Implementation of Knowledge Management in Intelligence Agencies: a VOSviewer Bibliometric Analysis
Nicolae Alexandru BUDEANU -pg. 402

Unveiling the Power of Social Media: Innovative Strategies and SOCMINT Insights in Modern Marketing
Raluca-Giorgiana CHIVU (POPA), Ionuț-Claudiu POPA -pg. 411

The Impact of Online Advertising on the Purchase Decision
Georgiana Elena CONSTANTIN, Anca Ioana BLAGA -pg. 418

The management of Organizational Culture Change in Financial-Banking Institutions in Iaşi County – Case Study
Ioana Raluca DIACONU, Bogdan Andrei TILIUȚA -pg. 426

The Influence of Social Groups on the Voting Behavior of the Resita Voter
Gabriel DINU, Loredana DINU -pg. 437

Analysis of Consumer Perception Regarding the Quality of Services Offered by Casa Ecologica Guesthouse
Loredana DINU, Gabriel DINU, Jeanina-Biliana CIUREA -pg. 442

The Impact of Social Networks on Buying Decisions
Adriana Ioana FILIP (CROITORU), Malina DARJA -pg. 453

The Identification of the Preference, Motivation, Attitude and Satisfaction of Consumers towards Resorts from the Semenic Tourist Area
Liliana GHERGHINA -pg. 459

Employees’ Perception of Corporate Sustainable Development: A Bibliometric Examination
Erika-Ligia HELER -pg. 470

Trends in the Evolution of the Average Length of Stay in Tourist Destinations on the Romanian Black Sea Coast
Ion Dănuț JUGĂNARU, Narcisa Georgiana MOȘOIU -pg. 481

A Story of Vision and Leadership: Unveiling the Samsung Electronics Brand’s Path to Success
Komalpreet KAUR, Elena ZHAO, Vanina Adoriana TRIFAN -pg. 491

Organizational Performance and Corporate Governance form the Inside Out
Lăcrămioara MANSOUR (STOIAN), Elena Cerasela SPĂTARIU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 501

Study on Recruiters Opinion Towards AI-Tools to Facilitate the Hiring Process within a Company
Angela-Eliza MICU, Alexandra DOGARESCU -pg. 511

Tourist Demand for Romania over the Last Three Decades
Daniela-Melania MIHAI, Smaranda-Nicoleta-Cristina TOMA -pg. 518

The Impact of Organisational Communication Quality on Employee Satisfaction
Mirela Felicia PETRIC, Cristina Ionela TOADERE, Claudiu FEIER -pg. 526

Human Resources Management in Tourism Industry
Alexandra POPA, Corina-Aurora BARBU, Roxana-Marcela ZAHARIA -pg. 535

Entrepreneurship Issues in post Covid Period. Case of Romanian SME’s
Alina PUȚAN, Mălina DARJA -pg. 544

Quality in Higher Education: a Comparison Between Legal and Academic Approach
Cristina Teodora ROMAN, Cristina Ionela BULAT -pg. 549

Study on Consumers’ Opinion Towards Doggie-to-go-bags in the Context of Food Waste Management
Dimitrie STOICA, Angela-Eliza MICU, Maricica STOICA -pg. 556

Google Ads, Meta, TikTok, Which is the Best Way of Paid Promotion?
Adrian ȘERBAN-COMANESCU -pg. 562

The Role of Communication in Managing Resistance to Change
Mihaela Rodica ȘOMLEA -pg. 569

The impact of Management Practices on Organizational Effectiveness in a Transport Company
Cristina Ionela TOADERE, Maria METZ, Claudiu FEIER -pg. 577

Exploring Perceptions and Practices in Organizing University Scientific Research
Cristian Marius TOMA, Irina Teodora MANOLESCU, Vasilica TOMA -pg. 586

Workaholism: A Modern Epidemic in Professional Environments
Otilia-Maria TRAȘCA -pg. 595

Section V: Finance and Accounting

Poverty as a Determinant of Corruption – a Parametric Approach
Andreea-Simina ARDELEAN, Ionuţ-Constantin CUCEU, Viorela-Ligia VĂIDEAN -pg. 604

Updating and Developing the Normative Framework for Strengthening the Internal Public Audit Function in State Institutions and Companies
Nicoleta ASALOȘ, Ionel BOSTAN -pg. 614

Aspects of Accounting Cost for Development of Customized Software Products
Galina BADICU, Victor COJOCARU, Dorinela NANCU -pg. 623

Critical Analysis of the Sharpe Ratio: Assessing Performance and Risk in Financial Portfolio Management
Alexandrina BRÎNZĂ, Viorica IOAN, Ioana LĂZĂRESCU -pg. 633

The Influence of Covid-19 Pandemy on Financial Fraud Risk Assessment
Georgiana BURLACU, Ioan-Bogdan ROBU -pg. 640

Methodology for Implementing the Investment Decision in the Certain Economic Environment
Mihaela – Lavinia CIOBĂNICĂ -pg. 652

Fiscal Policies to Diminish the Deficit in Romania
Corina Georgiana CIOROIU, Alina Elena IONAȘCU, Andreea Larisa OLTEANU (BURCĂ) -pg. 662

Current Research Trends in IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers: a Comprehensive Review
Ana Carolina COJOCARU, Nicolai JIERI, Nicoleta ASALOȘ -pg. 670

The Effects of Budget Constraints in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Romania
Narcis-Alexandru CORMAN -pg. 679

Main Expenditures of NATO through NSIP in Romania
Carina-Bianca DARANUȚA -pg. 683

The Role of ESG Factors in Improving Firm Financial Performance
Alexandra DĂNILĂ -pg. 688

Econometric Insights into Non-Governmental Credit Fluctuations: A Case Study of Romania
Cezar Cătălin ENE -pg. 694

Assessing Economic Inequality Through the Lorenz Curve in Central and Eastern European Countries
Maria Simona ENE -pg. 700

Relevance Versus Irrelevance of Scientific Research Skills to the Practice of the Accounting Profession
Lilea GRIGOROI, Cristina Mihaela LAZĂR, Svetlana MIHAILA -pg. 707

Insolvency of Companies in Romania
Iulia Cristina IUGA, Ionela Cornelia CIOCA, Teodor HADA -pg. 718

Emphasizing the Coercive Side of the Anti-Tax Evasion Rules
Cristina Mihaela LAZĂR, Ionel BOSTAN -pg. 725

Accounting Treatment of Tax on Income according to NAS and IFRS
Liliana LAZARI, Roman VIERU -pg. 733

Bibliometric Analysis of the Literature on Reporting Non-Financial Information in Emerging Economy Countries
Aurel-Constantin LUPU, Oana Raluca IVAN -pg. 740

Non-Financial Reporting Frameworks in Emerging Economies
Aurel-Constantin LUPU, Oana Raluca IVAN -pg. 745

Organizational Culture, Corporate Governance and Accounting Outcomes
Lăcrămioara MANSOUR (STOIAN), Elena Cerasela SPĂTARIU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 751

Tax Evasion in the European Union
Corina Elena MANTA, Alexandra DĂNILĂ -pg. 760

The Impact of IFRS on Audit Quality in Romania
Andreea MOCANU, Maria GROSU, Ioan-Bogdan ROBU -pg. 767

A Literature Review of Institutional Performance and Circular Economy
Ionela MUNTEANU -pg. 775

The Banking System in Romania in the Current Period
Irena MUNTEANU -pg. 783

The European Central Bank, The Federal Reserve System and the Challenge of Inflation
Irena MUNTEANU -pg. 789

Reflections on Methods of Digital Processing of Very Large Amounts of Accounting Information
Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 795

Considerations Regarding Applications of Financial Instruments in Accounting Systems
Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 802

The Importance of ESG in Real Estate Investments
Andreea Larisa OLTEANU (BURCĂ), Alina Elena IONAȘCU -pg. 810

Weaknesses and Strengths in the Evolution of the Romanian Tax System

Assessing the Impact of European Funds Absorption in Romania in the Context of Financial Stability

Contributions to the Improvement of the Process of Internal Audit at Public Educational Entities by Using Chatbots
Anișoara – Elena PAVELESCU (BELBE) -pg. 833

Effect of Annual Financial Results on the Stock Price
Mitică PEPI -pg. 841

Impact of Non-Financial Reporting on Stakeholder Decisions
Alina PUȚAN -pg. 849

The Importance of Financial Profitability in the Activity of a Company
Mircea-Iosif RUS -pg. 856

Fiscal Risk in the Activity of a Company
Mircea-Iosif RUS -pg. 861

Exploring the Dynamics of Digital Assets through Vector Autoregressive Modeling (VAR): Implications for Fintech and Financial Systems
Andrei Cristian SPULBĂR -pg. 866

Analysis of Investment Projects by Discounting Methods
Mariana ZAMFIR -pg. 877


Section I: International Affairs

Section II: Regional Development, Integration and Globalization

Intellectual Property versus Artificial Intelligence
Constantin ANECHITOAE -pg. 2

The National Maritime Border – The Border of the European Union
Constantin ANECHITOAE -pg. 7

Fostering Business Internationalization and Resilience for Business and Companies: Risks and Resilience in Globalization
Anis BENABED -pg. 13

Globalization and the Trending insights of Sustainable Business, Energy and Artificial intelligence for companies: Trends and Values
Anis BENABED, Andreea-Cristina BOERU -pg. 24

Transition of Medical Waste Management (MWM) from Romania to the Circular Economy Paradigm: Expectations and Objective Limits
Patricia BOSTAN, Cristina Mihaela LAZAR, Ionel BOSTAN -pg. 34

The Impact of Regional Development on the Environment
Florica BRASOVEANU -pg. 42

The Role of Legislation and Legal Institutions in Promoting Sustainable Development at the Regional Level
Florica BRASOVEANU -pg. 50

The Future of Blockchain Technology and its Application and Challenges with Regard to International Migration within the African Union
Charles CHATTA, Dikeledi Jacobeth WARLIMONT, Lebogang NAWA -pg. 58

Global Village, Different Customs
Alina COSTEA -pg. 64

Reflections on Croatia’s Accession to the Euro Area
Adina CRISTE, Iulia LUPU -pg. 70

Regional Development at the European Level: A Bibliometric Analysis from 2019 to 2023
Ionut Marius CROITORU, Cosmin Alexandru SPIRIDON, Geanin Georgian JURUBITA -pg. 77

Evolution of the Romanian Imports and Exports in 2022, the Year with the Highest Inflation
Claudia Ioana DOBRE -pg. 87

Financial Crisis Cyclicality in Europe under the US Financial Disturbances’ Impact. A Logical Framework
Cristina DRUMEA -pg. 91

Administration, Financing and Decentralization of the Schools System in Romania
Adriana Ioana FILIP (CROITORU), Mihaela Gabriela TODRICAN ROSCA, Romeo Aurelian CLINCIU -pg. 98

Researching Local Community Satisfaction in Mihai Viteazu Village
Adriana Ioana FILIP (CROITORU), Monica Ioana TOADER -pg. 107

Leap-Frogging the Competition through Blue Ocean Strategy: A Compelling Case for Small and Medium Enterprises
Gideon Simon GHAJIGA, Dikeledi Jacobeth WARLIMONT, Pius Shaun WARLIMONT -pg. 113

The Transition to a More Sustainable Business Model in Tourism. Sustainable Coastal Destinations Best Practices
Ion Danut JUGANARU, Bogdan PLETEA -pg. 122

Credibility and Convergence: Did Euroization Deliver for Montenegro?
Lara-Greta MERLING, Kevin M. CASHMAN -pg. 132

How Effective Was Assistance to the Vulnerable Countries During the Pandemic? Comparing the Debt Service Suspension Initiative and Special Drawing Rights
Lara-Greta MERLING, Kevin M. CASHMAN -pg. 138

The War Economy in the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict
Cristian MOSNIANU -pg. 146

A Framework for Implementing a Twin Peak Financial Regulatory Model: Institutional Logics Theoretical Perspect
Pumela MSWELI, Dexter L. RYNEVELDT -pg. 153

Voices of Women in Boards Count, Effective Participation Counts More: A Board Gender Diversity Theoretical Framework
Pumela MSWELI, Xoliswa Eugenia KULE -pg. 162

Exploring the Impact of Companies Profiles on Environmental Activities
Gabriela Iuliana PARASCHIV (GANEA) Mari-Isabella STAN -pg. 171

A Brief Survey Concerning Environmental Action: The Need for Collective Engagement
Gabriela Iuliana PARASCHIV (GANEA) Mari-Isabella STAN -pg. 182

Hate Crimes in Globalization Era. Good Practices in Analysing them in European Union Countries
Claudia Livia PAU, Mihaela MARTIN, Florenta Diana TANASE -pg. 192

Digitalization in Project Management
Irina Andreea PEGULESCU -pg. 200

Comparative Study Between the Development of the Call Center Industry in Romania’s Macroregions
Adrian POP -pg. 209

The Comparative Study of the Attractiveness of Eastern European Business Environments
Adrian POP -pg. 219

Machine Learning Diagnosis of Dengue Fever: A Cost-Effective Approach for Early Detection and Treatment
Hamzat SALAMI,Joy Eleojo EBEH, Yakubu Ojo AMINU -pg. 229

Social Responsibility in Retail Trade
Anca-Cristina STANCIU, Valentina (Irina) TUDORAN (NICULITA) -pg. 239

Transfer Pricing in the European Union Context
Laurentiu-Mihai TANASE, Irene-Ioana DRAGHICI, Norina POPOVICI -pg. 245

Section III: Economic and Social Studies

Creating a Narrative Arc for Business Communication Courses-Promoting Attention, Motivation and Meaningfulness
Eleonora BACA -pg. 250

The Public Employment Service – the “Catalyst” for Connecting Employers and the Unemployed in the Labour Market
Alic BIRCA -pg. 256

Overall Impact of Specific Regulations on the Statutory Auditor’s Behaviour
Angelica BUBOI (DANAILA) -pg. 265

Interviews in Business Communication

Project-Based Learning in ESP. Case Study Proposal in Economic Sciences

The Difference Between the Average Score at the National Assessment Examination and the Average Score in Lower Secondary School Cycle – A Comparative Analysis for Romania Between 2019-2022
Octavian CEBAN, Ionela-Roxana PETCU, Andreea MIRICA -pg. 290

Study on the Consumption and Demand of Organic Food Products
Monica CHELARU (GAIDARGI), Tudor Andrei HOLERGA, Catalin Gheorghe ZEMELEAGA -pg. 298

Pre-Pack Proceeding – A Hybrid and Derogatory Safeguard Tool. Member States’ Future Obligation of Integrating a New Mechanism in Their National Insolvency Law
Corina Georgiana CIOROIU, Daniel LIPARA -pg. 304

European Projects – Opportunities for Institutional Development of Education in Romania
Romeo-Aurelian CLINCIU -pg. 311

Assessing the Impact of Professional Development Programs on Employee Performance in Educational Settings
Romeo-Aurelian CLINCIU -pg. 319

Nicolae Suțu’s Economic Works: Relevance and Particularities
Sorinel COSMA -pg. 326

Traditional and Modern Aspects in Ion Ghica’s Economic Writings
Sorinel COSMA -pg. 331

Study on ESG Practices in Romanian Food Sector
Alexandra DANILA, Dorinela NANCU -pg. 337

The Juridical-Canonical Basis of the Management of Movable and Immovable Ecclesiastical Assets
Nicolae V. DURA, Catalina MITITELU -pg. 344

The Managerial Activity of the Central Executive Organisms of the Romanian Orthodox Church
Nicolae V. DURA, Catalina MITITELU -pg. 352

A Snapshot of Where We Are. A Gross Domestic Product Analysis Related to Household Energy Price Index in the European Union
Giorgiana Roxana ENE -pg. 360

Is Climate Policy Effectiveness Important for Country’s Competitiveness Among EU Member States?
Ion FRECAUTAN, Carmen NASTASE, Sergei GRISHUNIN -pg. 368

The Influence of Respondents’ Residence on their Perception of Sustainable Tourism Issues
Stefania Rodica HUBEL (ANGHEL), Elena CONDREA -pg. 378

Age and Perception: Exploring the Influence on Sustainable Tourism
Stefania Rodica HUBEL (ANGHEL), Elena CONDREA -pg. 388

Romania’s Tourism Market. Trends and Influencing Factors
Marian IONEL -pg. 397

Importance and Impact of Tourist Resources and Attractions on Tourist Destinations
Marian IONEL -pg. 402

Aspects of Gender Vulnerability in the Just Transition Process
Diana JOITA, Doru Claudiu DAMEAN -pg. 406

Ethics in Education: Exploring the Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence Implementation
Florina LETA (MIHAI) Diane Paula Corina VANCEA -pg. 413

Comparative Analysis of Investor Communication Practices in Listed Companies
Georgiana Maria LUNGU, Costin Daniel AVRAM, Radu BALUNA -pg. 422

The Edupreneur: Empowering Education through Entrepreneurial Innovation
Carmen-Liliana MARUNTELU -pg. 432

Understanding Commodity Investments: Factor Analysis and Bibliometric Findings
Ionela MUNTEANU, Marioara MIREA -pg. 438

The Role of Phrasal Verbs in Business Communication
Lavinia NADRAG -pg. 444

EU Energy Plans between Energy Justice and Ethical Dilemmas. Expectations and Future Education
Florentina-Stefania NEAGU, Mihaela PURCARU, Marta TACHE -pg. 449

Harmonizing Hydrogen Colour Codes: Need for an Economic Policy Framework for a Global Hydrogen Market
Elena-Loredana OCENIC -pg. 458

Big Data Management and NoSQL Databases
Simona-Vasilica OPREA, Adela BARA, Niculae OPREA -pg. 466

Eco-Innovation in the Corporate Sustainability Process and the Entrepreneurs’ Vision: Implications and Opportunities for Sustainable Businesses in the Era of Climate Change
Tatiana PADURARU -pg. 476

Face-to-Face versus Online or Hybrid: How Students Perceive the Educational Framework
Ioana PLESCAU, Catalin DROB -pg. 488

The Gender Pay Gap: A Roadblock to Gender Equality and Sustainable Development
Mariana ROBU -pg. 496

Exploring the Wage Gap in the Republic of Moldova: A Vital Issue of Elder System
Mariana ROBU -pg. 505

Aspects of Digitalization within Caraș–Severin Local Communities
Florenta Diana TANASE, Mihaela MARTIN, Claudia Livia PAU -pg. 513

Considerations to Eco-Innovation and Its Relationship with Economic Growth
Adina TITEI -pg. 524

Knowledge Vulnerabilities: Definitions and Interpretations
Vlad-Mihai URSACHE -pg. 529

Understanding Customers’ Opinion Using Web Scraping and Natural Language Processing
Alin-Gabriel VADUVA, Simona-Vasilica OPREA, Dragos-Catalin BARBU -pg. 537

Romanian Agricultural Exports – Recent Trends and Performance Issues
Catalin Gheorghe ZEMELEAGA, Tudor Andrei HOLERGA, Monica CHELARU (GAIDARGI) -pg. 545

Section IV: Marketing – Management

Consumer Perception Research on Online Influencer Marketing: A Review of Key Findings and Implication
Ingrid-Georgeta APOSTOL, Giulia-Elena ZAHARIA -pg. 554

Employees’ Commitment to Sustainable Development Goals Approach
Florin-Aurelian BIRCHI, Laurentiu-Stelian MIHAI, Patricia Cristiana BORUZESCU -pg. 559

The Impact of Sports Activities on Young Critical Thinking
Patricia Cristiana BORUZESCU, Florin-Aurelian BIRCHI -pg. 565

Exploring Barriers to Adoption of AR Filters on Social Media
Elena BOSTANICA, Elena GOGA, Mihai ORZAN -pg. 570

Current Research Directions in Approaching the Effects Generated by Corruption and Political Risk on Competitiveness and Organizational Performance
Bianca Andreea CALIN -pg. 577

Increasing the Efficiency of the Enterprise Management Process (Case Study Termoelectrica JSCo)
Irina CALUGAREANU, Denis BUNDUCHI -pg. 586

Materialism Unwrapped: Examining the Values Promoted in Television Commercials for Games and Toys During the Holiday Season. A Content Analysis of December 2020 and 2021
Camelia COJAN -pg. 593

The Phenomenon of Resistance to Organizational Change in Companies of the Republic of Moldova under the Conditions of Industrialization 4.0
Irina DOROGAIA -pg. 602

Evaluating the Effects of Employee Recruitment and Selection Practices on the Organizational Change Process
Simona DUMITRIU, Andra-Nicoleta PLOSCARU, Ramona-Cristina GHITA -pg. 611

The Impact of New Technologies on the Future of Marketing: The Challenges of Adopting Artificial Intelligence-Generated Influencers in Marketing Strategy. Is the Romanian Market Ready for this Emerging Trend?
Iasmina-Iulia GRADINESCU, Elena BOSTANICA, Mihai ORZAN -pg. 617

Strategic Elements of Diversity Management in the Educational System – Case Study: CLIM
Ana-Alina ICHIM -pg. 621

Education 4.0. Between Generation Z and Industry 4.0 Needs
Constantin ILIE, Margareta ILIE -pg. 626

Entrepreneurship Trends. How the Future Looks Like
Margareta ILIE, Constantin ILIE -pg. 633

Marketing of Tourism Destinations in the Post-Covid Era – Challenges of the New Normal
Elena Manuela ISTOC, Mihaela Adina MATEESCU, Daniela Nicoleta BALEANU -pg. 641

Recent Evolutions and Trends in the Trade Fairs and Exhibitions Industry, before and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. The ROMEXPO Company’s Case (Romania)
Ion Danut JUGANARU -pg. 648

The Impact of Intelligent Virtual Assistants on Buying Behavior
Mariana JUGANARU, Daniela POPESCU, Sorina GIRBOVEANU -pg. 659

Investigating Jewellery Buying Behaviour During the Pandemic
Mariana JUGANARU, Daniela POPESCU, Felicia BALTA RUSU -pg. 668

Organizational Culture – Promoter of Technological Innovation and Sustainable Development||
Lacramioara MANSOUR, Elena Cerasela SPATARIU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 678

Study on Measuring and Analysing the Quality of Road Freight Transport Service
Daniel METZ, Cristina Ionela TOADERE, Cosmina Laura RAT -pg. 688

The Impact of Major Crises on the Behaviour of the Consumer of Tourism Services – A Perspective on the Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis
Constantina –Alina MILOS (ILIE), Andreea-Daniela MORARU -pg. 696

Corporate Social Responsibility as a Strategic Tool: Impact on Stakeholder Perceptions and Organizational Performance. Case Study: The Pharma Industry
Gabriel Dumitru MIRCESCU -pg. 703

Exploring the Role of Leadership in Shaping Successful Strategic Management Practices
Gabriel Dumitru MIRCESCU -pg. 709

A New Perspective to Talent Management in Romanian Public Institution
Cristina MIRONESCU (HOLBAN) -pg. 716

Marketing Strategies Applied on the Romanian Pharmaceutical Market
Andreea Nicoleta NEACSU, Adriana TULBURE -pg. 723

Perceptions on the Managerial Competencies Needed in the Organization of Festivals: Case Study
Amalia Cristina NEDELCUT, Razvan Liviu NISTOR, Calin MOLDOVAN-TESELIOS -pg. 731

Influencer’s Authenticity from the Perspective of Generation Z Consumers
Iuliana OBREJA -pg. 742

Digitalization of Medical Services – A New Ally for Malpractice Risk Management
Larisa PATRU GRIGORIE, Corina Aurora BARBU, Ciprian Laurentiu PATRU -pg. 750

Analysis of the Influences of Professional Training and Personal Development Practices Exercised in the Change Process
Andra-Nicoleta PLOSCARU, Simona DUMITRIU, Iulian GEORGESCU -pg. 757

Commonalities and Dissimilarities in the Process of Innovation Management. A Comparable Perspective Based on Business Size
Ioana Maria POPESCU (IACOBESCU), Rodica PAMFILIE, Stelian OLARU -pg. 762

The Importance of Ethical Communication in the Medical System
Ana Maria PREDILA -pg. 768

Risk and Security Management for Accident Prevention
Daniela Corina ROTESCU, Cristinel Sorin SPINU, Ionut RIZA -pg. 772

The Relevance of the Correlation of Some Economic Variables for the Achievement of Sustainable Development Objectives at the Level of the European Union
Adriana SCRIOSTEANU, Maria Magdalena CRIVEANU -pg. 782

Improving the Management of Local Public Administration
Catalina SITNIKOV, Carmen Maria MIHALCEA, Sofia Mihaela ROMANESCU -pg. 787

Human Resource Management from the Perspective of Ergonomical Requirements at the Workplace
Ionela STANCA PETRUTA, Denisa Mihaela SULA, Liliana NICOLAE STEFAN -pg. 796

How to Manage HoReCa Food Waste by Using Digital Technologies?
Dimitrie STOICA, Angela-Eliza MICU, Maricica STOICA -pg. 805

The Evolution of the World’s Most Valuable Brands in the Period 2018-2023
Sorin-George TOMA -pg. 815

The Age of Agile Enterprises
Sorin-George TOMA -pg. 822

Study on Visual Identity Elements Used in the Coffee Market in the Digital Age
Adriana TULBURE, Andreea Nicoleta NEACSU -pg. 829

Adapting Organizational Culture Analysis Tools for SMEs: Application for Veterinary Clinics
Iulian VIERU, Irina Teodora MANOLESCU -pg. 838

Research Based on Secondary Data into the Influence of Colours on the Online Consumer’s Behaviour
Giulia-Elena ZAHARIA, Ingrid Georgeta APOSTOL -pg. 849

Section V: Finance and Accounting

Testing Population Health Security through a Correlative Economic Development Model
Valentin Marian ANTOHI, Nicoleta CRISTACHE -pg. 860

Pharma Sector under the Influence of the Parafiscal Mechanism: Clawback Tax
Nicoleta ASALOS, Costica ROMAN, Patricia BOSTAN -pg. 869

Orientation of Public Audit Missions to the IT Activity Carried out within the State Authorities/Entities
Nicoleta ASALOS, Ionel BOSTAN -pg. 876

The Dilemma of Financial Autonomy in the Management of Public Finances at the Level of Local Governments
Mohamed Mouloud BELAID, Yamina SOUDANI, Alina Iuliana TABIRCA -pg. 886

Accounting and Tax Specifics Regarding Cryptocurrency Trading at National and European Level
Ionela Cornelia CIOCA -pg. 896

Transfer Prices Report. Case Study in Romania
Alexandra DANILA, Gabriel MOCANU -pg. 902

The Stability of the Revenues to the Budget of the European Union
Irene-Ioana DRAGHICI, Laurentiu-Mihai TANASE, Norina POPOVICI -pg. 910

Analysis of the Sustainable Development of the Eastern European Countries from the Perspective of the Transition to the Green Economy
Costinela FORTEA, Monica Laura ZLATI, Ioana LAZARESCU -pg. 914

NEETS’ Perception on Financing an Entrepreneurial Endeavour
Silvia GHITA-MITRESCU, Ionut ANTOHI -pg. 923

Level of Financial Education in South-Eastern Europe
Alina Elena IONASCU, Alexandra POPA, Roxana Marcela ZAHARIA -pg. 932

The Impact of Economic Freedom on the Economic Growth in EU Countries
Iulia IUGA, Ruxandra LAZEA -pg. 940

Developments in Cryptocurrency Transactions and Implications for Audit and Accounting Activities
Flavius Valentin JAKUBOWICZ, Ionela MUNTEANU, Marioara MIREA -pg. 951

Improving Economic Efficiency of an Entity through Comprehensive Analysis of Receivables
Cristina Mihaela LAZAR, Svetlana MIHAILA, Violeta CODREAN -pg. 958

Accounting Informational System – Directions, Challenges, Risks and Opportunities
Lacramioara MANSOUR, Elena Cerasela SPATARIU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 969

Exploratory Analysis of Assets Nonconformities in Financial Statements
Alina MATEI (CHIRIAC), Kamer-Ainur AIVAZ -pg. 978

A Bibliometric Analysis on Fraud in Accounting
Alina MATEI (CHIRIAC), Kamer-Ainur AIVAZ -pg. 986

Are Coins and Notes History in The US ?
Irena MUNTEANU, Valentina PUNGA -pg. 996

Bank Lending in Romania after the Covid 19 Pandemic
Irena MUNTEANU -pg. 1001

Possibilities of the Development of the Application of Financial Instruments in the Accounting Systems
Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 1007

Reflections on the Effect of Massive Data on Digitalized Accounting Information
Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 1014

Catalyzing Change: ESG Integration in the Global Economy for a Resilient and Responsible Future
Andreea Larisa OLTEANU (BURCA), Corina Aurora BARBU, Alexandra POPA -pg. 1022

ESG Reporting Standards in the Banking Sector: A Global Analysis
Andreea Larisa OLTEANU (BURCA), Alina Elena IONASCU, Roxana Marcela ZAHARIA -pg. 1032

Tax Pressure on People’s Incomes

Impact of COVID-19 on Cryptocurrency Markets

The Impact of Sustainability in Research-Development-Innovation Activity
Mircea-Iosif RUS -pg. 1053

Evaluating the Impact of Emerging Technologies on the ECB’s Mandate: Can the European Central Bank Use Distributed Ledger Technology and Digital Euro to Advance Financial Inclusion in Europe?
Cristina SBIRNECIU, Nicoleta Valentina FLOREA -pg. 1059

The Impact of Public Debt on Sustainable Development. The Romanian Case
Alin-Vasile STRACHINARU -pg. 1071

Quantifying Economic Performance: Forecasting in the Romanian Clothing Industry
Teodora Maria SUCIU -pg. 1083

Requirements for Audit Firms Regarding the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering
Sergiu SOIMU, Galina BADICU, Diana RENCHECI -pg. 1094

The Relationship Between the Environmental Tax Revenues and the Greenhouse Gas Emission in Romania
Liviu Andrei TOADER, Florentina CHITU, Dorel Mihai PARASCHIV -pg. 1103

Developments and Perspectives Regarding the Impact of Digital Transformation on the Banking System in Romania
Gabriela TRAILA -pg. 1112

Political Budget Cycles. Evidence from Romania
Adina TRANDAFIR -pg. 1123

A Brief Analysis on the Dynamic Effects of the Minimum Wage on the Economy in Romania
Mariana VLAD -pg. 1131

Analysis of Fulfillment of the Objectives for Sustainable Development in Romania
Razvan-Aurelian MUNTEANU -pg. 1141

The Competitiveness of the Romanian Agri-Food Sector in the Context of Sustainable Development
Irina-Elena PETRESCU, Mihai ISTUDOR, Razvan-Aurelian MUNTEANU, Alexandra NEDELCU – pg. 1149



Section I: International Affairs

Section II: Regional Development, Integration and Globalization

Remote Work and Technology. A Brief History and Evolutions in E.U. and Romania
Dalina Maria ANDREI -pg. 2

Managing Tourism Seasonality in European Countries
Corina Aurora BARBU, Alexandra POPA, Alina-Elena IONAȘCU-pg. 12

Trends Regarding the Destinations Preferred by European Tourists during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Corina Aurora BARBU, Alina-Elena IONAȘCU, Alexandra POPA-pg. 21

The 21st Century: A Potential Century of Crises
Ion BOTESCU -pg. 29

Relations between the European Union (EU) and Japan
Tudor COLOMEISCHI -pg. 37

Constanta County Exports in the Last 10 Years
Ioana Claudia DOBRE -pg. 45

Overview on Romanian Highschool Students’ Attractiveness for Maritime Transport Studies
-pg. 51

Careers in Maritime Transport – Gender Equality and Climate Change Perspectives
-pg. 58

Exploratory Study on the Types of Economic Crimes at EU Level
Iulia-Oana FLOREA, Kamer-Ainur AIVAZ, Diane Paula VANCEA -pg. 68

Blockchain Technology: From the Technological Fringes to the Mainstream and Its Applications
Gideon Simon GHAJIGA, Dikeledi JacobethWARLIMONT, Pius Shaun WARLIMONT -pg. 77

The Impact of the Energy Crisis in Europe
Maria GHEORGHE -pg. 84

Factors Favoring the Level of Knowledge in Writing European Funds for Sport Structures
Anca-Maria IONESCU, Monica-Iulia STĂNESCU, Kamer-Ainur AIVAZ
-pg. 90

The Impact of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict on the Current Migration Phenomenon
Alunica MORARIU -pg. 99

Digitalization of Public Administration in the Context of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027 and the Implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)
Alunica MORARIU -pg. 109

The Influence of Business Incubation Services on the Performance of SMEs in the Tourism Industry
Gloria MOTHIBI, Tyron Tegwen WARLIMONT, Lavinia NĂDRAG -pg. 117

Statistical Analysis Regarding Waste Generation and Treatment in Romania between 2016 and 2020
Luiza Loredana NĂSTASE -pg. 124

Trends in Municipal Waste Generation and Treatment in Romania. Comparative Statistics with the EU Average
Luiza Loredana NĂSTASE -pg. 130

Socio-Economic Analysis of Romania After Joining the European Union
Iulia-Alexandra OPREA, Nicoleta ILIE (MARIN), Lăcrămioara Alina DRĂCEA -pg. 137

Why is More Efficient to Combine BeautifulSoup and Selenium in Scraping for Data Under Energy Crisis
Simona Vasilica OPREA, Adela BARA -pg. 145

Global Evolution of Research on Sustainable Development and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: A Bibliometric Review
Ioana Bianca PĂTRÎNJAN (CÂMPEAN) -pg. 153

Human Capital Effects Analysis on Income in Developing Countries
Oana RUJOIU -pg. 162

The Priorities of Romanian Coastal and Maritime Tourism From the Perspective of Land and Sea Interactions
Mari-Isabella STAN -pg. 170

Aspects Regarding The Implementation Status of Social Projects at Regional Level
Mari-Isabella STAN, Simona-Elena COJOCARU -pg. 180

The Touristic Capitalisation of Cultural Services Offered by Natura 2000 Sites. Experiences from Romanian Less Developed Regions
Mihai TALMACIU, Irina Teodora MANOLESCU, Mioara MIHAILA -pg. 189

The Dynamics of Taxation Applied to Multinational Enterprises in the European Union
Laurențiu-Mihai TĂNASE, Oana-Cristina DATCU, Norina POPOVICI -pg. 198

An Analysis of Business Performance in Romania’s IT Sector
Ionela TOFAN, Elena CONDREA -pg. 207

Business Performance in IT. A Multivariate Regression Analysis
Ionela TOFAN, Elena CONDREA -pg. 217

Competing for Dominance in Global Banking
Sorin-George TOMA, Andra MODREANU -pg. 227


Section III: Economic and Social Studies


Strategic Options in the Field of Public Health Against the Background of Limited Financial Resources
Nicoleta ASALOȘ, Patricia BOSTAN, Ionel BOSTAN -pg. 235

The Main Characteristics of Ponzi Scams: A Case Study on Israel
Eldad BAR LEV, Liviu-George MAHA, Stefan-Catalin TOPLICEANU -pg. 245

Sustainable Strategies in Times of Crisis
Camelia BĂEȘU -pg. 255

Sustainable and Transferable Tools of an Effective Manager
Camelia BĂEȘU -pg. 260

Students’ Emotional and Behavioral Adjustments as Factors Influencing Academic Success
Eleonora BÂCĂ -pg. 265

Basing the Decisions Regarding the Optimal Variant of the Maintenance Policy Based on the Criterion of Economic Costs
Paul BOCĂNETE, Pompiliu GOLEA, Petrișor Dănuț GRUIA -pg. 270

The Medical Profession – A Brief Approach in Terms of the Labor Market
Patricia BOSTAN, Cristina Mihaela LAZĂR, Ionel BOSTAN -pg. 277

Assessing ESP Writing Skills. Case Study Proposal: Assessment for Learning

The Organizational Environment – The Importance of Data
Tudor COLOMEISCHI -pg. 291

Socio-Economic Issues in George Baritiu’s Writings
Sorinel COSMA, Daniel LIPARĂ -pg. 296

Simion Barnutiu and His Socio-Political Ideas
Sorinel COSMA, Daniel LIPARĂ -pg. 303

The Impact of Digitalization in the HR Department: A Post-Pandemic Qualitative Analysis
Oana-Cristina DATCU, Laurențiu-Mihai TĂNASE, Norina POPOVICI -pg. 309

The Covid-19 Electronic Registry: Its Implementation within Medical Institutions in the Republic of Moldova
Svetlana GOROBIEVSCHI, Lavinia NĂDRAG -pg. 317

The Impact of Travel Agencies on the Demand for Tourism Services
Marian IONEL -pg. 327

The Services Sector and Employment in Romania
Marian IONEL -pg. 332

Use of the Social-Democrat Doctrine in the Preservation of Systemic Economic Order at the Beginning of the Third Millennium
Ion Gr. IONESCU, Oana BOCĂNETE -pg. 337

Teaching Business English Writing Online: Challenges and Solutions
Alexandra-Lavinia ISTRATIE-MACAROV -pg. 342

Assessing Business English Writing Online: Challenges and Solutions
Alexandra-Lavinia ISTRATIE-MACAROV -pg. 348

The Role of Information in the Process of Increasing the Transparency of Economic Entities
Georgiana Maria LUNGU -pg. 353

The Automotive Industry and How the Supply Chain is Still Affected by the Crisis
Aurel Constantin LUPU -pg. 358

Urban Development, Significant Factor in the Economic Development of the Regions
Ana-Angela MILAN -pg. 363

The Impact of the Professional Training on the Reputation of the Romanian Banks
Anamaria MISA -pg. 374

Logistics Distribution Centers in Multimodal Transport Operations
Daniel MOCANU -pg. 381

Updating the Global Economic Outlook in the Post-Pandemic Context
Andra-Diana MORAR, Cristian PIECU, Roxana-Mihaela IONIȚĂ -pg. 389

“To Nudge or Not to Nudge”: Public Policies and People’s Resistance to Change
Aurora MURGEA -pg. 395

The Importance of Cost-Benefit Analysis in Designing Environmental Policies
Gabriela PICIU -pg. 404

Modern Approaches to Teaching Business English
Alina-Daniela POPESCU -pg. 409

Alignment of Neurological Levels – An Essential Pillar in Subconscious Programming
Cristina-Dana POPESCU -pg. 414

The Alignment of INTOSAI and Romanian Public External Audit Standards, Guidelines and Institutional Focus to the Data Driven Context
Mihai-Răzvan SANDA, Cristina-Petrina TRINCU-DRĂGUȘIN, Costin-Daniel AVRAM -pg. 418

Public Debt Sustainability in E.U.
Corina-Florentina SCARLAT (MIHAI) -pg. 429

The Genesis of Economic and Financial Criminality

Commercial Services in Trade Without Stores
Anca Cristina STANCIU -pg. 450

Leadership in Romanian Schools
Tatiana TUTUNARU -pg. 455

The Challenges of the Education System in Romania
Tatiana TUTUNARU -pg. 463

Designing Anti-Cyclical Social Policies in Times of Economic Crisis

Nonlinear Analysis of Financial Time Series
Sorin VLAD, Mariana VLAD -pg. 478

Overcoming Communication Barriers through Power Talk in Company Culture
Cristina Mihaela ZAMFIR -pg. 484


Section IV: Marketing – Management

Circular Economy Business Models: The Case of Lush
Gabriela ANDRIȘAN, Cătălin GRĂDINARU, Sorin-George TOMA -pg. 491

NEET’’s Attitude Towards Entrepreneurship
Ionuț ANTOHI, Silvia GHIȚĂ-MITRESCU -pg. 498

The Influence of ICT on Labour Productivity in Romanian Companies
Ionuț ANTOHI, Constantin ILIE -pg. 507

The Potential of Future Human Resources Managers in Terms of Transactional Analysis
Răzvan BURZ, Mădălina Dumitrița MATICIUC, Alexandru DUȚĂ -pg. 512

Investigation of the Impact of Social Responsibility on Organizational Performance
Marian CAZACU, Andra-Nicoleta PLOSCARU, Daniela Victoria POPESCU -pg. 517

Innovation Leadership – Stimulus for Individual Creativity
Florinel CÎMPEANU -pg. 522

The Impact of Leadership in Organizational Change
Florinel CÎMPEANU -pg. 528

Quality Management in Pre-University Education
Lavinia-Roxana DINCĂ (DIACONU) -pg. 535

The Role of Talented Employees in Public Projects
Adrian-Eugen DINU, Nicoleta-Valentina FLOREA -pg. 539

Increasing Organizational Performance Through Non-financial Motivation of the Employees
Diana Andreea DUMITRACHE, Delia Mioara POPESCU, Andrei MATICIUC -pg. 545

Study on the Influence of the Physical Work Environment on Organizational Results in Sports Clubs
Simona DUMITRIU, Daniela Victoria POPESCU, Gabriel Ioan MANGRA -pg. 550

The Role of Human Resources Management in the Internal Branding of Public Organizations
Iulian GEORGESCU, Anca Antoaneta VĂRZARU, Mădălina Georgiana MANGRA -pg. 555

The Influence of Information Technologies on Public Communication Within Sports Organizations
Iulian GEORGESCU, Anca Antoaneta VĂRZARU, Gabriel Ioan MANGRA -pg. 560

Arrivals, Overnights and Area Distribution of Tourists in Romania and the Means of Transport Used by Foreign Tourists, in January–October 2021
Liliana GHERGHINA -pg. 564

Study Regarding the Preferences and Attitude of Consumers for Spending Vacations in Tourist Resorts in Romania
Liliana GHERGHINA -pg. 574

The Sales Strategies of ”Online” Stores, in the Context of Increased Competition
Florin IORDANOAIA -pg. 584

The Evolution of Tourist Accommodation Capacity in Romania. The Case of the Romanian Black Sea Tourist Coastal Resorts
Ion Danut JUGĂNARU -pg. 594

Some Recent Evolutions and Trends, Both Worldwide and in Europe, in the Events Industry, Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ion Danut JUGĂNARU -pg. 604

Changes in Terms of Buying Behavior Influenced by the Pandemic Period and the Economic Crisis
Mariana JUGĂNARU, Iulia Maria DRĂGHICI -pg. 614

The Use of Marketing Research in Studying the Internationalization of Higher Education at “Ovidius” University in Constanța
Mariana JUGĂNARU, Răzvan Ionuț DRUGĂ -pg. 622

Review of Employees’ Priorities at a Workplace
Kaur KOMALPREET, Vanina Adoriana TRIFAN -pg. 630

Management of Organizational Culture – Achievements So Far and Challenges Ahead
Lăcrămioara MANSOUR (STOIAN), Elena Cerasela SPĂTARIU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 636

Corruption Risk in the Public Sector
Cecilia MĂNTESCU (TÎLVAN) -pg. 645

The Relationship Between Organisational Learning and Employee Development. Results From an Extensive Research Project on Organisational Culture in an IT Company
Daniel METZ -pg. 652

Does Employee Empowerment Influence Employee Motivation? Findings of a Study on a Multinational Corporation Operating in the IT Industry
Daniel METZ -pg. 659

Tourism Behaviour and the Transformative Power of the Pandemic – A Post-Pandemic Perspective
Constantina-Alina MILOȘ (ILIE) -pg. 668

Methods and Techniques Used in Evaluating the Quality and Profitability of a Company
Raul MIRCEA, Corina-Maria RUSU -pg. 679

Dissolution, Liquidation, and Deregistration of Trade Companies in Romania
Dorinela NANCU, Alexandra DĂNILĂ -pg. 686

The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Change
Andra-Nicoleta PLOSCARU, Simona DUMITRIU, Marian CAZACU -pg. 692

Ethical Communication in Medical Crisis
Ana-Maria PREDILĂ -pg. 697

Marketing of Health Services in Pandemic Context. Case Study Romania
Alina PUȚAN -pg. 702

The Importance of Motivation and Performance Management at the Organizational Level
Daniela Corina ROTESCU, Cristinel Sorin SPINU, Ionuț RIZA -pg. 709

Defining the Impоrtance оf Organizatiоnal Culture and Its Evolution in Romania
Sari Yavuz KORAY -pg. 716

Organizational Culture: Functions, Dimensions and Influence Over Products and Services
Sari Yavuz KORAY -pg. 722

The Importance of Police Management in Romania
Ioan SIDĂU -pg. 728

The History and Evolution of Managing Public Safety in Romania
Ioan SIDĂU -pg. 734

Romanian Educational Management from the Perspective of Generation Z
Cătălina SITNIKOV, Carmen Maria MIHALCEA, Sofia Mihaela ROMANESCU -pg. 739

The Role of the Leader Teacher in the Educational System in Romania
Ionela Petruța STANCA, Denisa Mihaela ȘULĂ, Liliana NICOLAE-ȘTEFAN -pg. 746

Causes and Strategies for Plate Waste Management in the HoReCa Sector
Dimitrie STOICA, Angela-Eliza MICU, Maricica STOICA -pg. 753

Google Business Profile or How to Create Your Identity on Google. Steps and Requirements
Adrian ȘERBAN COMĂNESCU -pg. 763

The Importance of Entrepreneurial Communication in Organizational Culture
Mihaela Rodica ȘOMLEA -pg. 769

Entrepreneurial Communication Skills
Mihaela Rodica ȘOMLEA -pg. 777

The Roles and Functions of Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) in the Success and Performance of Tourism Destinations
Smaranda TOMA, Daniela MIHAI -pg. 786

The Necessity of a Strategic Approach to Romanian Tourism
Smaranda TOMA, Daniela MIHAI -pg. 794

Factors that Influence Performing Remote Work. Challenges and Solutions
Elena-Sabina TURNEA -pg. 802

Employees Demands for Remote, Online Work. Post Pandemic Changes
Elena-Sabina TURNEA -pg. 806

Human Resource Management and Industry 4.0
Cristina Gabriela VASCIUC (SANDULESCU) -pg. 811


Section V: Finance and Accounting


The European Union Taxonomy – The Revolution of Sustainable Activities
Maria-Mădălina BOGEANU-POPA, Mariana MAN -pg. 818

The Accounting Profession and Addressing Sustainability Issues
Raluca-Mihaela BOHARU (MIRCEA), Anca Daniela ȘENCHEA, Andreea Cristina SAVU -pg. 827

Influence of the Energy Crisis on Prices and the Performance of Agricultural Holdings
Claudiu-Florin DEAC, Margareta GHIȘA FĂGĂDAR -pg. 834

The Evolution of the Collaborative/Shared Economy on Demand and its Impact on Fiscal Systems
Leliana DIANA (BOLCU), Veronica ȘTEFAN -pg. 838

Skandia Navigator – An Innovative Tool for Evaluating Hidden Intangible Assets
Cati-Loredana DUMITRU (SOARE) -pg. 846

Intellectual Capital Measurement and Evaluation Models Based on Assets Return as Non-Accounting Value
Cati-Loredana DUMITRU (SOARE) -pg. 852

The Importance of Non-Financial Information in Financial Situations for the Sustainability of the National Economy
Cristina-Elena FLOREA (POENARU), Gabriela CONSTANTIN (ANGHEL) -pg. 857

Reporting on Errors and Fraud in Financial Audit Missions
Laura-Andreea IAMANDACHE (FLOREA) -pg. 863

Capitalization of Accounting Information in the Analysis of the Economic and Financial Position of the Company
Cristina-Mihaela IONESCU (HARALAMBIE), George-Alin HARALAMBIE -pg. 869

Some Attempts to Speculate Vigilance on the International Financial Market
Ion Gr. IONESCU, Florenta CRETU -pg. 879

Perspectives on Tax Optimization: Opportunities and Challenges
Flavius Valentin JAKUBOWICZ, Ionela MUNTEANU -pg. 883

Accounting Information System – A Quantitative Analyse of the Bibliometric Elements
Lăcrămioara MANSOUR (STOIAN), Elena Cerasela SPĂTARIU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 890

The Covid-19 Pandemic and the Global Value of Companies in Emerging Economy Countries
Anatol MELEGA, Veronica GROSU, Anamaria Geanina MACOVEI -pg. 901

The Post-COVID Economic Crisis and its Major Influences in the Economic Activity of Firms
Mihaiela Joly MIRCEA -pg. 911

A Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Accounting Studies Concerning Fiscal Topics
Ionela MUNTEANU, Flavius Valentin JAKUBOWICZ -pg. 920

Comparative Study of Bank Cards in Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary
Irena MUNTEANU -pg. 927

Aspects Regarding the Monetary Policy in The European Union’s Countries
Irena MUNTEANU, Amelia Elena PETRICA -pg. 933

Air Pollution, Mood and Stock Return in Romania
Aurora MURGEA -pg. 943

Management Tools on Guaranteeing and Financing SMEs in Times of Crisis
Dumitru NANCU -pg. 953

Considerations Regarding the Substantiation of Financial Instruments’ Accounting
Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 958

Reflections on the Digitalization of the Accounting System
Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 966

Cryptocurrency Trading – Way to Invest in the Short Term

Financial Education – Strategy to Combat Tax Evasion

The Financial-Accounting Audit in Pre-University Educational Institutions in Romania
Anișoara – Elena PAVELESCU (BELBE) -pg. 986

The Interdependence of the Stock Markets Developed in Central and Eastern European Stock Market Represented by the Stocks Indices
Mitică PEPI -pg. 995

The Analysis of Equity Capital of an Economic Entity in Romania
Ilie RĂSCOLEAN, Ileana – Sorina RAKOS -pg. 1001

The Importance and Necessity of Heritage Evaluation
Mircea-Iosif RUS -pg. 1010

The Impact of Funding R&D Activity in Economy
Mircea-Iosif RUS -pg. 1015

The Role of the Forensic Accounting Expert in the Prevention of Combating Corruption and Economic Crime
Andreea Cristina SAVU, Raluca Mihaela MIRCEA (BOHARU), Cristina Gabriela VASCIUC (SĂNDULESCU) -pg. 1021

The Romanian Banking System – Evolution and Transition after the Crisis Generated by COVID 19 and the War in Ukraine
Roxana Daliana SCHIOP -pg. 1027

The Impact of ERP Implementation on Firm Performance
Raluca Andreea STOICA, Alina Gabriela MARES, Laura Andreea FLOREA -pg. 1036

Analysis of the Stock Market and Macroeconomic Indicators for the Emerging Market in Hungary
Anca Ioana TROTO (IACOB) -pg. 1042

Study on the Evolution of Stock Market Capitalization and Gross Domestic Product in the Emerging Countries of the European Union
Anca Ioana TROTO (IACOB) -pg. 1049

Section I: International Affairs

Section II: Regional Development, Integration and Globalization


Excess Mortality Associated with the Covid-19 Pandemic in Romania

Dalina-Maria ANDREI -pg. 2

Do European Funds Contribute to the Sustainable Development of Romania?

Gabriela-Diana BARAGHIN, Ioana BELEIU -pg. 12

Perspectives on the Development of Public Health System’s Infrastructure in the Context of PNRR’s Implementation

Patricia BOSTAN, Cristina LAZAR, Ionel BOSTAN -pg. 22

ESF Funding for the Development of Romanian Social Enterprises – Regional Distribution

Anamaria BUCACIUC, Gabriela PRELIPCEAN -pg. 32

Evaluating the Results regarding the Implementation of the Development Policies of the European Union

Oana Mirela COJOCARU (DIACONESCU) -pg. 38

Conceptual Research on the Organization of Local Public Administration in Romania and Republic of Moldova

Ion COZMA, Adrian Ioan TIRAU, Sorina Ancuta PUSCAS -pg. 49

State Aid Granted by the European Union for the Recovery of the HORECA Sector

Ioana Claudia DOBRE -pg. 55

The Influencing Factors of SMEs Participation in Public Procurement

Ecaterina Milica DOBROTA, Roxana SARBU, Silvius STANCIU -pg. 61

The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Commission of White-Collar Crimes by Ordinary Individuals

Lev ELDAD BAR, Liviu George MAHA -pg. 70

Analysis Of Romania’s Trade Balance With Agri-Food Products

Nicolae ISTUDOR, Emilia GOGU, Irina-Elena PETRESCU, Mihai ISTUDOR -pg. 77

Comparative Analysis of the Degree of Food Security Assurance at Global Level

Nicolae ISTUDOR, Emilia GOGU, Irina-Elena PETRESCU, Cătălin Gheorghe ZEMELEAGA -pg. 87

Evolution of Business Ethics

Florina LEȚA (MIHAI) -pg. 95

Evaluating the Internationalization Process of Firms – Methods and Dimensions

Dumitru-Silviu MISTREANU, Liviu-George MAHA -pg. 101

Views on China’s International Economic Relations and the Key Dimensions in the Context of Economic Globalization

Bogdan MUNTEANU -pg. 106

Machine Learning Algorithms and PV Forecast for Off-Grid Prosumers Energy Management

Simona Vasilica OPREA, Adela BARA -pg. 117

Sustainable and Regional Development in European Union

Claudia PAU, Mihaela MARTIN, Razvan VADUVA -pg. 124

Good Governance Strategies and Pandemic Crisis Management

Claudia PAU, Mihaela MARTIN, Razvan VADUVA -pg. 133

Monitoring and Measuring Expenditure on Social Protection Benefits of Member States in the European Union

Ana SPINU, Ana-Maria ROMAN -pg. 143

An Analysis of Network Effects and the Financial Performance of Online Learning Platforms

Marian STAN, Mihai CIOBOTEA -pg. 149

The MSP Stakeholders’ Perception of Port and Coastal Protection Activity

Mari-Isabella STAN -pg. 157

An Analysis of the Municipal Waste Management of Romania and Bulgaria in the European Context

Mari-Isabella STAN -pg. 166

Analysis of Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Sustainable Regional Development – Result of European Funding in the CENTER Region-Romania

Nicoleta STELEA, Gavrila CALEFARIU -pg. 175

Understanding the Effects of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict on the Global Economy

Vanina Adoriana TRIFAN, Kaur KOMALPREET -pg. 180


Section III: Economic and Social Studies


Adjusting and (Re)Adapting from Online to Face-to-Face Systems – A Case Study

Eleonora BACA -pg. 186

Group Work Strategies in ESP Classes


Eco-economy as a Concept of a New Model of National Economies Development

Alexei CHIRTOCA -pg. 197

Economic Beliefs in the Works of Simion Mehedinți

Sorinel COSMA -pg. 203

Dimitrie Cantemir’s Economic Perspectives

Sorinel COSMA -pg. 210

Features of the COVID-19 Crisis – Reflections of Economic and Financial Indicators

Adina CRISTE, Iulia LUPU -pg. 215

Assessing European Social Fund efficiency in Romania, A Linear Regression Model

Cristian DOGAR -pg. 224

An Analysis of the Economic and Social Factors Affecting Real Convergence in Romania

Otilia Georgiana FLOROIU -pg. 230

Choosing the Appropriate Regression from Nine Different Mathematical Models

Ovidiu GHERASIM -pg. 240

The Evolution of Inland Navigable Waterways and Maritime Ports in Romania

Alexandru HAIDUC, Stefania NICOARA, Olimpia NEAGU -pg. 248

Characteristics of the Youth Employment – Romania 2000 – 2020 Data

Dana ICHIM SOMOGYI -pg. 258

Recruitment Process’ Characteristics as Presented in the European Company Survey – European Union vs Romania 2019 Data

Dana ICHIM SOMOGYI -pg. 265

Forms of Tourism in Romania and Influencing Factors

Marian IONEL -pg. 271

Domestic Tourism and Romania’s International Tourism

Marian IONEL -pg. 276

Application of the European Tourism Indicator System (ETIS) in Sibiu County

Elena Manuela ISTOC, Mihaela Adina MATEESCU, Daniela Nicoleta BALEANU -pg. 281

Aspects of European Funding for the Energy Transition – Just Transition

Diana JOITA, Carmen-Elena DOBROTA -pg. 289

Destination Management Organizations in Romania: Important Steps Taken Recently for Their Operationalization

Ion Danut JUGANARU -pg. 298

The Recovery of Tourism and Travel After the COVID-19 Pandemic: Romania’s Case. Recent Favorable Developments, but also Certain Concerns over the Perspectives

Ion Danut JUGANARU -pg. 309

The Role of Financial Indicators in Financial Communication

Georgiana Maria LUNGU -pg. 319

The Impact of Online Classes on Student Performance during the Pandemic Period of COVID 19 in Romania

Tatiana MARIAN (TUTUNARU) -pg. 325

The Impact of Online Classes on Teachers Performance during the Pandemic Period of COVID 19 in Romania

Tatiana MARIAN (TUTUNARU) -pg. 331

An Overview of Public Sector Performance in Europe

Lavinia MUSTEA -pg. 339

Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in Business Activities

Lavinia NADRAG -pg. 346

Public-Private Partnership and Economic Development Implication

Carmen NASTASE, Mariana LUPAN, Mihai POPESCU -pg. 351

IoT Technology Challenges for the Business Media from Suceava

Daniela Mihaela NEAMTU, Irina Stefana CIBOTARIU -pg. 361

Can Cyber Risk Affect Financial Stability?

Claudiu Ioan NEGREA -pg. 368

The Digital Leu Challenges and Possible Areas of Implementation

Claudiu Ioan NEGREA, Ela Mădălina SCARLAT -pg. 377

The Impact of Rising Oil Prices on Agricultural Products

Samuel NICOARA, Daniel MANATE -pg. 386

CSR and Environment: A Bibliometric Mapping

Ioana Bianca PATRINJAN (CAMPEAN) -pg. 390

Environmental Protection Network in the Context of COVID-19

Gabriela PICIU -pg. 400

Effects of Income Inequality on Economic Growth: the Case of the Republic of Moldova

Rodica PISICA -pg. 407

Improving the Organizational Resilience during COVID-19. An Analyis of the Romainan Banking Sector

Georgiana-Loredana SCHIPOR (FRECEA) -pg. 417

Using Digial Banking to Develop Organizational Resilience in Romania: Consumer Attitudes and Perceptions

Georgiana-Loredana SCHIPOR (FRECEA) -pg. 425

Bank Systemic Risk and Macroprudential Policy

Liviu SERBANESCU -pg. 431

Micro-prudential vs Macro-prudential Regulation

Liviu SERBANESCU -pg. 437

Features of Knowledge Management Implementation in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Adina Eleonora SPINU, Timone Silviu STANCIOIU, Vanina Adoriana TRIFAN -pg. 442

Impact of Green Economy on the Oil Prices and Production

Laurentiu-Mihai TĂNASE, Norina POPOVICI -pg. 451

A Perspective to Carbon Footprint in the Economic Justice Context

Adina TITEI -pg. 455

The Correlation between Inflation and Money Supply

Adina TITEI, Ramona Nicoleta DINU -pg. 460

Romania’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan – a Set of Reforms and Investments for the Increase of the Nominal and Real Convergence

Iulian Nicolae VASILOIU -pg. 466

Perceptual Positions – The New Behaviour and ‘Map of Reality’ Generators in Business Communication

Cristina Mihaela ZAMFIR -pg. 473


Section IV: Marketing – Management


Achieving Business Success in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Case of Procter & Gamble

Gabriela ANDRISAN, Andra MODREANU -pg. 482

Creativity at the Heart of Learning

Roxana Maria ANGHEL BLIDARU -pg. 491

The Leadership of Primary School Principals and the Academic Success of Students

Roxana Maria ANGHEL BLIDARU -pg. 497

Perspectives in the Evolution of Human Resource Management in Multinational Organizations in Romania

Alina Madalina BELU, Ionela STANECI (DRINCEANU) -pg. 503

The Potential of Presumed Persons Interested in an Entrepreneurial Approach in the Tourism Sector

Razvan Dorin BURZ, Alexandru DUTA -pg. 511

Circular Economy Applied to the Automotive Industry

Stefan-Alexandru CATANA, Sorin-George TOMA, Catalin GRADINARU -pg. 516

Analyze the Trust Offered to Companies based on the Number of Followers on Instagram

Raluca-Giorgiana CHIVU (POPA), Ionut-Claudiu POPA, Bianca Cristiana VOICU -pg. 521

Solidarity versus Management in Local Public Administration in the Context of Spending Public Resources on Humanitarian Aid to Refugees in Ukraine

Marius Silviu CULEA, Angela Eliza MICU, Daniel CONSTANTIN -pg. 528

The Impact of the Employees’ Perception from the Educational Institutions in the Process of Organizational Change and the Implications of the Change on the Performance of the Organization

Elmira Cezarina DINA, Daniela Victoria POPESCU, Marian CAZACU -pg. 537

Romanian Students’ Perception of Cryptocurrency

Vladut FARAONEL, Alexandra Raluca JELEA, Mara MATCU -pg. 545

The Impact of HR Activities on Organizational Performance

Iulian GEORGESCU, Daniela Victoria POPESCU, Simona DUMITRIU -pg. 552

Evaluating the Implementation of an Integrated IT Solution for HRM on the Organizational Efficiency and Effectiveness

Iulian GEORGESCU, Sorin TUDOR, Marian CAZACU -pg. 557

Role of Leadership in Modern International Organizations

Alin GOGLEA -pg. 562

Understanding the Effects of Leadership within the 2030 UN Agenda

Alin GOGLEA -pg. 568

Models of Participative Management that Can Be Applied in Romanian Public Institutions

Ioan GRAPINI, Cristina Maria ALBESCU (SANDA), Flaviu Casian FAUR -pg. 574

Helpful or not? A Review about the Role of Social Media in Higher Education Admission Campaigns.

Alexandru GRIGORAS -pg. 583

Brief Analysis of the Evolution of Female Employees in Recent Years. Research Using Mathematical Modelling

Constantin ILIE, Margareta ILIE -pg. 591

Brief Analysis of the Evolution of Female Employees in Recent Years. Research Using Visual Representation

Margareta ILIE, Constantin ILIE -pg. 598

Concerns Regarding the Orientation of Higher Education in Romania. Flexibility – A Current Requirement

Mariana JUGANARU -pg. 603

The Importance of Marketing Research in Shaping the Entrepreneurial Culture

Mariana JUGANARU, Andreea Alina SOLTANIUC -pg. 613

The Consumer of Social Media. An Intergenerational Approach

Adriana MANOLICA, Andreea-Maria SORODOC, Beniamin-Vladut FARAONEL -pg. 624

Using Virtual Assistants as Relationship Marketing Instruments

Dragos Florentin MARICIUC -pg. 634

Behavior of the Tourist Services Consumer. Specific and Perspective Elements in the Context of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Constantina-Alina MILOȘ (ILIE) -pg. 642

Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility and Employees: An analysis of Romanian Post-Millennials’ Perceptions

Andra MODREANU, Gabriela Nicoleta ANDRISAN -pg. 651

Analyzing Consumer Behavior towards Purchasing Pharmaceutical Products Online

Ana-Maria NECULAI, Alexandra POPA, Luiza-Madalina CIMA -pg. 659

European Projects and Programs in Romania and in the South-West Oltenia Region

Irina Andreea PEGULESCU, Denisa Maria COJOACA (ALNITI), Ana Maria PREDILA -pg. 667

Difficulties and Opportunities Encountered in Promoting and Selling Agri-Food Products Online

Elisa PIRLEA, Mihai ANGHEL-BADESCU -pg. 676

Changes and Trends in Consumers` Behaviour and Online Purchasing: A Post-COVID-19 Analysis

Alexandra POPA, Elena Cerasela SPATARIU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 685

Human Resources Management – A Process Adapted to 2022

Ionut-Claudiu POPA, Raluca-Giorgiana CHIVU (POPA), Florina FLOROIU (MIHAI) -pg. 693

Taxpayer Satisfaction in the Municipality Constanta and Its Perception of Integrity of Public Functionaries

Norina POPOVICI, Laurențiu-Mihai TANASE -pg. 702

The Role of Service Quality in Ensuring Customer Satisfaction in the Airline Industry

Cosmina Laura RAT, Maria METZ, Cristina TOADERE -pg. 708

Leaders Leading Networked Mentoring: A New Language of Leadership in the Era of Knowledge

Nurit ROZOLYO – BEN HAMOZEG, Adriana MANOLICA -pg. 716

The Service Sector in the Post – Pandemic Era

Adriana SCRIOSTEANU, Maria Magdalena CRIVEANU -pg. 726

Leadership Styles and Organizational Behavior

Carmen-Gabriela SECARA, Alina-Stefania STROE -pg. 732

The Influence of Management and Leadership on Performance at the Level of the School Organization

Ionela STANCA PETRUTA, Mariana Paraschiva OLARU (STAICU), Costinel Cristian MILITARU -pg. 741

The Role of Standards in Company Management

Anca-Cristina STANCIU -pg. 749

The Impact of Economic Drivers on Food Loss Management

Dimitrie STOICA, Angela-Eliza MICU, Maricica STOICA -pg. 753

Decoding the Lean Enterprise

Sorin-George TOMA, Stefan CATANA, Catalin GRADINARU -pg. 762

Taylorism and Ambidexterity – A Systemic Perspective on Integrating Exploration and Exploitation in Organizations

Raluca ZOLTAN, Romulus VANCEA -pg. 768


Section V: Finance and Accounting


Research regarding the Integration of the Sustainable Development’s Requirements within the Accounting Model at a Microeconomic Level

Maria-Madalina BOGEANU-POPA, Mariana MAN -pg. 777

Fiscal Optimization through the Acquisition of Intra Group Services

Marius BOITA, Gheorghe PRIBEANU, Ionela Mihaela MILUTIN -pg. 788

Funding Public Health Action Programs: Allocations, Budget Execution and Post-Audit Results at the Level of the First Pandemic Year

Patricia BOSTAN, Nicoleta ASALOS, Ionel BOSTAN -pg. 793

Approaching the Risk of Fraud in the Audit of European Projects

Nina Adriana BUICA, Costin Daniel AVRAM, Magdalena MIHAI -pg. 803

Financial Inclusion in Romania – A New Perspective

Alina Elena CERCHIA (IONASCU), Elena Cerasela SPATARIU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 809

Non-Financial Reporting of Information within Companies. Case Study OMV Petrom

Ionela Cornelia CIOCA, Oana Raluca IVAN, Elena Daniela CRISAN -pg. 815

Budget of Revenues and Expenditures in Public Institutions

Marian CIONTESCU -pg. 825

Exercising Own Preventive Financial Control in Military Organizations

Narcis-Alexandru CORMAN, Carina-Bianca PATRINJAN -pg. 832

Early Warning Tools for Insolvency Prevention: Implementation in the Romanian Legal Framework

Corina Georgiana COSTEA (CIOROIU) -pg. 837

Scientific Contextualization of the Public Policy and Entrepreneurship Nexus

Florin COSTEA, Alexandra-Mădălina TARAN, Oana-Ramona LOBONT -pg. 844

Radiography of the Tax Inspection Activity in the Context of Contemporary Challenges

Andreea-Florentina CRACIUN, Raluca-Ioana RACATAIAN,
Nicoleta-Claudia MOLDOVAN -pg. 854

External Debt of Romania

Catalin DRAGOI -pg. 863

Importance of Fundamental Analysis in the Market Valuation of the Medical Sector. Evidence from a Developed Stock Market

Gabriel DRUTA, Laura Raisa MILOS -pg. 873

The Impact of Bank Credit to the Public and Private Sector on the Economic Growth in Albania

Klejda GABESHI -pg. 882

Recovery of Recyclable Waste – Taxation and Accounting Monograph in Romania

Teodor HADA, Iulia Cristina IUGA, Dorin WAINBERG -pg. 889

Challenges and Opportunities for Green Finance

Iulia LUPU, Adina CRISTE -pg. 895

The Liquidity and Indebtness Indicators in Evaluating Bankruptcy Risk Assessment and Insolvency Risk

Madalin-Mihai MOTOC -pg. 902

Structural and Profitability Indicators in Assessing the Risk of Bankruptcy

Madalin Mihai MOTOC -pg. 912

Study on Bank Interest Rates in the European Union

Irena MUNTEANU, Amelia Elena PETRICA -pg. 921

Aspects regarding the Instrumentalization of the Financing Systems in Accounting

Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 928

Trends in the Development of Digitalized Paradigms of Accounting De-Construction

Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 936

Analysis of Linkage Between Health Public Expenditures and Health Outcomes at the European Union Level

Beatrice Patricia OBERKNER, Marius Cristian MILOS -pg. 943

Crypto Currencies and Blockchain System


Evolutions and Trends on the Romanian Capital Market in the Post-Covid-19 Period


Study on the Organization and Implementation of the Internal Managerial Control System at the Level of Public Institutions

Carina-Bianca PATRINJAN, Narcis-Alexandru CORMAN -pg. 957

The Impact of the Global Pandemic Crisis on East and Central EU Stock Markets

Mitica PEPI -pg. 963

The Impact of Returns and Influence of Crypto Assets on Different Asset Classes

Andrei-Dragos POPESCU, Cristi Marcel SPULBAR -pg. 969

Modernization of Public Financial Reporting in the Republic of Moldova in Accordance with IPSAS

Tatiana RAILEAN -pg. 981

Transfer Pricing Rules: National and International Approach

Adrian Ioan TIRAU, Ion COZMA, Andreea MARIN PANTELESCU -pg. 993

Study on the Correlation of Capital Market and Macroeconomic Indicators of Romania

Anca Ioana TROTO (IACOB) -pg. 1002






Section I: International Affairs Section II: Regional Development, Integration and Globalization


Drivers for Development Triggered by the Trilogy Tourism-Underwater Cultural Heritage-Environmental Protection, in Maritime Spatial Planning

Kamer-Ainur AIVAZ, Mari-Isabella STAN, Ionela IONITIU -pg. 2

Why Should Fisheries and Agriculture Be Considered Priority Domains for Maritime Spatial Planning in the Black Sea? A Stakeholder Perspective.

Kamer-Ainur AIVAZ, Mari-Isabella STAN, Dragos-Florian VINTILA -pg. 12

Money Laundering and Its Understanding by the Current Romanian Legal System – Origins, Mechanisms and Implications

Akad Yassar AL-KASAWNIH -pg. 21

The Role of Leadership in Modern Education

Mashhour Khalaf Abdallah AL-RABIE -pg. 27

Leadership and Its Importance in Sustainable Development

Mashhour Khalaf Abdallah AL-RABIE -pg. 33

Englishization and the Appeal of Multinational Corporations among Business Students

Oana Alexandra ALEXA -pg. 38

Determinants of the New Companies Formation in E.U. Member Countries. An Autoregressive ARDL Model Approach

Dalina-Maria ANDREI -pg. 48

The Current Needs of the Agrarian System in the South-East Region

Daniela – Lavinia BALASAN, Dragos Horia BUHOCIU, Cristinel FERTU -pg. 58

Statistical Analysis of the Impact of Application of the European Union Rules on the Number of Death from Traffic Accidents and the CO Pollution

Alina BARBULESCU, Cristian Stefan DUMITRIU -pg. 64

Selection of Features of Smart Cities in the Western Region of Romania

Cristian Dan BIRIS, Valentin Partenie MUNTEANU -pg. 71

The European Union, the United States and China Main Actors in the Global Economy

Ion BOTESCU -pg. 79

Public Innovation in Romania: Financing Smart City Initiatives Using European Funds in Small and Medium Sized Cities

Alina-Ramona BUTNARIU, Procopie-Florin GUSUL -pg. 86

The Influence of Culture on Accounting Disclosure Among Islamic Countries

Maria Alina CARATAS, Elena Cerasela SPATARIU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 95

Analysis of GDP per Capita Convergence Speed in the Member States of the European Union

Viorica CHIRILA, Ciprian CHIRILA -pg. 101

The Process of Contemporary Globalization in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Tudor COLOMEISCHI -pg. 109

The Influence of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Online Acquisitions

Tudor COLOMEISCHI -pg. 118

Rethinking the Welfare State in Global Economy Affected by Pandemic Crisis

Ioana Claudia DOBRE -pg. 125

Composites in Wind Energy

Anamaria-Nadie EMIN (LEONTE) -pg. 130

The Challenge of Language and Cultural Identity in Post-Colonial Africa’s National Economic Development

Gideon Simon GHAJIGA, Dikeledi Jacobeth WARLIMONT -pg. 135

Structural Developments in Agricultural Activity after Romania’s Accession to the European Union

Cosmin IVASCU, Adina Elena DANULETIU -pg. 142

On the 125th Anniversary of the Construction of the Modern Port of Constanta (Romania), the Largest Port on the Black Sea: Recent Developments, Perspectives and New Development Strategies

Ion Danut JUGANARU -pg. 153

G20 Countries: About Investments and Productivity Growth in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Luiza Loredana NASTASE -pg. 164

A Challenge of Service Management – Balancing the Price of Transportation

Norina POPOVICI, Daniel FIRICA -pg. 171

Social Benefits Expenses and their Financing in the Member States of the European Union

Ana-Maria ROMAN -pg. 178

Case Study on KOF Globalization Index for Greece, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and Hungary

Anca Ioana TROTO (IACOB) -pg. 185


Section III: Economic and Social Studies


Study on Some Aspects of the Economic and Social Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic

Solomia ANDRES -pg. 194

Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcomes during Online Course Delivery – A Case Study

Eleonora BACA -pg. 204

The Impact of COVID 19 Pandemic on the Entrepreneurial Environment

Camelia BAESU -pg. 210

Digitalization of Public Administration in Romania

Camelia BAESU -pg. 215

The Performance Potential of Future Employees in the Hospitality Industry in Terms of Cognitive Reflection Test

Razvan Dorin BURZ, Alexandru DUTA -pg. 221

Assessing ESP Reading Skills. Case Study on Business Topics


Corporate Governance During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Maria Alina CARATAS, Elena Cerasela SPATARIU, Raluca Andreea TRANDAFIR -pg. 233

Larry Page and Internet Entrepreneurship

Stefan-Alexandru CATANA, Sorin-George TOMA, Catalin GRADINARU -pg. 239

Development and Economic Progress in Mihail Kogălniceanu’s Writings

Sorinel COSMA -pg. 244

Nicolae Bălcescu and the History-Economics-Sociology Triad

Sorinel COSMA -pg. 249

Assessing the Current Situation of the Grape Market in Romania

Lacramioara Alina DRACEA -pg. 255

Study Regarding the Tourism Sector in Romanian Economy

Maria Liliana DRUIU -pg. 261

Specific Aspects Regarding Tourism and Travel in European Union

Maria Liliana DRUIU -pg. 267

The Discursive Features of the Written Tourism Discourse Specific to the Travel Guide

Elena DUMITRASCU -pg. 273

Linear Fuzzy Regressions versus Power Fuzzy Regressions

Ovidiu GHERASIM -pg. 278

Regulations Regarding Nonfinancial Reporting and Socially Responsible Behavior

Mihai-Florentin HERCIU -pg. 286

The Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility and the Impact on the Organizations

Mihai-Florentin HERCIU -pg. 295

The Importance of Implementing Quality Systems in the Economic Development of the Constanta Metropolitan Area

Stefania Rodica HUBEL (ANGHEL), Gabriela Iuliana PARASCHIV (GANEA), Anca Cristina STANCIU -pg. 304

Employability Skills: Correspondent Hard and Soft Employability Skills for Main Economic Sectors

Dana ICHIM SOMOGYI -pg. 312

Prevalence of Depression in Adults in Constanta County, Romania, before and during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Miorita Melina IORDACHE, Costin Octavian SORICI -pg. 319

Zonulin as a Biomarker in Mental Illness – Sistematic Review

Miorita Melina IORDACHE, Cristina TOCIA -pg. 325

Strategy for the Transfer of River Freight Transport, from the Danube, on an Inland Canal in the South of Romania

Florin IORDANOAIA -pg. 332

Snake Island (Black Sea): Sharing Strategic and Economic Benefits

Cristina Mihaela LAZAR, Ionel BOSTAN -pg. 342

Financial Communication Inside Companies

Georgiana Maria LUNGU, Radu BALUNA -pg. 358

Media Representation of Coronavirus in Romanian Online Press. National, European, and International Themes

Georgiana MANOLE-ANDREI, Florinela MOCANU -pg. 363

Analysis of Meat Consumption in the Context of Income Changes

Daniela MARACINE -pg. 374

Analysis of Fruit Consumption in the Context of Income Change

Daniela MARACINE -pg. 378

The Effects of African Swine Fever Virus on Romanian Agriculture

Dorin MARTIN, Maria GIRIP, Radu ANTOHE -pg. 382

English and Modern Business in Nowadays Romania. Case Study – An ESP Course for Business Students

Carmen Liliana MARUNTELU -pg. 391

Digitalization – The Key to Smart City Development

Ana-Angela MILAN -pg. 395

A Proposal for a Bankruptcy Risk Detection Model – Adaptation of the Taffler Model

Madalin-Mihai MOTOC -pg. 406

Particularities of the Insolvency Legislative Evolution. Winners, Opportunists and Losers in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Madalin-Mihai MOTOC -pg. 413

An Analysis of the Main Forms of Legal Organization Used in Running Small Businesses in Romania

Dorinela NANCU, Camelia MIHAI -pg. 419

Trading Companies in Romania

Dorinela NANCU, Camelia MIHAI -pg. 428

Extending the Scope of the EU ETS by Including Road Transport and Shipping

Daniela PANAIT (ZANESCU) -pg. 436

Optimizing the Value Chain of Recycling Biodegradable and Compostable Packaging for Sustainable Development and the Circular Economy

Gabriela Iuliana PARASCHIV (GANEA), Stefania Rodica HUBEL (ANGHEL), Anca Cristina STANCIU -pg. 444

Investment and the Importance of Investment in the European Economy – Comparative Analysis

Nadia Marcela PASCA -pg. 453

Satisfying the Needs of Consumers-Tourists in Terms of the Quality of Services Provided

Nicolae PLATON, Felicia ZAPOROJAN, Elena CABAC -pg. 461

Students’ Perception Regarding the Development of E-learning Activities in Higher Education

Alexandra POPA, Cristina Elena GEORGESCU, Raluca Andreea TRANDAFIR -pg. 468

The Teachers Career Evolution in Romanian Pre-University Education

Mariana POPA (PETRESCU) -pg. 475

Coronavirus Pandemic Crisis

Oana Iuliana RUJOIU -pg. 480

The Creative Tourism – An Interactive Type of Cultural Tourism

Diana SAVA -pg. 486

Global Financial Crisis: Economic and Social Impact

Corina-Florentina SCARLAT (MIHAI), Eleodor-Alin MIHAI -pg. 493

Risk – The Element of Uncertainty in Business Activity

Sofia SCUTARI -pg. 500

The Rule of Law, From Doctrine to Citizen

Adriana Alina SPATARIU -pg. 506

Assessment of Adequate Use of Public Funds and Ensuring Institutional Performance

Adriana Alina SPATARIU -pg. 512

Remote Working: How the Working Life Changed During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Petruta Ionela STANCA, Tudor TARBUJARU -pg. 520

Human Capital Theory in Respect to Cultural, Digital Implications and Integrated Communication

Robert Daniel STANESCU, Alexandra Cristina DINU -pg. 527

The Tracking of Industrial and Digital Revolutions and the Importance of Human Capital Development

Robert Daniel STANESCU, Alexandra Cristina DINU -pg. 532

The Life Expectancy and the Economic Conditions in Pandemic Context in EU

Adina TITEI -pg. 538

European Investigation Order’s Issuance Procedure for Smuggling Crime Investigation

Corina-Maria TUDOR (BARBU) -pg. 542

The Dynamics of the Verbal and Non-verbal Communication Process in Professional Rapports

Cristina Mihaela ZAMFIR -pg. 548


Section IV: Marketing – Management


Uncertainty Management Using Triangular Fuzzy Numbers with Associated Variable Indicators

Ionel Ciprian ALECU -pg. 555

Managerial Challenges and the Impact of the Pandemic at the Level of a Corporate Governance Enterprise

Solomia ANDRES -pg. 562

Business Strategy: Choosing the Right Fit

Gabriela Nicoleta ANDRISAN, Andra MODREANU -pg. 570

An Overview on the Entrepreneurship in Constanta County during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ionut ANTOHI -pg. 575

Quality Management in the Romanian Tourism Industry: An Approach Regarding the Rural Mountain Areas

Corina Aurora BARBU, Elena CONDREA -pg. 580

Management Strategies for the Recovery of the Romanian Tourism Industry in the Covid-19 Pandemic Context

Corina Aurora BARBU -pg. 589

The Internal Managerial Control Applicable to Public Entities: Regulation, Achievements, Perspectives

Ionel BOSTAN, Cristina Mihaela LAZAR -pg. 599

The Aim of Primary and Secondary Sources in International Supply Chain Selection Process

Veronica BULAT, Irina CALUGAREANU -pg. 608

Conflict Management in Organizations – The Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution

Agata Elena BULEI -pg. 618

Employees’ Perceptions Concerning the Influences of Training and Personal Development Programs on Performance, Productivity, and Profit

Elena Cristina CERNATESCU, Andra-Nicoleta PLOSCARU, Simona DUMITRIU -pg. 623

Study on Employees’ Perception of the Characteristics of the Activity Improved through Training and Personal Development

Elena Cristina CERNATESCU, Michael Marian NICOLESCU, Marian CAZACU -pg. 629

The Role of Marketing in Luxury Tourism: A Case Study on the Structures of Tourist Reception in Romania

Raluca-Giorgiana CHIVU (POPA) -pg. 636

Marketing through Social Networks – Analysis of the Presence in Social Media of Romanian Consumers

Raluca-Giorgiana CHIVU (POPA), Bianca-Cristiana VOICU, Ionut-Claudiu POPA -pg. 646

Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development

Florinel CIMPEANU, Maria Aurelia RUSEN -pg. 653

Statistical Approaches in Railway Transport

Daniel DANECI PATRAU -pg. 663

Implementation Assessment Approach for Market-Driven Projects

Elena DOBRE -pg. 671

Facial Coding as a Neuromarketing Technique: An Overview

Denisa Adriana DRAGOI -pg. 681

Methods, Instruments and Scales Used for Country Image Measurement: A Literature Review

Denisa Adriana DRAGOI -pg. 688

Evolution of Stress at Work during Pandemic Context for Romanian Employees

Diana Andreea DUMITRACHE, Delia Mioara POPESCU -pg. 699

The Impact of COVID 19 on Tourism Services

Daniel FIRICA, Norina POPOVICI -pg. 705

Some Peculiarities of the Japanese Management’s Model

Lucia FRATICIU -pg. 712

Study on the Students’ Opinion on the Educational Offer of a Bachelor’s Degree Program in Business Administration

Liliana GHERGHINA -pg. 717

The Opinion of Business Administration Graduates on the Skills Acquired During Undergraduate Studies

Liliana GHERGHINA -pg. 728

Marketing Simulations in Education: A Brief Overview for the Markstrat Simulator

Catalin GRADINARU, Sorin-George TOMA, Stefan-Alexandru CATANA -pg. 737

Management Based on Data Analysis. Part Two: Artificial Intelligence Data Modeling

Constantin ILIE, Andreea Daniela MORARU -pg. 743

Management Based on Data Analysis. Part One: Data Visualisation Analysis

Margareta ILIE, Constantin ILIE -pg. 749

Modern Communication Methods in Online Education

Alina Elena IONASCU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU, Florina MIHAI (LETA) -pg. 758

Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting for Semiconductor and Chip Manufacturing Industry – A Multicriterial Analysis on INTEL and AMD

Oana Raluca IVAN, Andrei Octavian HARMANAS, Mihai COSMA -pg. 763

Using Digital Marketing to Study Customer Behavior

Mariana JUGANARU, Razvan ANDRONACHE, Ruxandra Florentina MIHUTIU (FIRICA) -pg. 773

Using Digital Marketing for Product Development and Communication Strategies

Mariana JUGANARU, Razvan ANDRONACHE, Ruxandra Florentina MIHUTIU (FIRICA) -pg. 779

What Do Consumers Know About the Relationship Between Soft Drinks and Their Health?

Anca MADAR, Nicoleta Andreea NEACSU -pg. 787

The Brand Reflected in the Mind of the Consumer. Conceptual Map of the Starbucks Brand.

Adriana MANOLICA, Elena MUNTEAN, Raluca-Alexandra JELEA -pg. 797

Marketing Semiotics – The Universal Language of E-Consumer

Adriana MANOLICA, Alexandra FLORESCU, Beniamin-Vladut FARAONEL -pg. 807

Management of the Pharmaceutical Entity’s Resources in the Conditions of the Sanitary Crisis of COVID-19

Doina MARGARITTI, Cristina TASE, Sirma TOMOS -pg. 816

Improving Production Flows by Integrating AON Critical Networks

Lucia Violeta MELNIC, Andrei Marian GURAU, Ruxandra MARIN -pg. 823

Coaching and Mentoring Study Hypothesis Testing with the SPSS Software

Angela-Eliza MICU, Daniel POPA -pg. 830

Strategy: An Overview

Andra MODREANU, Gabriela Nicoleta ANDRISAN, Maria Alexandra SARBU -pg. 836

Towards Sustainability in Banking Services Development. Customer Satisfaction with Banking Services – Influences and Perspectives

Andreea-Daniela MORARU, Margareta ILIE -pg. 842

A Methodological Approach for the Journey through Real-Time Marketing: from Customer Journey Analytics to Personalization Engines

Claudiu-Catalin MUNTEANU, Adina CRISTEA -pg. 849

The Evolution of Real Estate Market in Romania


The Influence of the Exchange Rate on the Real Estate Market


Innovative Marketing Strategies for the Development of Tourism in Romania

Alexandra POPA, Alina Elena IONASCU, Dana Nicoleta DOMOLESCU -pg. 870

Security Management from the Perspective of Internal Control and Audit

Ionut RIZA, Catalina SITNIKOV, Costinel Cristian MILITARU -pg. 879

Post-pandemic Challenges and Evolutions for the Romanian E-commerce Market

Adrian SERBAN COMANESCU -pg. 886

The Challenges and Importance of Virtual Teams During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Petruta Ionela STANCA, Tudor TARBUJARU -pg. 893

Green Brand Positioning as a Strategy to Guide the Green Marketing Mix: A Perspective on the Organic Food Supply Chain

Mihai STOICA -pg. 900

The Role of the Leader and the Manager in the Organizational Changes

Bogdan Andrei TILIUTA, Ioana Raluca DIACONU -pg. 911

Challenges of Executive Leaders in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis. Aspects from the International and Romanian Environment

Anamaria TOHATAN -pg. 920


Section V: Finance and Accounting


Performance Measurement and Characterization of Financial Indicators of Agricultural Companies in Romania

Maria Petronela ARON -pg. 928

Uncertainty and Risk in the Accounting Profession during COVID 19 Pandemic

Nicoleta ASALOS, Bianca ZOTA, Luminita Ioana STEFANICA -pg. 935

Financial Impact Accounting in Determining the Fiscal Result

Marius BOITA, Luminita PAIUSAN, Adina Maria MOTICA -pg. 940

The Impact of Information Technologies on the Activity of Accountants

Leliana Diana BOLCU, Mihaela-Raluca BOHARU (MIRCEA) -pg. 945

Outsourcing of the Accounting and Financial Function

Leliana Diana BOLCU, Mihaela-Raluca BOHARU (MIRCEA) -pg. 953

The Romanian Education Budget: Financing Pre-University Education (2001–2020)


Cash-Flow of the Horeca Sector in Romania under the Impact of Covid-19


The Importance of Internal Audit in Public Sector Research – A Bibliometric Study

Marius Ionel CETINA, Oana Raluca IVAN -pg. 976

Aspects regarding Mergers and Acquisitions in the Pandemic Context

Irina CHIRIAC -pg. 987

The Impact of Access to Finance on the Performance of the SME Sector

Erika-Maria DOACA -pg. 993

The External Public Audit of the Budgetary Programs- Preparatory Activities

Cristian DRAGAN, Ana Cornelia OLTEANU, Viorela Georgiana STINGA -pg. 1003

The Fintech Industry in Romania – Assessing the Level of Acceptance for the Financial Services Consumers

Cristina DUHNEA, Georgiana Loredana SCHIPOR -pg. 1013

Trends of the Energy Market Reflection on the Capital Market in Romania

Silvia GHITA-MITRESCU -pg. 1023

The Analysis of the Local Budgets’ Contribution in the Formation of the Public Financial Resources

Ileana Iulia ISTUDOR, Florina MOCANU, Mariana ZAMFIR -pg. 1031

Study on the Need to Regulate the Audit Profession and the Determinants of the Improvement of the Internal Managerial Control and the Internal Audit in Relation to the External Audit

Gabriela MANGU (GIUREA) -pg. 1041

Improving the Internal Managerial Control and the Internal Audit in Relation to the External Audit

Gabriela MANGU (GIUREA) -pg. 1046

Bibliometric Analysis on the Recent Trends in Dividend Policy Research

Eugen-Axel MIHANCEA, Marilen-Gabriel PIRTEA, Florin-Claudiu BOTOC -pg. 1051

The Impact of Investments in Intangible Assets and Implications on SMEs’ Performance. A Systematic Literature Review

Roxana-Gabriela MOZOLEA, Sorin Gabriel ANTON -pg. 1060

Financial Intermediation in Romania

Irena MUNTEANU, Elena DOBRE -pg. 1072

The Use of ROA and ROE in the Study of a Bank’s Profitability

Irena MUNTEANU, Constantina Alina ILIE -pg. 1078

The Impact of the Increase in Market Interest Rates on The Credit Risk of Guarantees Issued Under the SME Invest Program

Dumitru NANCU -pg. 1084

Considerations Regarding the Use of Information Technology in the Creation of Current Models of Entities’ Accounting

Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 1088

The Impact of Taxation and Crisis on Savings – An Interdisciplinary Approach


Assessing Portfolio Risks Involving Bitcoin and Ethereum Using Vector Autoregressive Model

Andrei-Dragos POPESCU -pg. 1101

Cost Management Regarding S.C. Adarco Invest S.R.L. Petroșani

Ileana – Sorina RAKOS -pg. 1110

Supreme Audit Institutions and the Strive Towards an Open Data Culture

Mihai Razvan SANDA, Cristina-Petrina TRINCU-DRAGUSIN -pg. 1120

The Role of Accounting in Conducting Judicial Accounting Expertises and their Evolution in the Digital Era

Andreea-Cristina SAVU, Lucian BADALAU -pg. 1131

Financial Audit from Robotization to Digitization

Andreea-Cristina SAVU -pg. 1138

An ARCH / GARCH Approach on Euro / RON Exchange Rate Volatility

Luciana SIMION, Antonia MIHAI -pg. 1145

Does the Disclosure of Performance Indicators Impact Bank Profitability? Empirical Study for the Romanian Banking System

Nina SINITIN, Adela SOCOL -pg. 1153

A Critical Survey on Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), Adaptive Market Hypothesis (AMH) and Fractal Markets Hypothesis (FMH) Considering their Implication on Stock Markets Behavior

Cristi SPULBAR, Ramona BIRAU, Lucian Florin SPULBAR -pg. 1161

Investigating Short and Long Run Volatility Movements in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study for Norwegian Stock Market

Cristi SPULBAR, Ramona BIRAU, Jatin TRIVERDI -pg. 1166



Section I: International Affairs & Section II: Regional Development, Integration and Globalization


The Dynamics of the Degree of Investment at the Level of Economic Agents whose Main Activity is Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing in the Context of Concerns regarding Coastal Development

Kamer-Ainur AIVAZ -pg. 2

The Dynamics and Challenges Related to the Sustainable Development of Marine Fishing and Aquaculture Activities. Spatial Maritime Planning and Solutions in the Coastal Region of Romania

Kamer-Ainur AIVAZ -pg. 9

Determinants of New Companies’ Formation in Romania at Regional Level. A Fixed Effects Model (FEM) Approach

Dalina-Maria ANDREI -pg. 18

Methods and Techniques for Rural Development of the South – East Region

Daniela – Lavinia BALASAN, Florin – Marian BUHOCIU, Cristinel FERTU -pg. 28

The Economy of Romania and Foreign Direct Investments

Ion BOTESCU -pg. 34

Marketing and Management Strategies in Order to Increase Rural Tourism in Romania – Implementing National Development Programmes by Government Institutions or Other Types of Organizations

Alina Elena CERCHIA (IONASCU), Alexandra ZAIF (POPA) -pg. 41

Innovation in Public Sector through European Funds: What is the Role of Local Authorities in Regional Development and Implementation of Smart City Solutions in Romania?

Liliana CHIHAIA (SAVA), Procopie-Florin GUSUL, Alina-Ramona BUTNARIU -pg. 50

Macroeconomic Impact of Natural Disasters in Albania

Valbona CINAJ, Rebeka RIBAJ -pg. 59

Information Systems Models in the Hotel Industry and Effects on the Economy (The Case of Albania)

Valbona CINAJ, Bashkim RUSETI -pg. 67

An Overview of Macroprudential Policy in the European Union Countries in the Last Decade

Adina CRISTE, Iulia LUPU -pg. 76

Opportunities to Finance Cross-Border Regions from European Funds and in Particular the INTERREG Initiative

Oleksand DIAKONIUK, Liliana CHIHAIA (SAVA) -pg. 82

Seafarers’ Religion and Regional Development

Liviu Razvan DRAGOMIR -pg. 89

Seafarers’ Religion and Globalization

Liviu Razvan DRAGOMIR -pg. 94

The Challenges of Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution in the South African Power Sector

Gideon Simon GHAJIGA, Dikeledi Jacobeth WARLIMONT -pg. 100

BlockChain (BC), Technology Notary in Data Driven Marketing (DDM) Contracts

Ermal HAXHIAJ, Bia CERA -pg. 108

Infant-Child Mortality and Maternal Employment in Nigeria

Ifunanyachukwu Nnenna IGBOANUGO, Olufemi Muibi SAIBU -pg.119

The Beach Extention Project in Mamaia Resort, on the Romanian Black Sea Coast: Certain Benefits, but also Numerous Tourist Complaints

Ion Danut JUGANARU -pg. 127

Inferring on the Right to Health in the New World Order

Claudia Livia PAU, Mihaela MARTIN -pg. 137

Health and Social Justice

Claudia Livia PAU, Mihaela MARTIN -pg. 143

The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education in Developing Soft Skills for Students from Non-Economic Faculties

Claudia SALCEANU, Marinela GRIGORE, Costin Octavian SORICI -pg. 153

Can the Degree of Indebtedness of the Economic Agents Operating in the Construction Sector in Constanta County Influence the Development of the Coastal Area?

Mari-Isabella STAN, Dragos-Florian VINTILA -pg. 163

An Investigation of the Structure of Fixed Assets of Construction Companies in the Context of Coastal Area Development

Mari-Isabella STAN, Dragos-Florian VINTILA -pg. 171

Impact of Actions of Ex-Soviet Cross-Border Organized Crime Groups on Regional Economic Development

Marius TRAISTARU -pg. 179


Section III: Economic and Social Studies


Managing Students’ Attention and Dealing with Cognitive Fatigue during Online Business Communication Courses

Eleonora BACA -pg. 188

Markov Switching Model for Financial Time Series

Alina BARBULESCU, Cristian Stefan DUMITRIU -pg. 193

Insights from Companies Research: Sustainability Matters

Emilia-Zorica BOZGA -pg. 199

Highlighting Readability Issues by the Content Analysis of a Legal Text, for Translation Purposes. Case Study


Corporate Law’s Legal Relationship

Sorin CALAFUS -pg. 215

The Traders – Subjects of Private Law’s Legal Relationship

Sorin CALAFUS -pg. 220

Silver Population – The New ‘Gold’ for our Society

Mihaela CAZACU, Mihaela MIHAI, Crina-Dana IONESCU -pg. 227

Incurring Civil Liability towards the Administrator of the Insolvent Company

Maria CAZANEL -pg. 235

Connection between the Education Strategies and Economic Development

Irina CHIRIAC -pg. 240

Learners’ Attitude towards Online Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic with Focus on ESP

Olivia CHIROBOCEA-TUDOR -pg. 246

Equestrian Tourism

Gabriela-Liliana CIOBAN, Mihaela COCA (SARAFESCU) -pg. 255

Sentiment Analysis Using Machine Learning Approach

Andreea-Maria COPACEANU -pg. 261

The Main Particularities of A. D. Xenopol’s Economic Thought

Sorinel COSMA -pg. 271

Constantin Dobrogeanu – Gherea’s Economic Writings-Between Tradition and Modernity

Sorinel COSMA -pg. 276

Financial Ethics in the Usage of Public Funds. Evidence from the Romanian Higher Education

Cristina DRUMEA -pg. 283

The Printed Travel Guide in the Analysis of the Tourist Discourse. The Presentation of the Travel Guide in Romanian and French

Elena DUMITRASCU, Carmen-Liliana MARUNTELU -pg. 289

Critical Thinking – Impressions of Students from High School Level

Georgica GHEORGHE, Petronela TUDORACHE, Laurentiu TUDORACHE -pg. 296

The Analysis of the Impact of National Governance Quality on European Consumer Conditions

Gabriela GHEORGHIU, Elena Cerasela SPATARIU, Maria Alina CARATAS -pg. 305

The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Romania’s Trade Balance

Maria GIRIP, Daniela MARACINE, Lacramioara Alina DRACEA -pg. 311

Accommodation Service and its Importance in the Hospitality Sector

Marian IONEL -pg. 319

Analysis of Market Services Compared to Public Services in Romania

Marian IONEL -pg. 324

Assessment of Innovative Sustainable Businesses in Europe. A Case Study in the Field of Renewable Energy

Ancuta LUCACI, Carmen NASTASE, Gabriela PRELIPCEAN -pg. 328

The Importance of Financial Communication in the Investment Decision

Georgiana Maria LUNGU, Radu BALUNA -pg. 336

The Impact of Population Income Growth on Bread Consumption

Daniela MARACINE, Lacramioara Alina DRACEA, Maria GIRIP -pg. 341

Romanian Tourism Destinations – A Diagnostic Analysis

Mihaela Adina MATEESCU, Elena Manuela ISTOC, Daniela Nicoleta BALEANU -pg. 345

Scenarios for the Impact of GSM – 5G Networks on the Economic Development

Mihaela Adina MATEESCU, Mihai Sabin MUSCALU, Elena Manuela ISTOC -pg. 351

Corporate Social Responsabiliy: An Overview

Andra MODREANU, Gabriela Nicoleta ANDRISAN, Maria-Alexandra SARBU -pg. 359

Tax Facilities for Romanian Companies in Combating the Crisis Generated by COVID-19

Lucia MOROSAN-DANILA, Otilia-Maria BORDEIANU -pg. 369

The Role of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration in Combating Insolvencies Generated by Economic Frauds in Romania

Madalin-Mihai MOTOC -pg. 377

Particularities of Fraud in Reorganization Operations

Madalin-Mihai MOTOC -pg. 385

Translation Issues in the Legal Field of the European Union. Case Study on Specialized Terminology


The Management of the Romanian Pre-University Education. A Current Scientific Assessment

Delia NEDELCU, Cornelia PETRE (STAN) -pg. 400

Discovering the Need to Apply Leadership Strategies in Digital Education

Delia NEDELCU, Cornelia PETRE (STAN) -pg. 404

Teaching Functional Language for Business Purposes

Alina POPESCU -pg. 408

Mapping out the Impact of Covid-19 on Tourism Industry: from Crisis to Recovery

Veronica POPOVICI, Alina – Lavinia POPOVICI -pg. 412

Challenges Relating Sustainable Structural Transformation

Oana Iuliana RUJOIU -pg. 419

Is there a Necessary Prerequisite to Follow Ethical Issues in Entrepreneurship and Business?

Cristi SPULBAR, Ramona BIRAU, Jatin TRIVEDI -pg. 426

Sustainable Trade-Current Aspects

Anca Cristina STANCIU -pg. 429

Organizational Rewards in the Online Work Environment. Is there any Chance of Full Accomplishment?

Elena-Sabina TURNEA -pg. 434

Workplace Orientation: Norms, Rules, Roles and Values as Principles of Ethical Behaviour and Effective Communication

Cristina Mihaela ZAMFIR -pg. 439


Section IV: Marketing – Management


The Chain Reactions of Business Models and Strategies

Gabriela ANDRISAN, Andra MODREANU -pg. 449

The Role of the Food Service Industry for the Tourism Destination Development

Codruta Adina BALTESCU -pg. 455

Flexible Forms of Work in Romania during Pandemic Covid-19

Alina Madalina BELU, Ionela STANECI (DRINCEANU), Aurel DINCA -pg. 463

Entrepreneurship in the Educational Field. Modernization of Romanian Education by Professionalizing the Function of Director

Simona BRATASANU (LUPU) -pg. 470

Covid-19 Pandemic – A New Aspect of Social Sustainability

Maria Alina CARATAS, Elena Cerasela SPATARIU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 478

Marketing Mix in Healthcare Services

Stefan CATANA, Sorin-George TOMA -pg. 485

The Influence of Digitalization on SMEs

Jeanina CIUREA, Loredana DINU, Gabriel DINU -pg. 490

Covid-19 Crisis and the New Challenges for Supreme Audit Institutions Management

Marius Silviu CULEA, Daniel CONSTANTIN -pg. 496

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Electronic Commerce in Resita

Gabriel DINU, Loredana DINU, Jeanina CIUREA -pg. 506

Artificial Intelligence Tools for Maritime Business Development in the Algorithmic Age

Cristina DRAGOMIR, Simona Luize UTUREANU -pg. 515

Traditional Gastronomy in the Perception of Romania’s Z Generation

Georgica GHEORGHE, Mihail – Ovidiu TANASE, Liliana NICODIM -pg. 523

Social Media and Public Universities. Theoretical Aspects

Alexandru GRIGORAS -pg. 530

Strategic Planning Role in Organizations in Romania – Part of Management

Silvia Mioara ILIE (TROI), Mariana Paraschiva OLARU (STAICU), Costinel Cristian MILITARU -pg. 535

The Return of Major Music Festivals in Romania, Postponed Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Controversies Over Possible Discriminations Regarding Not Allowing Participation of Non-Vaccinated Spectators

Ion Danut JUGANARU -pg. 542

Modern Means of Promoting Flower Sales in Constanta

Mariana JUGANARU, Ruxandra Florentina FIRICA -pg. 552

Implementing Marketing Principles in Pre-university Education, during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Mariana JUGANARU, Ilinca Teodora BECHES -pg. 559

Can Companies Achieve Their Quality Goals Using the Right Strategies?

Anca MADAR, Nicoleta Andreea NEACSU -pg. 566

The Consumer Explained Through the Extended-Self

Adriana MANOLICA, Marius-Iulian CLUCI, Teodora ROMAN -pg. 572

Values, Attitudes and Lifestyles Based Typologies as Predictors for Consumer Impulsiveness

Adriana MANOLICA, Ioana-Tatiana TOPCIU, Teodora ROMAN -pg. 582

The Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Tourism in Romania

Corina Aurora MARIN (BARBU), Elena CONDREA -pg. 592

Strategies for Improving Management in Hotels on the Romanian Coast

Corina Aurora MARIN (BARBU), Elena CONDREA -pg. 601

Overview of Change in Organizations. Resistance to Change. A Literature Review

Maria METZ -pg. 611

Telework – Between Obligation and Solution During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Lucia MOROSAN-DANILA, Claudia-Elena GRIGORAS-ICHIM, Otilia-Maria BORDEIANU -pg. 621

Quality Strategies Applied on the Market of Integrated Security Systems

Nicoleta Andreea NEACSU, Anca MADAR -pg. 630

Aspects of Tourism Promotion in the Vama Veche – 2 Mai Area

Oana OPRISAN, Stefаniа-Rodicа HUBEL (АNGHEL), Gabriela-Iuliana PARASCHIV (GANEA) -pg. 637

Training and Professional Improvement throughout the Teaching Career in the Romanian Secondary Education System

Mariana POPA (PETRESCU) -pg. 644

Designing the Coaching and Mentoring Strategy in Romania under the Pressure of the Pandemic caused by SARS-Cov2 Virus

Daniel POPA, Angela-Eliza MICU -pg. 649

The New Public Management, a Factor of Novelty in the Public Administration

Florina POPA -pg. 658

Assessment of Customer Satisfaction in the Luxury Hotels in Bucharest

Norina POPOVICI, Camelia MIHAI, Daniel FIRICA -pg. 667

The Organizational Culture of State Operated Healthcare Facilities

Norina POPOVICI, Maria Gabriela HORGA, Laura BOTOC (PASCU) -pg. 673

Big Pharma, Big Business

Sorin-George TOMA, Stefan CATANA -pg. 677


Section V: Finance and Accounting


Artificial Intelligence Models for Financial Time Series

Alina BARBULESCU, Cristian Stefan DUMITRIU -pg. 685

Estimating Volatility and Investment Risk: An Empirical Case Study for NIFTY MIDCAP 50 Index of National Stock Exchange (NSE) in India

Ramona BIRAU, Jatin TRIVEDI, Cristi SPULBAR -pg. 691

Undervaluation of the Taxable Base as a Result of Policies Aggressive Accountants Source Generator of Tax Fraud

Marius BOITA, Luminita PAIUSAN, Eduard AJTAY -pg. 697

Financial Audit Procedures Employed in Sustainability Assurance

Nina Adriana BUICA, Marioara AVRAM, Magdalena MIHAI -pg. 703

Microaccounting and Macroaccounting: Characteristics and Interferences

Cristian CENAR, Iuliana CENAR -pg. 710

Economic Pictures, the Tools for a Macroeconomic Analysis

Cristian CENAR, Iuliana CENAR -pg. 719

The Real Estate Market in Romania – A Post COVID Analysis

Alina Elena CERCHIA (IONASCU), Alexandra ZAIF (POPA), Daniel LIPARA -pg. 729

Agricultural Holdings from Concept to Economic Performance

Claudiu – Florin DEAC, Margareta FAGADAR (GHISA) -pg. 736

Increasing Public Administrative Responsibility by Modernizing the IT System for Reporting the Financial Statements of Public Institutions

Margareta FAGADAR (GHISA), Claudiu – Florin DEAC, Alexandru-Teodor CORACIONI -pg. 741

Considerations About the Application of Accrual Accounting on the Public Sector in Romania

Cristina Elena GEORGESCU -pg. 750

Fiscal and Accounting Aspects regarding the Gambling

Teodor HADA, Ionela Cornelia CIOCA -pg. 757

Aspects Regarding the Registration in Accounting of Some Active Support Measures for Employees and Employers in Romania During 2020

Teodor HADA, Iulia Cristina IUGA, Dorin WAINBERG -pg. 766

Study on Ethics and Integrity in the Use of Big Data in Analysis and Research

Anca Ioana IACOB (TROTO) -pg. 772

Economic Theories that Explain the Emergence of Tax Evasion

Roxana Aurelia MART, Bogdan Dumitru COSOFRET -pg. 782

Considerations on the Application of Information Technology Tools in Building the Accounting of Entities

Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 791

Current Issues Regarding the Recording in Accounting of the Financial Instruments for Financing the Activity of the Entities

Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 798

The Impact of Tax Evasion on Fiscal Equity in Romania in the Period 2010-2020


Central Banks Digital Currency – Opportunities and Innovation

Andrei-Dragos POPESCU -pg. 813

Do Non-Performing Loans Influence the Profitability of Banks? Evidence from a European Banking Group

Adela SOCOL, Nina SINITIN -pg. 823


Section I: International Affairs

  1. Asymmetric Return and Volatility Transmission in Euro Zone and Baltic Countries Stock MarketsViorica CHIRILĂ, Ciprian CHIRILĂ -pg. 2
  2. Turkey’s and Iran’s Policy towards Central Asian CountriesDiana CHIȘ-MANOLACHE -pg. 12
  3. Economic Aspects Regarding Romania’s Position in the Framework of International Cooperation in the Black SeaDiana CHIȘ-MANOLACHE -pg. 17
  4. Considerations Regarding Shadow Economy and Tax EvasionIoana Claudia DOBRE -pg. 22
  5. Vocational Teacher Productivity in Palembang: Education Production FunctionOktavia EVI, Saleh ROSMIYATI CHODIJAH, Yunisvita -pg. 29
  6. Analysis of Credit Growth Determinants in the European CountriesKlejda GABESHI -pg. 38
  7. The Environmental Reporting Practices in RomaniaAlexandra-Oana MARINESCU -pg. 44
  8. Forecasting Nigeria Agricultural Growth in the Era of Dwindling Oil PriceJimoh ‘Sina OGEDE -pg. 49
  9. Romania’s Relationship with the International Monetary Fund and the World BankOana OPRIȘAN, Ana-Maria DUMITRACHE (ȘERBĂNESCU), Ștefania-Rodica HUBEL (ANGHEL) -pg. 60


Section II: Regional Development, Integration and Globalization

  1. Considerations on Asset Management and Turnover Factorial Correlations: The Case of Dobrogea Region, Romania Kamer-Ainur AIVAZ -pg. 68
  2. Predilection for Investments and Profitability Trends of Artistic Activities in Constanta CountyKamer- Ainur AIVAZ, Roxana- Andreea MIREA -pg. 75
  3. Analysis on Rural Development of Region 2 South East Daniela – Lavinia BALASAN, Florin – Marian BUHOCIU, Cristinel FERȚU -pg. 83
  4. Romania’s Economy between the Global Financial Crisis and the Health CrisisIon BOTESCU -pg. 89
  5. Globalization – Chimera, Trand or Necessity?Monica COJOCARU, Liviu Dumitru HALIP, Ayten Güler DERMENGI -pg. 97
  6. Intercultural Mirrors. Cultural IdentityCostel COROBAN -pg. 106
  7. Effects of the COVID19 Pandemic on the European Business Environment – Romania Case StudyGabriela GHEORGHIU, Elena Cerasela SPĂTARIU, Raluca Andreea TRANDAFIR -pg. 113
  8. Development of Strategic Directions of Road Transport for the Republic of Moldova in the Context of European UnionSvetlana GOROBIEVSCHI, Diana MUNTEANU -pg. 119
  9. Real Convergence in the European Union: An Empirical ApproachAna-Maria HOLOBIUC -pg. 126
  10. The Dimensions and Trends of the Foreign Trade Activity of the Companies in Dobruja RegionCristina Mihaela LAZĂR, Nicoleta ASALOȘ -pg. 134
  11. Determining the Quality of Hotel Services in Mamaia ResortCorina Aurora MARIN (BARBU), Elena CONDREA -pg. 141
  12. The Importance of Tourism Management in the Integrated Development of Constanta MunicipalityCorina Aurora MARIN (BARBU), Elena CONDREA -pg. 149
  13. Analysis of the Impact of Telemedicine on the Health System in a European ContextMihaela MIHAI, Claudia-Andreea TOMA, Daniela-Ioana MANEA -pg. 160
  14. Human Rights and Liberties – The Need to Protect and Guarantee them in the Context of GlobalisationAdriana Nicoleta ODINĂ, Monica Dana Corina ROȘU -pg. 169
  15. On the Right to Privacy and Family Life in the Context of Globalisation and the Digital EraAdriana Nicoleta ODINĂ -pg. 177
  16. Good Administration in EUCJ JurisprudenceClaudia Livia PAU -pg. 184
  17. Euro Adoption in Romania: An Exploration of Convergence CriteriaGeorgiana-Loredana SCHIPOR -pg. 190


Section III: Economic and Social Studies

  1. The Investments Process in Romania during the Latest Years. A Macroeconomic AnalysisDalina Maria ANDREI -pg. 201
  2. An Analysis Model to Identify the Optimal Salary and its Impact at the Level of an Economic EntitySolomia ANDREȘ -pg. 206
  3. Management Methods Recommended for a Small and Medium EnterpriseSolomia ANDREȘ -pg. 212
  4. Economic Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for the HoReCa Companies in the Romanian Black Sea Coast AreaNicoleta ASALOȘ, Cristina Mihaela LAZĂR -pg. 219
  5. Preserving and Increasing Students’ Motivation – A Case StudyEleonora BÂCĂ -pg. 224
  6. The HACCP System: An Analysis of Its Benefits and Shortcomings in Business Practices in the Era of the SARS COV-2 PandemicSilviu Ionuț BEIA, Mariana BRAN, Mihai DINU -pg. 229
  7. Factors Influencing MoralityAmelia BOROȘ, Simona-Andreea APOSTU, Valentina VASILE -pg. 235
  8. Sustainability in the Higher Educational System in RomaniaTeodora Odett BREAZ -pg. 240
  9. Comparative Study between Antioxidant Activity and Antibacterial Effect of Usnea barbata (L)F,H,Wigg Extracts and Volatile Oils Marked in RomaniaLaura BUCUR, Violeta POPOVICI, Victoria BADEA -pg. 246
  10. Text Analysis Tools in ESP Teaching. Case StudyAlina BUZARNA-TIHENEA (GĂLBEAZĂ) -pg. 252
  11. An Analysis of Written Texts in the Economic Field. Case StudyAlina BUZARNA-TIHENEA (GĂLBEAZĂ) -pg. 259
  12. Exploring the Connection between Corruption and Corporate GovernanceMaria-Alina CARATAȘ, Elena-Cerasela SPĂTARIU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 266
  13. The Economic and Social Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from RomaniaŞtefan CATANĂ, Sorin-George TOMA, Cătălin GRĂDINARU -pg. 273
  14. The Analysis of Domestic and International Tourism and Travelling for RomaniaLaura Mariana CISMAS, Cornelia DUMITRU, Lucia NEGRUȚ -pg. 278
  15. Evolution of Contributions Paid by Pension ParticipantsTudor COLOMEISCHI -pg. 288
  16. Ontologies and Ontological RepresentationTudor COLOMEISCHI, Eugenia IANCU -pg. 294
  17. Main Views in Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu’s Economic ThoughtSorinel COSMA -pg. 300
  18. Petre Sebeșanu Aurelian – The First Economist of the Romanian AcademySorinel COSMA -pg. 305
  19. Financing of Rural Entrepreneurship through Sub-Measure 6.4. of the National Programme for Rural Development 2014-2020Dan Constantin DĂNULEȚIU, Cosmin IVAȘCU -pg. 310
  20. Charisma of Safety in MaritimeCristina DRAGOMIR, Liviu Răzvan DRAGOMIR, Simona UTUREANU -pg. 318
  21. Use and Values of Verb Tenses in the Written Tourist DiscourseElena DUMITRAȘCU -pg. 326
  22. Comparative Analysis of Post-event Funding SourcesIonela-Daniela GĂITAN (BOTEZATU) -pg. 333
  23. Innovation around the World: An Analysis of the Top 10 Most Innovative Companies in the Period 2018-2020Cătălin GRĂDINARU, Sorin-George TOMA, Ştefan CATANĂ -pg. 340
  24. Romania’s Labor Market Prospects: Indicators for 2010 – 2020 and Estimates for 2030Dana ICHIM SOMOGYI -pg. 347
  25. Economic Resilience: A Bibliometric Analysis of the ConceptRaluca IGNAT, Valentin LAZĂR, Alexandru Pavel COSTEA -pg. 355
  26. Implications of Religious Tourism on the Romanian Tourist MarketMarian IONEL -pg. 362
  27. The Services Sector in Romania Under the Incidence of the COVID-19 PandemicMarian IONEL -pg. 368
  28. Lights and Shadows at the Level of the Mode 4 of Flows of ServicesRoberta-Laura JIANU (GALAV) -pg. 373
  29. The Damage Caused by Anticompetitive Practices. Effective Methods and Techniques of QuantificationVictor LAȘCOV, Constanța TIUHTII -pg. 380
  30. Fiscal Risk Minimization Tools, Transfer Pricing AssociatedMihaela Paraschiva LUCA, Bianca Cristina CIOCĂNEA, Ioan Cosmin PIȚU -pg. 387
  31. Demand on the Pharmaceutical Market in the Conditions of the COVID-19 Health CrisisDoina MARGARITTI, Cristina TASE -pg. 396
  32. Constructivism – A Pedagogical Approach for the 21st CenturyCarmen-Liliana MĂRUNȚELU -pg. 401
  33. The Implications of Economic Fraud – Legislative Analysis, Social Impact and Generic Risk Detection ModelsMădălin-Mihai MOȚOC, Bogdan-Dumitru COSOFRET -pg. 406
  34. Traditional and Online Assessment Tools for Learning EnglishLavinia NĂDRAG -pg. 412
  35. Industry Redesign Directions in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic Andrei NEMIRSCHI, Diane Paula Corina VANCEA -pg. 418
  36. Financing Green Deal in RomaniaDaniela PANAIT (ZĂNESCU) -pg. 424
  37. Some Aspects regarding the Fiscal Approach in Economic ClassicismNicolae PLATON, Igor TURCANU -pg. 432
  38. Preparation of Negotiation Activities in the Tourism BusinessNicolae PLATON, Tatiana JURAVELI -pg. 439
  39. Benefits and Challenges of Internet-Based Virtual PresentationsCristina-Dana POPESCU -pg. 448
  40. Studies on Antitumor Action Mechanism of Usnea Barbata (L.)F.H.Wigg from RomaniaVioleta POPOVICI, Laura BUCUR, Victoria BADEA -pg. 453
  41. Consumers Perceived Prospects and Benefits Regarding the Nanotechnology Practices in the Fashion IndustryIonela Andreea PUIU -pg. 459
  42. The Trend of the Hospitality Industry and the Advantages Versus the Disadvantages of Investing in the WorkforceSteluța RADU, Mihaela COSTANDACHE, Anca-Cristina STANCIU -pg. 464
  43. Impact of the Soluble and Insoluble Fibers on the Human’s HealthSteluța RADU, Mihaela CONSTANDACHE, Anca-Cristina STANCIU -pg. 474
  44. Empirical Study on the Example of an Economic Entity in Romania about Financial Performance Indicators Ilie RĂSCOLEAN, Ileana – Sorina RAKOS -pg. 484
  45. The Geoconomic Impact of COVID-19 on the Global EconomyOana Iuliana RUJOIU -pg. 493
  46. Product Differentiation Impact on Games Theory ModelsCiprian RUSESCU, Mihai Daniel ROMAN -pg. 500
  47. Diagnostic of Operational Systems in the Pharmaceutical Industry in PandemyVasilică RUSU -pg. 509
  48. Uncertainty of Successive Existential Risks of Case-Effect Type Economic Pandemia and Crisis, in Progress of Activities in the Pharmaceutical IndustryVasilică RUSU -pg. 514
  49. The Future Sale of Premier League Broadcasting RightsSergiu-Vlad STAN -pg. 520
  50. The Evolution of Understanding Corruption in Romania and other European CountriesMarius-Anton STUPAR -pg. 525
  51. The Judicial System Reform and the Fight Against Corruption in RomaniaMarius-Anton STUPAR -pg. 530
  52. When Competitiveness in the Agriculture Sector becomes Mandatory. Romania Case StudyCristiana-Ioana ȘERBĂNEL -pg. 536
  53. COVID-19 Impact on the Agriculture Sector and the Power of Clusters. Romania Case StudyCristiana-Ioana ȘERBĂNEL -pg. 543
  54. Measuring the Future Potential of a Country in Terms of Human Capital Adina ȚIȚEI -pg. 551
  55. The Development of Rehabilitation Medical Services under the Covid 19 Crisis Amalia Teodora VANCEA, Luiza SPIRU -pg. 555
  56. Challenges in Using AI in Online CommerceDiane Paula Corina VANCEA, Andrei NEMIRSCHI -pg. 559
  57. Mathematics and the Prestige of the School UnitMariana-Geanina ZAHARIA -pg. 564
  58. The Art of Negotiating for AdvantageCristina Mihaela ZAMFIR -pg. 573


Section IV: Marketing – Management

  1. Management Practiced in Education SystemsRoxana Maria ANGHEL (BLIDARU) -pg. 581
  2. Research on Rewarding and Impact of Rewards on PerformanceGabriel Ioan AVRĂMESCU -pg. 587
  3. Exploring the Relationship between Religion, Happiness, Distress and Fear Levels after the First Corona Outbreak in the NetherlandsAlexandru BOSÎNCEANU -pg. 595
  4. Can Religiosity Alleviate the Fear Caused by the Coronavirus? An Analysis from the NetherlandsAlexandru BOSÎNCEANU -pg. 601
  5. Internal Control in Corporate GovernanceAdrian-Cosmin CARAIMAN -pg. 606
  6. Responsibility for Internal Control in Corporate GovernanceAdrian-Cosmin CARAIMAN -pg. 612
  7. Research on the Impact of Training and Personal Development on Individual and Organizational PerformanceElena Cristina CERNĂTESCU, Andra-Nicoleta PLOSCARU, Marian CAZACU -pg. 619
  8. Challenges in Managing the Risks of Error and Fraud in Public Procurement During the State of Emergency Generated by the Covid-19 VirusMarius Silviu CULEA, Daniel CONSTANTIN -pg. 624
  9. Research on the ‘Nera Gorge’ Touristic Potential GrowthDaniel DĂNECI-PĂTRĂU, Andreea JENARU -pg. 635
  10. The Role of Human Resources Management in Corporate GovernanceAurеl DINCĂ, Ionuț RIZA, Costinel Cristian MILITARU -pg. 642
  11. Positive Perception in Maritime SafetyCristina DRAGOMIR, Simona UTUREANU -pg. 649
  12. Positive Motivation of the Employees – One of the Organizations’ Extremely Important Aspects Lucia FRĂTICIU -pg. 657
  13. The Organizational Consultancy and Communication in the Covid-19 Pandemic ContextVasile HAȚEGAN, Camelia-Daniela HAȚEGAN -pg. 661
  14. The Importance of Organizational Culture in the Management of OrganizationsSilvia Mioara ILIE (TROI), Mariana Paraschiva OLARU
    (STAICU), Ionela STĂNECI (DRINCEANU) -pg. 669
  15. Management for “Online” Sales, Present and Business Development PerspectivesFlorin IORDĂNOAIA -pg. 676
  16. The Organizational Culture Roles and Significance within Rail CompaniesAndreea JENARU, Daniel DĂNECI-PĂTRĂU -pg. 684
  17. The Evolution of Seaside Tourism in the First Tourist Season of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Situation of the Romanian Black Sea ResortsIon Dănuț JUGĂNARU -pg. 690
  18. How to Celebrate the 115th Anniversary of the Establishment of Mamaia Resort by Using Public Relations ToolsMariana JUGĂNARU -pg. 700
  19. Higher Education Graduates’ Cross-Cutting Skills and EmployabilityMariana JUGĂNARU, Andreea Daniela MORARU -pg. 709
  20. Are There Positive Words in Marketing? A Study on the Vibrational Frequency of Marketing WordsAdriana MANOLICĂ, Antoneta CIOBĂNIȚĂ, Raluca-Alexandra JELEA -pg. 714
  21. Coaching – A Necessary Tool for Human Resources Development in ItalyAngela-Eliza MICU, Daniel POPA -pg. 724
  22. Strategies to Improve the Quality Management of Hotel Services in RomaniaCamelia MIHAI, Norina POPOVICI -pg. 733
  23. Ways of Manifesting the Decision-Making Authority at the Level of the OrganizationFlorina POPA -pg. 741
  24. Quality Management in the Hotel Industry in Mountainous Area of ​​RomaniaNorina POPOVICI, Camelia MIHAI -pg. 748
  25. Readjustments in Public Institutions due to Covid-19 Pandemic and the Communication Effects in Dâmbovița County CouncilAlexandra SIMA (NIȚOI), Georgiana – Daniela VASILE (VLAD) -pg. 756
  26. Management through Decentralization during the Online School PeriodMihaela TĂNASE -pg. 764
  27. Women as Leaders in Covid-19 Pandemic ContextBogdan – Andrei TILIUȚĂ, Ioana – Raluca DIACONU -pg. 770
  28. Sustainable Education System in the Face of the COVID-19 PandemicMihaela – Gabriela TODRICAN (ROȘCA), Monica – Ioana TOADER, Adriana – Ioana FILIP (CROITORU) -pg. 776
  29. Strategy Manager – As a Position in the Top Management of OrganizationsAnamaria TOHATAN -pg. 783
  30. Benchmarkingul – A Path to Excellence in Romanian OrganizationsMaria TOMA -pg. 788
  31. An Insight into Organizational Team AmbidexterityRaluca ZOLTAN, Romulus VANCEA -pg. 793


Section V: Finance and Accounting

  1. An Econometric Approach on Performance and Financial Equilibrium during the COVID-19 PandemicLarissa BATRANCEA -pg. 801
  2. The Influence of Public Debt on Performance: Lesson from Romanian CountiesLarissa BATRANCEA -pg. 809
  3. The Anti-corruption Performance and Non-financial Disclosure: A Cross-country AnalysisMaria-Alina CARATAȘ, Raluca Andreea TRANDAFIR -pg. 815
  4. Perception, Regulation and Reality Regarding Provisions in Public Institutions Accounting in RomaniaIuliana CENAR -pg. 822
  5. Non-Financial Reporting and Performance in Pre-university Education Iuliana CENAR -pg. 830
  6. Measuring the Performance of Merger OperationsIrina CHIRIAC -pg. 837
  7. The Independence of Banks Internal Auditors from Banks’ ExecutivesValbona CINAJ, Artur RIBAJ, Rebeka RIBAJ -pg. 846
  8. Comparative Aspects of Cost Management and Accounting CostIoana Cristina CIRCA (BUZDUGA), Cristina Valeria LASLO -pg. 853
  9. Aspects Regarding the Profitability of the Enterprise with the Help of the Data Provided by the Activity ReportsIoana Cristina CIRCA (BUZDUGA) -pg. 857
  10. The Characterization of the Taxation Process in Terms of Tax Culture, as an Element of NoveltyLoredana Andreea CRISTEA, Alina Daniela VODĂ, Dragoș Mihai UNGUREANU -pg. 863
  11. Evolution of Romanian Management Consulting Firms from Alba CountyAdina – Elena DĂNULEȚIU -pg. 871
  12. The Concept of Cost and Determination of the Production Cost of a Finished Product on a Agricultural HoldingClaudiu – Florin DEAC -pg. 879
  13. Creativity of the Company’s Income MultiplierLuminița Meda DECEBAL, Ionela MILUTIN, Marius BOIȚĂ -pg. 884
  14. The Role of Financial Accounting Information in an EntityLuminița Meda DECEBAL, Ionela MILUTIN, Gheorghe PRIBEANU -pg. 891
  15. The Use of a Simplified Markowitz Model in Choosing a Profitable PortfolioAlexandru Cristian DOBRE -pg. 897
  16. Considerations Regarding the Need for Normalization in Accounting, in Public InstitutionsMargareta FĂGĂDAR (GHIȘA) -pg. 903
  17. The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies in the Sphere of Public Administration Margareta FĂGĂDAR (GHIȘA), Claudiu Florin DEAC -pg. 908
  18. The Digital Economy – A Challenge for FiscalityCostinela FORȚEA, Viorica IOAN, Ioana LĂZĂRESCU -pg. 914
  19. The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Activity of the Professional AccountantNătăliţa-Mihaela FRUMUȘANU, Andreea-Mihaela MARIN (ZGARDAN), Mihaela MARTIN -pg. 922
  20. The Cost Equation of Sewage Services in RomaniaArpád-Zoltán FULOP, Kinga-Erzsébet BAKO -pg. 932
  21. Study on the Influence of Economic and Social Factors on the Financing of National DefenseAlin HUSERAȘ, Nicolae BALTEȘ, Ștefania Amalia JIMON -pg. 939
  22. A Theoretical-Conceptual Approach to the Particularities and Functions of the Stock Markets, in the Context of the Pandemic PeriodAnca Ioana IACOB (TROTO) -pg. 948
  23. Financial Snapshot Regarding the Naval and Land Transport in Constanța CountyMarioara MIREA -pg. 957
  24. Dynamics and Correlation of the Main Indicators of Professional Scientific and Technical Activities in Constanța CountyMarioara MIREA -pg. 964
  25. An Overview of the Business Approach and Labor Costs in the Construction Industry. Case Study: Romania’s Counties by the SeaIonela MUNTEANU -pg. 971
  26. Financial Reporting Quality and Operational Efficiency in the Coastal Region of RomaniaIonela MUNTEANU -pg. 978
  27. Aspects Regarding the Organization and Activity of the Federal Reserve System and the European Central BankIrena MUNTEANU, Alexandra BARBU -pg. 985
  28. Bank Fraud – A Current Issue in NowadaysIrena MUNTEANU, Diana BARAGHIN -pg. 992
  29. Considerations Regarding the Recording in the Entities’ Accounting of the Instruments for Financing the Operating ActivitiesTraian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 998
  30. Implications of Expanding the Use of Information Technology Tools in Accounting of Finance TransactionsTraian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 1004
  31. Fiscal-budgetary Policy and Fiscal Administration in Romania in the Period 2020-2023Oana OPRIȘAN, Ana-Maria DUMITRACHE (ȘERBĂNESCU), Gabriela Iuliana PARASCHIV (GANEA) -pg. 1012
  32. Related Parties’ Transactions: A Literature Overview on Auditor’s RiskLioara Veronica PASC, Camelia-Daniela HAȚEGAN -pg. 1021
  33. Reporting Lease Contracts According to IFRS 16: Case of Romanian EntitiesIrina-Doina PĂȘCAN, Andreea CHINDRIȘ -pg. 1031
  34. Discounting Cash Flow Method Application in Banking EvaluationMitică PEPI -pg. 1039
  35. Common Stock Index AnalysisMitică PEPI -pg. 1048
  36. Financial Technology (FinTech) as a Driver for Financial Digital AssetsAndrei-Dragoş POPESCU -pg. 1055
  37. Annual Financial Statements – The Most Important Documents for Economic Entities in RomaniaAurelia Maria POPESCU -pg. 1060
  38. The Impact of COVID-19 on Romanian SMEsElena RUSU (CIGU), Anca Elena AFLOAREI NUCU -pg. 1065
  39. Financial Market Reactions to the Political Uncertainty. Study Case: RomaniaLuciana SIMION, Georgiana-Loredana SCHIPOR -pg. 1072
  40. Critical Conceptual Analysis on Modern Finance TheoriesCristi SPULBĂR, Elena Loredana MINEA -pg. 1081
  41. The Necessity and Importance of Insurance ControllingMonica – Ioana TOADER, Mihaela – Gabriela TODRICAN (ROȘCA), Adriana – Ioana FILIP (CROITORU) -pg. 1087
  42. Neuronal Network Artificial Model for Real Estate Appraisal: Logic, Controversies, and Utility for the Romanian ContextHelga Flavia TOTHĂZAN, Adela DEACONU -pg. 1093
  43. Procyclical, Countercyclical and Acyclical Fiscal PoliciesAlina Daniela VODĂ, Gabriela DOBROTĂ, Loredana Andreea CRISTEA -pg. 1101
  44. Budgetary Control of Sales: Models of Analysis in Economic Entities in RomaniaMariana ZAMFIR, Marinela Daniela MANEA, Ileana Iulia ISTUDOR -pg. 1109
  45. The Importance of Accounting Information for StakeholdersAurelia Maria POPESCU -pg.  1117



Section I: International Affairs

  1. Ibrahim Ayoade ADEKUNLE, Anthony Emeka ELEKEOKWURI,Serifat Olukorede ONAYEMI Stability in Stock Market Prices and Monetary Policy in Nigeria; What Does the Empirics Say? – pg. 2
  2. Mustafa AL MAFRACHI, Hanaa ABED, Mohammed MOHAMMED Green Human Resources Management and Environmental Cooperation: A Case Study on Food Industries Sector in Iraq  – pg. 14
  3. Sorin Gabriel ANTON,Anca Elena AFLOAREI NUCU Saving the Job Creators in the Pandemic Context in Europe. The Role of Multilateral Development Banks – pg. 24
  4. Ion BOTESCU The Perpetuation of the Romanian Trade Balance Deficit – pg. 31
  5. Maria Alina CARATAȘ, Elena Cerasela SPĂTARIU,Raluca Andreea TRANDAFIR Embracing Uncertainty During the Crisis – pg. 38
  6. Maria Alina CARATAȘ, Elena Cerasela SPĂTARIU,Gabriela GHEORGHIU Does Covid-19 Threaten Global Democracy? – pg. 44
  7. Ifeoma Nwokolo CHINENYE, Ikechukwu Ogbuagu MATTHEW,Iwegbu ONYEBUCHI Impact of Coronavirus Pandemic on the Global Economy: Demand and Supply Shocks  -pg.50
  8. Ionuț – Alexandru CIUCAN USA and Huawei, the Creation of a Technological Iron Curtain  – pg.61
  9. Otilia CRĂCIUN (RADU), Cristina Gabriela VASCIUC(SĂNDULESCU), Dumitru SĂNDULESCU Ecotourism in Panama – The Way to Increase the Tourism – pg. 66
  10. Gideon Simon GHAJIGA, Dikeledi Jacobeth WARLIMONT The Use of Blockchain Technology in Identity Storage and Management – pg. 71
  11. Cătălin GRĂDINARU, Sorin-George TOMA, Loredana Nicoleta ZAINEA Japanese versus German Supremacy in the Global Automotive Sector  – pg. 78
  12. Roberta-Laura JIANU (GALAV) Tourist Services – Important Driver of Performance in an Economy Having an Increasing Degree of Tertiarization  – pg. 84
  13. Florina POPA Elements Regarding the Presence of Foreign Direct Investments in Romania – Case Study 90
  14. Sorin-George TOMA, Cătălin GRĂDINARU Global Retailing: An American Business? – pg. 99


Section II: Regional Development, Integration and Globalization

  1. Tiberiu Cristian AVRĂMESCU Assessments on the Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Economies of the Central and South-East European Union Countries – pg. 105
  2. Tiberiu Cristian AVRĂMESCU The Current State of Bioeconomy in Romania – pg. 113
  3. Daniela Lavinia BALASAN, Florin Marian BUHOCIU, Cristinel FERȚU Structure and Dynamics of Human Resources in the 2SE Region – pg. 121
  4. Bogdan BĂCANU Differentiation vs. Low Cost in Romania: the Covid Shock on Generic Strategies Theory – pg. 129
  5. Sorinel COSMA Liberalism and Economic Development in Interwar Romania – pg. 136
  6. Sorinel COSMA Stefan Zeletin’s View on Romania’s Economic Development – A Reinterpretation – pg. 140
  7. Procopie-Florin GUȘUL Current Global Trends in ICT Development: Disruptive Technologies, Smart City and Economic Impact – pg. 144
  8. Irina Geanina HARJA Programs, Theories and Principles – The Trinom of Sustainable Development – pg. 154
  9. Ana-Maria HOLOBIUC Real Convergence in the Euro Area. Are the New Member States Catching Up or Falling Behind ? – pg. 161
  10. Ștefania Rodica HUBEL (ANGHEL), Panait ANGHEL Ways to Capitalize on the Tourist Potential of Region 2 South-East – pg. 166
  11. Ion Dănuț JUGĂNARU Mass Tourism during the Coexistence with the New Coronavirus. The Predictable Evolution of the Seaside Tourism in Romania – pg. 171
  12. Ion Dănuț JUGĂNARU The Role and Contribution of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Constanța to the Economic and Social Development of Dobrudja Region – pg. 180
  13. Cristina Mihaela LAZĂR,Ionel BOSTAN Blue Economy – Concept, Dimension and Advantages Brought to the Dobrudjan Area – pg. 189
  14. Gheorghe NEGOESCU The Profession of Economist – HORIZON 2040 – pg. 194
  15. Gheorghe NEGOESCU The Evolution Perspective of the Small and Medium Enterprises in Galați County after the Pandemic Crisis – pg. 198
  16. Daniela PANAIT (ZĂNESCU) The Auctioning of EU Allowances in the EU ETS under the Current Trading Period – pg. 203
  17. Gabriela Iuliana PARASCHIV (GANEA),Elena CONDREA,Valentina OLTEANU Biodegradable and Compostable Products – Essential Components for the Development of a Sustainable Bioeconomy – pg. 211
  18. Delia Mioara POPESCU, Liviu Dumitru HALIP, Monica COJOCARU Guidelines on Local Development Under Community Responsibility for Local Actors – pg. 219
  19. Anca Cristina STANCIU, Adina BURGHELEA (COCOȘ) Effects of Globalization on Trade During the Pandemic Period – pg. 226
  20. Alina VOICULEȚ, Laura PĂNOIU Food Crisis – Global Priority -pg. 232
  21. Lucia ZEKRA COVID-19 Pandemic and Global Economic Impact – pg. 237


Section III: Economic and Social Studies

  1.  Daniel AVRAM, Alina-Cerasela AVRAM Ecotourism in Puglia Region, Italy – A Competitive Advantage in the Current Context – pg. 246
  2. Eleonora BÂCĂ Teaching and Learning on the Edge of a Pandemic: Providing Continuity and Re-Building an Online Learning Community – pg. 252
  3. Camelia BEJAN Agent Nominals in the Written Assignments of Business Students – pg. 257
  4.  Claudiu George BOCEAN, Cătălina Soriana SITNIKOV, Anca Antoaneta VĂRZARU Impact of Tuberculosis Vaccination Policy (BCG) on Sars-Cov-2 Virulence and Potential Economic Effects – pg. 265
  5. Simona BRĂTĂȘANU (LUPU) Education of Young People in the Field of Entrepreneurship through Innovative Teaching Concepts, Prerequisite for the Growth of the Romanian Economy – pg. 270
  6. Simona BRĂTĂȘANU (LUPU) Solving the Social Problems of the Community through the Contribution of Social Entrepreneurship – pg. 277
  7. Diana Georgiana BUCĂTAR Measuring Economic Inequalities and Perspectives on their Evolution – pg. 283
  8. Mălina-Ionela BURLACU, Alexandru BÎRSAN Revenues, Expenses and Savings – Variables of Influence – pg. 289
  9. Alina-Ramona BUTNARIU Mechanisms of an Ubiquitous Power-Source in the Knowledge-based Economy: Innovation and Competitive Advantage in Companies – pg. 298
  10. Alina BUZARNA-TIHENEA (GĂLBEAZĂ) Intercultural Teaching in the ESP Classroom: Case Study Outline – pg. 306
  11. Sorin CALAFUS The Sources of Corporate Law – pg. 314
  12. Marian Magdalena CRIVEANU, Maria CRIVEANU Tourism Nowadays – Challenges and Opportunities – pg. 319
  13. Liviu Răzvan DRAGOMIR,Simona Luize UTUREANU The Role of Chaplains in Maritime Transport – pg. 325
  14. Liviu Răzvan DRAGOMIR,Simona Luize UTUREANU Influences of Religion in Fair Transport – pg. 331
  15. Cristina DRUMEA Work-related Stress and Subsequent Productivity in a Teleworking Environment Induced by Pandemic-related Confinement. Evidence from the Public Organizations – pg. 337
  16. Cristian Mihai ENACHI, Mihaela Claudia ENACHI Romania’s Economic Competitiveness – pg. 342
  17. Otilia Georgiana FLOROIU Euro Adoption in Romania: For or Against? – pg. 350
  18. Otilia Georgiana FLOROIU Nominal Convergence – Are We Getting Closer? – pg. 356
  19. Gabriela GHEORGHIU Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Romania – pg. 364
  20. Maria GIRIP,Daniela MĂRĂCINE, Lăcrămioara DRACEA Environmental Impact of Conventional Agriculture – pg. 372
  21. Maria GIRIP, Dorin MARTIN, Denisa RĂDULESCU Analytical Review of Tools Used in Investment Decision in Agriculture – pg. 382
  22. Dana ICHIM SOMOGYI The Educational Dimension of the Human Capital – pg. 390
  23. Marian IONEL Seaside Tourism in Romania – pg. 395
  24. Marian IONEL Analysis of the Tertiary Sector in Romania – pg. 402
  25. Maria-Cristina IORGULESCU Consumers’ Perception on Green Hotels – pg. 408
  26. Mihaela Adina MATEESCU,  Mihai Sabin MUSCALU, Daniela BALEANU Human Resource Dynamics in the Context of the Pandemic – pg. 415
  27. Mihaela Adina MATEESCU, Mihai Sabin MUSCALU, Daniela BALEANU Trends in Tourist Services in the Context of the Pandemic – pg. 422
  28. Darmen-Liliana MĂRUNȚELU,Cristina-Dana POPESCU Webquest – A Super Constructivist Learning Tool – pg. 429
  29. Daniela MIHAI, Smaranda TOMA The International Tourism and the COVID-19 Pandemic – Present and Perspectives – pg. 433
  30. Florentin Gabriel NANU Development of Entrepreneurial Law in the Global Economy – pg. 439
  31. Lavinia NĂDRAG How to Teach English for Economics. Case Study: Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin Vocabulary – pg. 444
  32. Ionuț-Claudiu POPA,Alexandru BOSÎNCEANU Restarting the Air Transport Industry After Covid19 – An Economic Forecast – pg. 451
  33. Alina-Daniela POPESCU Essential Aspects of Blended Learning – pg. 457
  34. Cristina-Dana POPESCU,Carmen-Liliana MĂRUNȚELU The Characteristics of Human Behavior and the Types of Their Manifestation from the Perspective of Content Reframing – pg. 463
  35. Veronica POPOVICI,Alina-Lavinia POPOVICI Remote Work Revolution: Current Opportunities and Challenges for Organizations – pg. 468
  36. Elena-Maria PRADA Vulnerable Migration and Democracy Index in the European Union. A Panel Data Perspective – pg. 473
  37. Steluța RADU,Mihaela CONSTANDACHE, Liliana NICODIM The Impact of Flat and Mineral Water Consumption on the Quality of Life in Romania – pg. 479
  38. Steluța RADU,Mihaela CONSTANDACHE, Corina Aurora MARIN (BARBU)  The Water Quality and Socio-Economic Impact on the Population – pg. 486
  39. Timeea-Alexandra SAVU (SIMIONESCU) The Impact of the Health Crisis on the Business Environment – pg. 492
  40. Timeea-Alexandra SAVU (SIMIONESCU) Entrepreneurial Decisions in Conditions of Uncertainty as a Result of the Health and Economic Crisis Caused by COVID 19 – pg. 496
  41. Cristiana Ioana ȘERBĂNEL Best Practices for Business Environment During COVID-19 – pg. 500
  42. Cristiana Ioana ȘERBĂNEL The Ripple Effect of COVID-19 in Romania’s Economic Environment – pg. 510
  43. Tiberiu-Adrian TOADER Financial Investigations Concerning the Ordering of Precautionary Measures, of Special and Extended Confiscation During Criminal Proceedings – pg. 518
  44. Smaranda TOMA, Daniela MIHAI Analyzing the Evolution and Structure of Tourist Demand Indicators for the Romanian Mountain Destinations – pg. 524
  45. Corina-Maria TUDOR (BARBU) Criminal Proceedings Transfer Effects on the Insurance Seizure – pg. 535
  46. Alexandra Veronica UNGUREANU Entrepreneurship in the New Global Economy. The Role of Innovation in Economic Development – pg. 541
  47. Sorana VĂTAVU Mapping the Literature on Corporate Sustainability and Public Policies -pg.549
  48. Dorian VLĂDEANU,Ovidiu GHERASIM Tourism and Sustainability – pg. 556

Section IV: Marketing – Management

  1. Anca-Elena AVIANA, Florica ROTARU, Alina ȘERBAN Impact of Mentoring Functions on Career Development: Moderating Role of Mentoring Culture and Mentoring Structure – pg. 563
  2. Marius BOIȚĂ, Luminiţa PĂIUȘAN Forming of Founding Sources of the Tourism Entities – pg. 567
  3. Ioan-Emanoil CĂLIN Behavioral Integration and the Behavioral Repertoire as Qualitative Dimensions of a Management Team – pg. 573
  4. Raluca-Giorgiana CHIVU, Alexandru BOSÎNCEANU,Adrian MOCIU The Impact of Marketing Strategies on Changes in Eating Habits – An Approach from a Consumer Perspective – pg. 579
  5. Adrian COSMAN The Impact of Managerial Activities on the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Public Institution – pg. 586
  6. Adrian COSMAN, Sorin TUDOR, Monica LOGOFĂTU The Impact of the Management Style on Effective and Efficient Management of the Public Institution – pg. 592
  7. Daniel DĂNECI-PĂTRĂU Technology Information Management Applied to Rail Transportation System – pg. 598
  8. Elmira Cezarina DINĂ, Ramona-Cristina GHIȚĂ Organizational Adjustment Mechanisms in Line with the Goals of the Dynamic Society from the Teleological Perspective of Quality Management in the Education System – pg. 604
  9. Lorena Florentina DUMITRAȘCIUC, Elena-Sabina TURNEA Entrepreneurship Trends after the Coronavirus Pandemic – pg. 613
  10. Alina Rodica GAL,Cosmina Laura RAT,Cristina Ionela TOADERE Barriers to the Implementation of the Quality Management System in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises – pg. 618
  11. Alina Rodica GAL,Cosmina Laura RAT,Cristina Ionela TOADERE The Role, Importance and Motivations of ISO 9001:2015 Based QMS Implementation in SMEs – pg. 626
  12. Ramona-Cristina GHIȚĂ, Elmira Cezarina DINĂ Impulses for Substantiating a Combative Management Able to Overcome the Present Controverses within the Educational Organizations – pg. 634
  13. Alexandru GRIGORAȘ Using Social Media in Public Universities. A Research on the University of Bucharest, Romania – pg. 644
  14. Adriana GRIGORESCU, Daniela BAIASU, Răzvan Ion CHIȚESCU Business Intelligence, the New Managerial Tool: Opportunities and Limits – pg. 651
  15. Vasile HAȚEGAN Decision Making in Business: Using the Tools of the Philosophical Practice – pg. 658
  16. Margareta ILIE, Constantin ILIE, Ruxandra MARIN Human Resources and Communication Management After Changes Due to COVID 19 Pandemic – pg. 665
  17. Silvia Mioara ILIE (TROI) The Role of Organizational Culture in Organizations – pg. 670
  18. Mariana JUGĂNARU From Traditional Education to the Online Training Process in Romanian Higher Education – An Experiment Generated by the New Coronavirus Pandemic – pg. 676
  19. Mariana JUGĂNARU Effects of the New Coronavirus Pandemic in Romania: Changes in Buying and Consumer Behavior – pg. 682
  20. Anca MADAR, Nicoleta Andreea NEACȘU Quality Management – A Factor for Improving Sustainability in the Automotive Industry – pg. 688
  21. Ionica-Luminița MANDA (STOENICĂ),Doina TODORUȚ, Camelia MANDA (DOBRE) Valorisation of Managerial and Entrepreneurial Qualities Through the Development of Emotional Intelligence – pg. 698
  22. Ionica-LuminițaMANDA (STOENICĂ) The Personal Development of the Education Manager for the Achievement of Higher Performance in Managerial Communication – pg. 706
  23. Adriana MANOLICĂ, Cristina Teodora ROMAN, Roxana-Gabriela MOZOLEA Sensory Concept Map of Iași City Brand – pg. 712
  24. Ioana MARIN Educational Management – Its Role and Effectiveness – pg. 722
  25. Ioana MARIN,Andreea MARIN-PANTELESCU Educational Management Strategies – pg. 726
  26. Ruxandra MARIN, Margareta ILIE Theoretical Studies and Contributions Pertaining to Quality Management in European Union – pg. 730
  27. Angela-Eliza MICU, Daniel POPA Analysis and Impact of Coaching Strategies for the English Labor Market – pg. 734
  28. Angela-Eliza MICU, Ramona Valentina NECULA Understanding Human Factors in the Context of Competitive Advantage and Performance – pg. 743
  29. Norina POPOVICI, Silvia BABU, Camelia MIHAI Individual and Group Behavior within Organizations – pg. 753
  30. Norina POPOVICI, Silvia GRECU, Camelia MIHAI Evaluation of the Learning Mode from the Perspective of Economist Student – pg. 759
  31. Ionuț RIZA, Costinel Cristian MILITARU, Aurеl DINCĂ Implеmеntation of Corporatе Govеrnancе Modеls that Еnsurе thе Most Еfficiеnt Managеmеnt – pg. 766
  32. Cătălina SITNIKOV, Mariana Paraschiva OLARU (STAICU),Ionela STĂNECI (DRINCEANU) Human Resources and Their Role in Modern Organization – pg. 774
  33. Anca Cristina STANCIU, Adina BURGHELEA (COCOȘ) Sustainability Brand and Its Role – pg. 781
  34. Alina ȘERBAN, Anca-Elena AVIANA, Delia-Mioara POPESCU Resistance to Change and Ways of Reducing Resistance in Educational Organizations – pg. 785
  35. Doina TODORUȚ, Mihaela Denisa COMAN,Oana Camelia PÂRGARU (IACOB) Communication – A Dynamic Factor in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Romania – pg. 789
  36. Mihaela-Gabriela TODRICAN (ROȘCA),Ionel PUȘCAȘ Study on the Modernization and Development of the Logistic Basis of State-Run Pre-university Education Units in Bucharest – pg. 795
  37. Valentina Irena TUDORAN (NICULIȚĂ),Elena CONDREA Integrated Management System – the Transition to a Sustainable and Circular Bioeconomy – pg. 804
  38. Elena-Sabina TURNEA, Lorena Florentina DUMITRAȘCIUC Human Resource Management: Vector of Adaptability in the Context of the Textile Industry in Romania – pg. 811
  39. Raluca ZOLTAN, Romulus VANCEA Individual Motivation in Work Team Context – An Empirical Research on Romanian Consulting SMEs – pg. 819


Section V: Finance and Accounting

  1. Nicolae BALTEȘ, Ștefania Amalia JIMON Financial Performance of Mandatory Private Pension Funds in Countries of Central and Eastern Europe. A Comparative Study between Romania and Slovakia – pg. 829
  2. Nicolae BALTEȘ, Ruxandra-Maria PAVEL Study on the Correlation Between Working Capital and Economic Value Added for the Companies relating to the Hotel and Restaurant Industry Listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange – pg. 838
  3. Gabriela Izabela BĂLTĂTESCU, Nicolae DOBRIN, Ionuț BURLACU The Role and Financial Implications of Digital Pathology for the System Health – pg. 845
  4. Genifera Claudia BĂNICĂ, Mariana-Luminiţa COMAN (LINȚĂ) Analysis of the Role of Direct Taxes Administered by the National Agency for Fiscal Administration in the Formation of Public Financial Funds in Romania – pg. 852
  5. Adrian-Cosmin CARAIMAN The Risk Management in Financing Decisions in Corporate Governance – pg. 859
  6. Lenuța COJOCARIU, Florin OPREA Fiscal Consolidation and Economic Crisis – Ten Years After – pg. 866
  7. Mariana – Luminiţa COMAN (LINȚĂ), Genifera Claudia BĂNICĂ Analysis of the Efficiency of Fiscal Revenue Collection in Romania in the Period 2016-2018 – pg. 883
  8. Claudiu – Florin DEAC, Margareta GHISA Peculiarities of Public Institutions and Their Influence on Financial Reporting – pg. 893
  9. Delia DELIU Corporate Governance in Romania: Academic Literature Review and Research Perspectives – pg. 898
  10. Delia DELIU Financial Audit vs Corporate Governance – A Viewpoint on Current Challenges & Perspectives in the Time of CoVid-19 – pg. 909
  11. Constantin DURAC Study of the Dynamics of the Net Asset Value of Voluntary Private Pension Funds under the Influence of the Annualized Rate of Return – pg. 919
  12. Costinela FORȚEA, Ioana LĂZĂRESCU, Viorica IOAN Budget Deficit – An Overview – pg. 930
  13. Leontin GHEORGHE, Elvira VASUT The Importance of Funding Resources for Human Resource Development – pg. 937
  14. Izabela Diana HADA Indicators for Measuring the Financial Performance of Economic Entities – pg. 945
  15. Teodor HADA, Iulia IUGA, Dorin WAINBERG Some Aspects Regarding the Financing of the Environment Fund in Romania – pg. 954
  16. Maria-Andreia ILIESCU (RISTEA),Marioara AVRAM The Informational System: Its Importance and Role in Inventory/Stocks Management – pg. 962
  17. Liliana Roxana IONESCU System of Mandatory Private Pensions – pg. 967
  18. Liliana Roxana IONESCU The Social and Economic Impact of the State Pension – pg. 971
  19. Iulia IUGA The Influence of the Exchange Rate on Imports – Romanian Case Study – pg. 975
  20. Iulia LUPU, Adina CRISTE Aspects of Technological Innovation in Financial Markets – pg. 983
  21. Iulia LUPU, Adina CRISTE Issues Regarding Innovative Companies and Their Financing – pg. 991
  22. Mihaela-Maria MIHALCEA Earnings Quality on Bucharest Stock Exchange Regulated Market – pg. 997
  23. Oana OPRIȘAN, Ana-Maria DUMITRACHE (ȘERBĂNESCU),Cosmin TILEAGĂ Financing Social Assistance in Romania and Great Britain Comparative Aspects – pg. 1003
  24. Oana OPRIȘAN, Ana-Maria DUMITRACHE (ȘERBĂNESCU),Corina Aurora MARIN (BARBU) Financing Rural Tourism and Agrotourism in the Danube Delta – pg. 1010
  25. Ilie RĂSCOLEAN, Ileana-Sorina RAKOS The Influence of Costs on the Economic Substantiation of the Decision with an Impact on Business Evaluation – pg. 1020
  26. Georgiana-Loredana SCHIPOR (FRECEA) Exploring the Crowdfunding Revolution: Reaching the Right Goal – pg. 1029
  27. Nina SINIȚÎN,Adela SOCOL Determinants of Banking Profitability through ROA and ROE: A Panel Data Approach – pg. 1037
  28. Lucica SINTEA (ANGHEL) Depreciation and Scrapping of Assets in State Institutions – pg. 1044
  29. Cristina-Petrina TRINCU-DRĂGUȘIN,Silviu-Valentin CÂRSTINA Study on the Financing of the External Public Audit in Romania – pg. 1049
  30. Daniela VITAN The Impact of the Financing Mechanism per Student in Pre-university Education – pg. 1059
  31. Costică VLAD Return-risk Tandem, Decisive Factor in Taking the Financial Decision – pg. 1065
  32. Costică VLAD, Adriana Cristina PAVEL SURLARU Empirical Check of the Return – Risk Tandem – pg. 1070
  33. Maria-Georgiana PONEA, Ioana-Antoaneta PONEA (RADU) How Can the Companies Make Their Processes More Efficient by Transforming the Way of Using Their Data in Today’s Competitive Environment? – pg. 1074