Section I: International Affairs

Section II: Regional Development, Integration and Globalization

Remote Work and Technology. A Brief History and Evolutions in E.U. and Romania
Dalina Maria ANDREI -pg. 2

Managing Tourism Seasonality in European Countries
Corina Aurora BARBU, Alexandra POPA, Alina-Elena IONAȘCU-pg. 12

Trends Regarding the Destinations Preferred by European Tourists during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Corina Aurora BARBU, Alina-Elena IONAȘCU, Alexandra POPA-pg. 21

The 21st Century: A Potential Century of Crises
Ion BOTESCU -pg. 29

Relations between the European Union (EU) and Japan
Tudor COLOMEISCHI -pg. 37

Constanta County Exports in the Last 10 Years
Ioana Claudia DOBRE -pg. 45

Overview on Romanian Highschool Students’ Attractiveness for Maritime Transport Studies
-pg. 51

Careers in Maritime Transport – Gender Equality and Climate Change Perspectives
-pg. 58

Exploratory Study on the Types of Economic Crimes at EU Level
Iulia-Oana FLOREA, Kamer-Ainur AIVAZ, Diane Paula VANCEA -pg. 68

Blockchain Technology: From the Technological Fringes to the Mainstream and Its Applications
Gideon Simon GHAJIGA, Dikeledi JacobethWARLIMONT, Pius Shaun WARLIMONT -pg. 77

The Impact of the Energy Crisis in Europe
Maria GHEORGHE -pg. 84

Factors Favoring the Level of Knowledge in Writing European Funds for Sport Structures
Anca-Maria IONESCU, Monica-Iulia STĂNESCU, Kamer-Ainur AIVAZ
-pg. 90

The Impact of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict on the Current Migration Phenomenon
Alunica MORARIU -pg. 99

Digitalization of Public Administration in the Context of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027 and the Implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)
Alunica MORARIU -pg. 109

The Influence of Business Incubation Services on the Performance of SMEs in the Tourism Industry
Gloria MOTHIBI, Tyron Tegwen WARLIMONT, Lavinia NĂDRAG -pg. 117

Statistical Analysis Regarding Waste Generation and Treatment in Romania between 2016 and 2020
Luiza Loredana NĂSTASE -pg. 124

Trends in Municipal Waste Generation and Treatment in Romania. Comparative Statistics with the EU Average
Luiza Loredana NĂSTASE -pg. 130

Socio-Economic Analysis of Romania After Joining the European Union
Iulia-Alexandra OPREA, Nicoleta ILIE (MARIN), Lăcrămioara Alina DRĂCEA -pg. 137

Why is More Efficient to Combine BeautifulSoup and Selenium in Scraping for Data Under Energy Crisis
Simona Vasilica OPREA, Adela BARA -pg. 145

Global Evolution of Research on Sustainable Development and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: A Bibliometric Review
Ioana Bianca PĂTRÎNJAN (CÂMPEAN) -pg. 153

Human Capital Effects Analysis on Income in Developing Countries
Oana RUJOIU -pg. 162

The Priorities of Romanian Coastal and Maritime Tourism From the Perspective of Land and Sea Interactions
Mari-Isabella STAN -pg. 170

Aspects Regarding The Implementation Status of Social Projects at Regional Level
Mari-Isabella STAN, Simona-Elena COJOCARU -pg. 180

The Touristic Capitalisation of Cultural Services Offered by Natura 2000 Sites. Experiences from Romanian Less Developed Regions
Mihai TALMACIU, Irina Teodora MANOLESCU, Mioara MIHAILA -pg. 189

The Dynamics of Taxation Applied to Multinational Enterprises in the European Union
Laurențiu-Mihai TĂNASE, Oana-Cristina DATCU, Norina POPOVICI -pg. 198

An Analysis of Business Performance in Romania’s IT Sector
Ionela TOFAN, Elena CONDREA -pg. 207

Business Performance in IT. A Multivariate Regression Analysis
Ionela TOFAN, Elena CONDREA -pg. 217

Competing for Dominance in Global Banking
Sorin-George TOMA, Andra MODREANU -pg. 227


Section III: Economic and Social Studies


Strategic Options in the Field of Public Health Against the Background of Limited Financial Resources
Nicoleta ASALOȘ, Patricia BOSTAN, Ionel BOSTAN -pg. 235

The Main Characteristics of Ponzi Scams: A Case Study on Israel
Eldad BAR LEV, Liviu-George MAHA, Stefan-Catalin TOPLICEANU -pg. 245

Sustainable Strategies in Times of Crisis
Camelia BĂEȘU -pg. 255

Sustainable and Transferable Tools of an Effective Manager
Camelia BĂEȘU -pg. 260

Students’ Emotional and Behavioral Adjustments as Factors Influencing Academic Success
Eleonora BÂCĂ -pg. 265

Basing the Decisions Regarding the Optimal Variant of the Maintenance Policy Based on the Criterion of Economic Costs
Paul BOCĂNETE, Pompiliu GOLEA, Petrișor Dănuț GRUIA -pg. 270

The Medical Profession – A Brief Approach in Terms of the Labor Market
Patricia BOSTAN, Cristina Mihaela LAZĂR, Ionel BOSTAN -pg. 277

Assessing ESP Writing Skills. Case Study Proposal: Assessment for Learning

The Organizational Environment – The Importance of Data
Tudor COLOMEISCHI -pg. 291

Socio-Economic Issues in George Baritiu’s Writings
Sorinel COSMA, Daniel LIPARĂ -pg. 296

Simion Barnutiu and His Socio-Political Ideas
Sorinel COSMA, Daniel LIPARĂ -pg. 303

The Impact of Digitalization in the HR Department: A Post-Pandemic Qualitative Analysis
Oana-Cristina DATCU, Laurențiu-Mihai TĂNASE, Norina POPOVICI -pg. 309

The Covid-19 Electronic Registry: Its Implementation within Medical Institutions in the Republic of Moldova
Svetlana GOROBIEVSCHI, Lavinia NĂDRAG -pg. 317

The Impact of Travel Agencies on the Demand for Tourism Services
Marian IONEL -pg. 327

The Services Sector and Employment in Romania
Marian IONEL -pg. 332

Use of the Social-Democrat Doctrine in the Preservation of Systemic Economic Order at the Beginning of the Third Millennium
Ion Gr. IONESCU, Oana BOCĂNETE -pg. 337

Teaching Business English Writing Online: Challenges and Solutions
Alexandra-Lavinia ISTRATIE-MACAROV -pg. 342

Assessing Business English Writing Online: Challenges and Solutions
Alexandra-Lavinia ISTRATIE-MACAROV -pg. 348

The Role of Information in the Process of Increasing the Transparency of Economic Entities
Georgiana Maria LUNGU -pg. 353

The Automotive Industry and How the Supply Chain is Still Affected by the Crisis
Aurel Constantin LUPU -pg. 358

Urban Development, Significant Factor in the Economic Development of the Regions
Ana-Angela MILAN -pg. 363

The Impact of the Professional Training on the Reputation of the Romanian Banks
Anamaria MISA -pg. 374

Logistics Distribution Centers in Multimodal Transport Operations
Daniel MOCANU -pg. 381

Updating the Global Economic Outlook in the Post-Pandemic Context
Andra-Diana MORAR, Cristian PIECU, Roxana-Mihaela IONIȚĂ -pg. 389

“To Nudge or Not to Nudge”: Public Policies and People’s Resistance to Change
Aurora MURGEA -pg. 395

The Importance of Cost-Benefit Analysis in Designing Environmental Policies
Gabriela PICIU -pg. 404

Modern Approaches to Teaching Business English
Alina-Daniela POPESCU -pg. 409

Alignment of Neurological Levels – An Essential Pillar in Subconscious Programming
Cristina-Dana POPESCU -pg. 414

The Alignment of INTOSAI and Romanian Public External Audit Standards, Guidelines and Institutional Focus to the Data Driven Context
Mihai-Răzvan SANDA, Cristina-Petrina TRINCU-DRĂGUȘIN, Costin-Daniel AVRAM -pg. 418

Public Debt Sustainability in E.U.
Corina-Florentina SCARLAT (MIHAI) -pg. 429

The Genesis of Economic and Financial Criminality

Commercial Services in Trade Without Stores
Anca Cristina STANCIU -pg. 450

Leadership in Romanian Schools
Tatiana TUTUNARU -pg. 455

The Challenges of the Education System in Romania
Tatiana TUTUNARU -pg. 463

Designing Anti-Cyclical Social Policies in Times of Economic Crisis

Nonlinear Analysis of Financial Time Series
Sorin VLAD, Mariana VLAD -pg. 478

Overcoming Communication Barriers through Power Talk in Company Culture
Cristina Mihaela ZAMFIR -pg. 484


Section IV: Marketing – Management

Circular Economy Business Models: The Case of Lush
Gabriela ANDRIȘAN, Cătălin GRĂDINARU, Sorin-George TOMA -pg. 491

NEET’’s Attitude Towards Entrepreneurship
Ionuț ANTOHI, Silvia GHIȚĂ-MITRESCU -pg. 498

The Influence of ICT on Labour Productivity in Romanian Companies
Ionuț ANTOHI, Constantin ILIE -pg. 507

The Potential of Future Human Resources Managers in Terms of Transactional Analysis
Răzvan BURZ, Mădălina Dumitrița MATICIUC, Alexandru DUȚĂ -pg. 512

Investigation of the Impact of Social Responsibility on Organizational Performance
Marian CAZACU, Andra-Nicoleta PLOSCARU, Daniela Victoria POPESCU -pg. 517

Innovation Leadership – Stimulus for Individual Creativity
Florinel CÎMPEANU -pg. 522

The Impact of Leadership in Organizational Change
Florinel CÎMPEANU -pg. 528

Quality Management in Pre-University Education
Lavinia-Roxana DINCĂ (DIACONU) -pg. 535

The Role of Talented Employees in Public Projects
Adrian-Eugen DINU, Nicoleta-Valentina FLOREA -pg. 539

Increasing Organizational Performance Through Non-financial Motivation of the Employees
Diana Andreea DUMITRACHE, Delia Mioara POPESCU, Andrei MATICIUC -pg. 545

Study on the Influence of the Physical Work Environment on Organizational Results in Sports Clubs
Simona DUMITRIU, Daniela Victoria POPESCU, Gabriel Ioan MANGRA -pg. 550

The Role of Human Resources Management in the Internal Branding of Public Organizations
Iulian GEORGESCU, Anca Antoaneta VĂRZARU, Mădălina Georgiana MANGRA -pg. 555

The Influence of Information Technologies on Public Communication Within Sports Organizations
Iulian GEORGESCU, Anca Antoaneta VĂRZARU, Gabriel Ioan MANGRA -pg. 560

Arrivals, Overnights and Area Distribution of Tourists in Romania and the Means of Transport Used by Foreign Tourists, in January–October 2021
Liliana GHERGHINA -pg. 564

Study Regarding the Preferences and Attitude of Consumers for Spending Vacations in Tourist Resorts in Romania
Liliana GHERGHINA -pg. 574

The Sales Strategies of ”Online” Stores, in the Context of Increased Competition
Florin IORDANOAIA -pg. 584

The Evolution of Tourist Accommodation Capacity in Romania. The Case of the Romanian Black Sea Tourist Coastal Resorts
Ion Danut JUGĂNARU -pg. 594

Some Recent Evolutions and Trends, Both Worldwide and in Europe, in the Events Industry, Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ion Danut JUGĂNARU -pg. 604

Changes in Terms of Buying Behavior Influenced by the Pandemic Period and the Economic Crisis
Mariana JUGĂNARU, Iulia Maria DRĂGHICI -pg. 614

The Use of Marketing Research in Studying the Internationalization of Higher Education at “Ovidius” University in Constanța
Mariana JUGĂNARU, Răzvan Ionuț DRUGĂ -pg. 622

Review of Employees’ Priorities at a Workplace
Kaur KOMALPREET, Vanina Adoriana TRIFAN -pg. 630

Management of Organizational Culture – Achievements So Far and Challenges Ahead
Lăcrămioara MANSOUR (STOIAN), Elena Cerasela SPĂTARIU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 636

Corruption Risk in the Public Sector
Cecilia MĂNTESCU (TÎLVAN) -pg. 645

The Relationship Between Organisational Learning and Employee Development. Results From an Extensive Research Project on Organisational Culture in an IT Company
Daniel METZ -pg. 652

Does Employee Empowerment Influence Employee Motivation? Findings of a Study on a Multinational Corporation Operating in the IT Industry
Daniel METZ -pg. 659

Tourism Behaviour and the Transformative Power of the Pandemic – A Post-Pandemic Perspective
Constantina-Alina MILOȘ (ILIE) -pg. 668

Methods and Techniques Used in Evaluating the Quality and Profitability of a Company
Raul MIRCEA, Corina-Maria RUSU -pg. 679

Dissolution, Liquidation, and Deregistration of Trade Companies in Romania
Dorinela NANCU, Alexandra DĂNILĂ -pg. 686

The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Change
Andra-Nicoleta PLOSCARU, Simona DUMITRIU, Marian CAZACU -pg. 692

Ethical Communication in Medical Crisis
Ana-Maria PREDILĂ -pg. 697

Marketing of Health Services in Pandemic Context. Case Study Romania
Alina PUȚAN -pg. 702

The Importance of Motivation and Performance Management at the Organizational Level
Daniela Corina ROTESCU, Cristinel Sorin SPINU, Ionuț RIZA -pg. 709

Defining the Impоrtance оf Organizatiоnal Culture and Its Evolution in Romania
Sari Yavuz KORAY -pg. 716

Organizational Culture: Functions, Dimensions and Influence Over Products and Services
Sari Yavuz KORAY -pg. 722

The Importance of Police Management in Romania
Ioan SIDĂU -pg. 728

The History and Evolution of Managing Public Safety in Romania
Ioan SIDĂU -pg. 734

Romanian Educational Management from the Perspective of Generation Z
Cătălina SITNIKOV, Carmen Maria MIHALCEA, Sofia Mihaela ROMANESCU -pg. 739

The Role of the Leader Teacher in the Educational System in Romania
Ionela Petruța STANCA, Denisa Mihaela ȘULĂ, Liliana NICOLAE-ȘTEFAN -pg. 746

Causes and Strategies for Plate Waste Management in the HoReCa Sector
Dimitrie STOICA, Angela-Eliza MICU, Maricica STOICA -pg. 753

Google Business Profile or How to Create Your Identity on Google. Steps and Requirements
Adrian ȘERBAN COMĂNESCU -pg. 763

The Importance of Entrepreneurial Communication in Organizational Culture
Mihaela Rodica ȘOMLEA -pg. 769

Entrepreneurial Communication Skills
Mihaela Rodica ȘOMLEA -pg. 777

The Roles and Functions of Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) in the Success and Performance of Tourism Destinations
Smaranda TOMA, Daniela MIHAI -pg. 786

The Necessity of a Strategic Approach to Romanian Tourism
Smaranda TOMA, Daniela MIHAI -pg. 794

Factors that Influence Performing Remote Work. Challenges and Solutions
Elena-Sabina TURNEA -pg. 802

Employees Demands for Remote, Online Work. Post Pandemic Changes
Elena-Sabina TURNEA -pg. 806

Human Resource Management and Industry 4.0
Cristina Gabriela VASCIUC (SANDULESCU) -pg. 811


Section V: Finance and Accounting


The European Union Taxonomy – The Revolution of Sustainable Activities
Maria-Mădălina BOGEANU-POPA, Mariana MAN -pg. 818

The Accounting Profession and Addressing Sustainability Issues
Raluca-Mihaela BOHARU (MIRCEA), Anca Daniela ȘENCHEA, Andreea Cristina SAVU -pg. 827

Influence of the Energy Crisis on Prices and the Performance of Agricultural Holdings
Claudiu-Florin DEAC, Margareta GHIȘA FĂGĂDAR -pg. 834

The Evolution of the Collaborative/Shared Economy on Demand and its Impact on Fiscal Systems
Leliana DIANA (BOLCU), Veronica ȘTEFAN -pg. 838

Skandia Navigator – An Innovative Tool for Evaluating Hidden Intangible Assets
Cati-Loredana DUMITRU (SOARE) -pg. 846

Intellectual Capital Measurement and Evaluation Models Based on Assets Return as Non-Accounting Value
Cati-Loredana DUMITRU (SOARE) -pg. 852

The Importance of Non-Financial Information in Financial Situations for the Sustainability of the National Economy
Cristina-Elena FLOREA (POENARU), Gabriela CONSTANTIN (ANGHEL) -pg. 857

Reporting on Errors and Fraud in Financial Audit Missions
Laura-Andreea IAMANDACHE (FLOREA) -pg. 863

Capitalization of Accounting Information in the Analysis of the Economic and Financial Position of the Company
Cristina-Mihaela IONESCU (HARALAMBIE), George-Alin HARALAMBIE -pg. 869

Some Attempts to Speculate Vigilance on the International Financial Market
Ion Gr. IONESCU, Florenta CRETU -pg. 879

Perspectives on Tax Optimization: Opportunities and Challenges
Flavius Valentin JAKUBOWICZ, Ionela MUNTEANU -pg. 883

Accounting Information System – A Quantitative Analyse of the Bibliometric Elements
Lăcrămioara MANSOUR (STOIAN), Elena Cerasela SPĂTARIU, Gabriela GHEORGHIU -pg. 890

The Covid-19 Pandemic and the Global Value of Companies in Emerging Economy Countries
Anatol MELEGA, Veronica GROSU, Anamaria Geanina MACOVEI -pg. 901

The Post-COVID Economic Crisis and its Major Influences in the Economic Activity of Firms
Mihaiela Joly MIRCEA -pg. 911

A Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Accounting Studies Concerning Fiscal Topics
Ionela MUNTEANU, Flavius Valentin JAKUBOWICZ -pg. 920

Comparative Study of Bank Cards in Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary
Irena MUNTEANU -pg. 927

Aspects Regarding the Monetary Policy in The European Union’s Countries
Irena MUNTEANU, Amelia Elena PETRICA -pg. 933

Air Pollution, Mood and Stock Return in Romania
Aurora MURGEA -pg. 943

Management Tools on Guaranteeing and Financing SMEs in Times of Crisis
Dumitru NANCU -pg. 953

Considerations Regarding the Substantiation of Financial Instruments’ Accounting
Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 958

Reflections on the Digitalization of the Accounting System
Traian Cristin NICOLAE -pg. 966

Cryptocurrency Trading – Way to Invest in the Short Term

Financial Education – Strategy to Combat Tax Evasion

The Financial-Accounting Audit in Pre-University Educational Institutions in Romania
Anișoara – Elena PAVELESCU (BELBE) -pg. 986

The Interdependence of the Stock Markets Developed in Central and Eastern European Stock Market Represented by the Stocks Indices
Mitică PEPI -pg. 995

The Analysis of Equity Capital of an Economic Entity in Romania
Ilie RĂSCOLEAN, Ileana – Sorina RAKOS -pg. 1001

The Importance and Necessity of Heritage Evaluation
Mircea-Iosif RUS -pg. 1010

The Impact of Funding R&D Activity in Economy
Mircea-Iosif RUS -pg. 1015

The Role of the Forensic Accounting Expert in the Prevention of Combating Corruption and Economic Crime
Andreea Cristina SAVU, Raluca Mihaela MIRCEA (BOHARU), Cristina Gabriela VASCIUC (SĂNDULESCU) -pg. 1021

The Romanian Banking System – Evolution and Transition after the Crisis Generated by COVID 19 and the War in Ukraine
Roxana Daliana SCHIOP -pg. 1027

The Impact of ERP Implementation on Firm Performance
Raluca Andreea STOICA, Alina Gabriela MARES, Laura Andreea FLOREA -pg. 1036

Analysis of the Stock Market and Macroeconomic Indicators for the Emerging Market in Hungary
Anca Ioana TROTO (IACOB) -pg. 1042

Study on the Evolution of Stock Market Capitalization and Gross Domestic Product in the Emerging Countries of the European Union
Anca Ioana TROTO (IACOB) -pg. 1049

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